Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Hijacking A Wedding

Fourth World: Hijacking A Wedding

3Zhao Huangzhi didn't mince her words getting straight to the point. This is what she's been waiting for. What she bought a dress for. With Su Xin on the run, Qie Ranzhe would be too embarrassed having been ditched at the alter by the scum of a man.     3

She could take the opportunity to convince him to marry her instead and smooth out the situation. The guests wouldn't dare question his decision and there would still be a wedding. With this thought in mind, Zhao Huangzhi was resolute in her decision but who would have thought Zhao Hua would refuse.     

"No, no, I can't in good conscience get you involved in this mess. You know Qie Ranzhe's temper. I can't drag the entire family into this," exclaimed Zhao Hua carrying on with her act.     

Zhao Huangzhi's smile stiffened but she quickly recovered and walked over to embrace Zhao Hua. She had to do whatever it takes to put her plan in motion which included hugging her sister.     

After much convincing, Zhao Hua finally agreed and the two planned on embarking on the journey two days ahead of the big day.     

As soon as she left her sister's apartment a sly smile crept up her face. It was about time she taught that bitch a lesson.     


While the sisters from hell were plotting against each other, the Qie Mansion was boisterous due to the upcoming wedding event. This wasn't the first time these two had tied the knot in fact it would be the second time. The first time was in the second world and the ending was disastrous.     

This is why Wen Qinxi kept the details on the down-low. He not only banned Madam Qie from publicizing it on her Weibo account to show off but Qie Xieling as well. Only the heavens know how excited the kid was. The kid went as far as escorting his dad to go pick up a suit and accessories.     

Madam Qie had to find another way to expel the excitement she was repressing inside by keeping herself busy. The cake, decorations and invitation cards were all done by her. It's not every day that her son gets married so she went all out. One would complain that it was a bit much but she didn't give a rat's arse what others thought.     

The two husbands had to negotiate with her to eliminate the old traditions otherwise they wouldn't be able to pull this off in four days. There was no official setup for dowry and betrothal gifts nor were they too particular about the colours. They had been together for so long and all they wanted was to show their love in a simple way.     

Madam Qie wasn't hard to convince and just like that the two arranged an intimate wedding on a private island. Wen Qinxi felt like trouble won't follow them this far but boy was he wrong.     

While the grooms were preparing themselves for the happiest event in their lives, Zhao Hua and Zhao Huangzhi were sneaking in at the deserted part of the island. Their speed boat lurked on the shores of the private Caribbean island.     

It was indeed a beautiful place but the heat had the two ladies' makeup melting under the scorching sun. It seemed they were too determined to complete their task despite the risk of getting tanned.     

Zhao Hua passed her sister some sunscreen as they stepped out of the boat. Her line of sight fell on the huge suitcase she had been eyeing this entire trip. She had asked her before why she packed so much luggage but Zhao Huangzhi gave her perfunctory answer. She could only guess that there must be a wedding dress in there.     

"They booked the entire resort but I am sure you can sneak in from the back," said Zhao Hua while standing under the shade of a tree pointing in a specific direction, "Walk east and you will find the resort."     

These words had Zhao Huangzhi pausing in her tracks asking, "Wait.... what? You aren't going with me?"     

Zhao Hua shook her head and said, "No he said I should wait for him here so I can't go with you. I am sorry sister but this is where our paths split."     

A terrible feeling rose in Zhao Huangzhi after hearing Zhao Hua's words. It did make sense what she was saying but there a lot of things about this that could go wrong. For instance, her sister betraying her and ditching her in this messy situation. Well, at least that's what Zhao Huangzhi would do.     

But she dismissed this line of thought when she saw her sister's emotions written all over her face. She seemed to be suppressing her tears in a sorrowful farewell.     

When she sensed her sister's waivering thoughts, Zhao Hua had to pinch her thigh to form tears in her eyes while Zhao Huangzhi wasn't looking.     

This was the last act that sealed Zhao Huangzhi's fate especially after Zhao Hua hugged her and whispered some heartfelt words. Zhao Huangzhi dragged her suitcase into the forest after saying, "I wish you luck."     

As soon as Zhao Huangzhi vanished in the thick bushes, Zhao Hua put on her sunglasses with a calm expression before cursing, "Fuckin bitch. You dare fuck with me and that's what you get."     

She strode over to the boat and said to the man, "Let's go," before settling down with her legs crossed. The man was taken aback by the ruthlessness of his boss but what was he supposed to say. He switched the engine on and the boat vanished into the horizon.     

Zhao Huangzhi was heedless to all this as she snuck into the resort and found the perfect hiding place which was the bathroom according to her and changed into her beautiful gown.     

She put a heavy coat over her dress and all she had to do was wait for the crucial moment. From the bathroom window, she could see the wonderful beach with beautiful decorations. She couldn't wait to walk down that makeshift aisle and become Mrs Qie.     

Lying low finally paid off as the guests began to appear in small numbers. Forty minutes later the protagonist of the big day finally made his appearance melting this girl's heart.     

To be safe she decided to delay a little and confirm that Su Xin wasn't coming. Thirty minutes went by and Su Xin hadn't shown up yet. From afar she could see the guest's anxious faces confirming her conjecture.     

Confident that her plan was going well she tightened the straps of her coat and walked out of the bathroom ready to save the day. As soon as she approached the beach, she took off her coat and put on a thick veil before walking down the aisle gracefully.     

Zhao Huangzhi was so immersed in her dream that she didn't notice the guest's reactions. They knew the couple getting married was a same-sex couple but why did the second groom have to wear a dress? Let's not even mention Qie Ranzhe's reaction. Su Xin hid whatever he was wearing away from him but a dress? He knew this couldn't be Su Xin but who on earth had the balls to pull such a stunt?     

If only Wen Qinxi knew his argument with Madam Qie over putting on makeup on his face could lead to some bimbo hijacking his wedding he would have let her do as she pleased.     

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