Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: #Bridetobe

Fourth World: #Bridetobe

1Qie Ranzhe already had trust issues and he didn't want any misunderstandings to fuel the flame so he wrote him a message.     

HandsomeXi: We have a problem.     

HandsomeXi: Zhao Hua is at our doorstep.     

HandsomeXi: Can you come and solve it for me?     

Wen Qinxi didn't immediately get a response so he closed his eyes with his wireless earphones in his ears to drown out all the noise but this was a huge mistake on his part. No one could have predicted what happened next.     

His earphones were especially of good quality so he couldn't hear anything. Coupled with the fact that his eyes were closed he didn't notice the housekeeper for the Qie Mansion came over to do her weekly clean up. Because she had worked for the Qie family for fifteen years, she had access to the apartment.     

When Zhao Hua heard the elevator doors open she thought it was Qie Ranzhe so she hid behind a potted plant but when she noticed the elderly woman, she snuck up from behind and shoved her to the wall rendering her unconscious.     

She had to save Su Xin as she heard from her sister that he was being held captive. Her love for Su Xin prompted her to risk everything and get him out of the country. She also heard the Kai family fell overnight and that her family was probably next so she decided to take Su Xin out of the country before her family collapsed.     

Imagining the life in paradise they had always talked about, Zhao Hua dragged the older woman and scanned her fingerprint on the keypad. With a clicking sound, the door opened and she smiled gleefully before tiptoeing inside. Her sister told her that Qie Ranzhe was at the office so Su Xin must have been left alone in the apartment.     

At first, she thought Su Xin would open the door for her but after knocking for over an hour there wasn't any sign of movement. Fearing he had been subjected to some form of torture she resorted to such a method to access the apartment.     

When she saw the man of her dreams lying on the couch with his eyes closed looking as exquisite as ever, Zhao Hua's face bloomed like a pink lotus flower in the morning sun. She hovered above him studying his handsome profile with great interest.     

She stood there for over a minute before Su Xin's eyes slowly opened. His mind was foggy and in disarray. He was unable to make sense of the situation at first but once he caught up, his eyes widened shaken to the core. "What the fuck!" he said as he sat up straight abruptly.     

Zhao Hua's smile grew wider and she threw herself at Su Xin but he dodged crawling backwards with a distraught expression. He crawled too far that he rolled off the couch and fell to the ground with a loud thud injuring his already fragile back.     

Seeing this, she assumed he was being shy at first and giggled shyly before peeking down to check on him. She propped up her head with her hands as her elbows sunk into the armrest of the couch. "You are that happy to see me?"     

Wen Qinxi wasn't even listening to her grimacing in pain. He took off his earphones and tried to move but he couldn't move. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Argh.... shit!" He swore with his hand on his back.     

Wen Qinxi had no time to figure out how she gained access to the apartment as a sharp pain prevented him from thinking clearly. This is when she noticed something was wrong. Panic-stricken, she rushed to his side and tried to touch him but his next words had her mind in chaos. "Don't fuckin touch me..... Argh, fuck!"     

The injury wouldn't exactly be considered severe but after last night's activity coupled with the fall, it was bad enough for this nerd. Her hands trembled while apologizing with an ashen face. "Baby, I am sorry, I am so sorry," she muttered but that's when she noticed red and purple bruises on his collarbone and neck. Even his lip wasn't spared. She hadn't noticed it earlier because he was covering his face with his arms while lying on the couch but after the fall she saw everything.     

"Baby, wh-what did he do to you?" she said with a brittle voice and tear-filled eyes. She felt distressed as she pulled down his t-shirt in dismay.     

While Wen Qinxi was on the apartment floor cursing out Zhao Hua, Qie Ranzhe was at a jewellery store discussing the type of engagement and wedding rings he wants. Because they were having this closed discussion in a secure room, he didn't immediately receive Su Xin's messages.     

It was after exiting the room that his cellphone received message notifications. Anxious he opened the app with his home surveillance camera only to find an unconscious woman lying outside his apartment door but no Su Xin. He was beginning to panic when he finally saw a part of him but the man was in a blind spot behind the couch.     

His heart sank when he saw that girl on her knees doing who knows what with Su Xin. His mind spun out of control that he ditched Machu and drove through the busy streets like a maniac. What was going through his mind at that moment? He didn't know. All he knew was that he had to get to Su Xin as quickly as possible.     

Machu who had been ditched hurriedly explained to the shopkeeper who was staring at him with sympathetic eyes. "Uh, it's probably a family emergency," he said with a nervous smile.     

He strode out of the high-end store and checked his pockets for his phone. He wanted to call Qie Ranzhe and get him some back up if it was necessary but after searching for so long, he realised his phone wasn't with him. That's because Qie Ranzhe confiscated it earlier.     

Machu was too immersed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice a woman dressed in white watching him through her dark sunglasses. She took a sip of her coffee and stood up as soon as Machu left.     

Zhao Huangzhi had been watching that jewellery store for a while. She knew Qie Ranzhe had to be here for only one thing.     

When she saw him darting out of the store she knew her plan went accordingly. She removed her sunglasses and walked over to the bridal shop in the same building with a radiant smile. The receptionist welcomed her and asked, "You have an appointment?"     

Zhao Huangzhi took out a platinum card indicating her status and said, "Last minute wedding plans so how about we skip the formalities."     

The receptionist naturally recognized the card and led her to a private space with the perfect customer service smile. Zhao Huangzhi sat down and a group of employees brought over champagne and a clothing rail of expensive couture. Kai Zi was out of the picture and Su Xin was about to get the short end of the stick. "Father will be so proud of me," she said taking a selfie of herself in the bridal shop. She proceeded to send the picture to her father before uploading it on her WeChat moments with the caption 'Girl getting married' #blessed #bridetobe     

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