Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Dogs Also Need Some Privacy

Fourth World: Dogs Also Need Some Privacy

1The vicious dogs didn't relent but in fact loved this kind of game of playing with their prey before mealtime. Loud barking sounds followed after the two humans who were about to be dog food that is in the literal sense.      3

The bigger dog leapt up to take a nibble out of the surprisingly well behaved Li Meimei making the girl gape in horror. She couldn't understand why Su Xin had to carry her this way with her head facing the incoming creatures. She cried tears of blood cursing Kai Zi to death.     

Was this the end of her pretty self with her head beaten off? 'Aaaahhhhh, no! I still want to look pretty before cremation,' she screamed internally as that vile looking creature leapt up a second time.     

Just when she thought it was game over a dart wheezed past her and struck the dog in the stomach. The ferocious beast whimpered and hit the ground with a loud thud but the tranquillizer hadn't taken effect yet so it got up and shook its body as the second dog ran past it.     

Just as it caught up with its comrade in arms, the dog in front suddenly tumbled to the ground as another tranquillizer dart pierced the dog's foreleg. The two dogs crashed into each other like dominos but they hadn't given up the fight yet. How can they let go of fresh meat given to them by the heavens?     

What they didn't know was that Ting-ge had borrowed the hand of buddha to tame unruly beasts. Several shots were fired effectively putting the vicious creatures to sleep like obedient pups.     

Wen Qinxi and Li Meimei had already reached the fence. He was giving her a boost to climb over when they heard the whimpers of the drugged beasts behind them. It's a shame, no matter how they tried to get up they simply staggered like a drunk uncle coming from a tavern.     

The two paused looking backwards with one stepping on the other's interlocked fingers to climb over the fence creating a comical scene. A feeling of relief washed over Wen Qinxi's face as he abruptly put his hands down forgetting Li Meimei was stepping on them.     

"Aaaaaahhhhh, gege are you fuckin kidding me?" complained Li Meimei who was hanging for dear life on the wall. Wen Qinxi immediately understood but he was too slow to react which meant Li Meimei ate dirt in a matter of seconds. She wasn't the exercising type which meant she couldn't hold up her weight on the three-meter wall for long.     

"Shit! Pei, Pei," she said spitting out mud before pointing a finger at Su Xin, "Pei, gege you are so fuckin mean. You.....mmmm" Li Meimei didn't get to finish lodging her complaint because Wen Qinxi covered her mouth and gestured for her to keep quiet.     

He immediately let her go and approached the sleeping dogs to take away all the tranquillizer darts before fixing their sleeping posture to make it look natural. Well, natural in quotation marks.     

He then pulled Li Meimei into the nearby bushes to hide. In less than five minutes, a pair of armed guards approached the area. The sound of the barking dogs attracted their attention earlier but because these dogs are at the top of the food chain in the entire compound they hesitated to approach. Yes, even these brawny men were scared of these creatures as they were higher in status than the entire security team.     

If the mutts bit one of them, they weren't allowed to touch the dogs. According to the rules, only coaxing was allowed. This is why they delayed despite hearing the dogs barking. "What tha.... hahaha what are they doing?" asked the first man while pointing a flashlight at the dogs sleeping in a suggestive posture. To be precise, one dog was lying on top of the other.     

To onlookers, it looked like they slept right in the middle of doing the birds and the bees cough* cough* coitus. This was all Wen Qinxi's doing.     

Li Meimei's face scrunched up before staring at Su Xin with a WTF expression. Wen Qinxi replied with a 'what' expression before signing that he didn't have enough time. It wasn't on purpose but those dogs were too heavy and he was running out of time. Who would have expected he would put the dogs in compromising positions.     

"Ahem... let's give them some privacy otherwise demon Zi will gouge out our eyes for disturbing his dogs," said the second man.     

"But aren't they both male?" said the first man lightly kicking the one on top to see but his foot was kicked away instead. "Aiyo...ah, senior do you want to cripple me?" he cried out in pain while limping.     

"You must be tired of living. Let's get the fuck out of here," said the second man before pressing down on his radio.     

A clicking sound followed by some static was heard before he said, "Reporting! All clear! Over!"     

The man on the other end of the radio responded immediately asking, "What were the young masters barking at? Over!"     

The second man sighed before hesitating to say, "Just some dogs having a good time. Over!"     


"Good time? What do you mean by good time? Over!"     


If he wasn't frustrated before he was most definitely frustrated right now. He pressed down the button and said, "Coitus damn it! They're fuckin having coitus!... Over!"     


"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Aren't they both male? Over!"     

"Fuck this," said the frustrated man throwing the radio at his colleague before storming away in anger.     

"Uh? Senior.... are you angry? Wait for me," said the first man with the sound of laughter coming from the radio.     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

"Gege you are so naughty.... hahahaha," said Li Meimei shoving Su Xin's shoulder. Wen Qinxi's face was green with black lines on his forehead. How was he supposed to know this situation would have such a bizarre development.     

Ting-ge couldn't resist making fun of him as he heard the entire conversation from the earpiece. "Wow.... that was incredibly smart."     

"It wasn't on purpose," said Wen Qinxi wishing the ground could just open up and swallow him. "So fuckin embarrassing."     

"Sure, sure gege. You absolutely did not do it on purpose," replied Li Meimei in a sarcastic tone with a sly smile.     

"Wait, didn't do what on purpose? What's going on? Did I miss out on something?" asked Casio who had been too focused on pampering his new wife, translation the car.     

"You, stop interfering in adult conversations and play with your toy," said Li Meimei fixing her earpiece.     

A sly smile appeared on Casio's face as he said, "Which toy exactly?" It was obvious he was referring to his bird. This was the second phase of Casio's nervousness, saying inappropriate jokes.     

"Stop fuckin spamming the channel you little pervert," said Li Meimei wishing she could get into the earpiece and come out at Casio's earpiece and strangle him to death.     

"It's not little, I promise,"     

Li Meimei, "...."     

Ting-ge, "hahahaha."     

Wen Qinxi, "WTF"     

"Just do us a favour and shut your trap. I am begging you," said Wen Qinxi before dragging Li Meimei towards the Mansion at a fast pace. His words entered one ear and left the other because these two didn't stop bickering for a long time.     

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