Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: NSFW

Fourth World: NSFW

0Throughout history, men and women derived an inexplicable thrill and excitement from watching barbaric gladiator matches which is both inhumane but understandable. This kind of thrill is deeply rooted in human DNA and such a trait surfaced on a certain someone when he saw his lover beat up someone for him.      1

Well, technically Su Xin beat up Kai Zi because he insulted Qie Xieling but of course, this crime boss didn't know that. It's for the best if he's kept in the dark otherwise he would drown himself in gallons of vinegar.     

This kind of arousal had him pushing down Su Xin as soon as they got home and he wasn't polite about it. He already wanted to fully possess him in the alley but it wasn't convenient. Now with nothing holding him back, he pressed his lover down while kissing him with great zeal.     

Taken by surprise, Wen Qinxi let him do as he pleased with their lips teasing each other in a heated passionate kiss. Qie Ranzhe's eagerness was extremely infectious that Wen Qinxi couldn't help but groan with his body rubbing against the man's crotch. A sweet tingly sensation spread from the tip of his head to the soles of his feet making him surrender wholly to his man.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't up for playing games today so he grabbed Su Xin's hand intending to have him touch his erection but the red bruises on Su Xin's knuckles halted his movement. His heart felt a sharp twisting pain at this sight. He had already seen it before and even rubbed some medicine on it which was an extremely difficult task. His baby kept twitching because of his fear of pain which made the task strenuous.     

Seeing those bruises again his heart ached accompanied by an unfathomable exhilaration. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips on Su Xin's knuckles kissing them in a doting manner. Wen Qinxi wanted to pull his hand away as it had remnants of the medicine from earlier but Qie Ranzhe wouldn't let go.     

The astringent and bitter taste of medicine touched his senses making him want to subconsciously move away but he wanted to suffer with his lover so he kept kissing his knuckles and slowly moved down to Su Xin's inner wrist.     

Wen Qinxi shuddered as an electric current travelled through his nerve endings making his heart itch. He had no idea being kissed like this was also thrilling. What this nerd didn't know was that this was one of the infamous erogenous zones that can bring playfulness to one's sex life.     

"Ah... Ran-ge... Ah!" were the inexplicable sounds coming out of Wen Qinxi unable to bear the stimulation.     

Having successfully made his lover cry out, Wen Qinxi abandoned the already pinkish wrist from all the kissing, licking and sucking and went after Su Xin's neck like a bloodthirsty vampire that had been craving blood for centuries.     

Wen Qinxi unconsciously wrapped his legs around Qie Ranzhe's waist with his fingers running through the man's hair to draw him closer. His member seemed to enjoy this constant provocation that it stiffened from under his clothes.     

Qie Ranzhe unbuttoned Su Xin's shirt while leaving lewd marks on the man's neck eagerly marking his territory. Wen Qinxi gently pushed Qie Ranzhe away and unbuttoned his shirt as well exposing that sturdy chest he was obsessed with day and night.     

Watching his lover eyeing his chest greedily Qie Ranzhe whispered, "How about you straddle me tonight?" while placing Su Xin's hands on his chest for his husband to feel those tight muscles and abs. Wen Qinxi gulped as the room temperature suddenly rose to a fiery inferno.     

Of course, he would love to straddle Qie Ranzhe and be in full view of that lustrous chest that closely resembled that of magic mike from the movie magic mike. This train of thought had him wondering if he already harboured such thoughts towards the opposite sex but just hadn't realized it yet.     

Qie Ranzhe frantically shed off his clothes and plopped on the bed with a sly smile that reached his eyes. He couldn't wait to eat his lover clean tonight. As soon as Su Xin crawled into bed, Qie Ranzhe dragged him closer and took the lubricant out of Su Xin's hand.     

He had Su Xin sit on top of him and made him rest his head in the crevice of his (QRZ) neck. With the slippery liquid squeezed on his fingers, he inserted them one by one into Su Xin's tight chrysanthemum while kissing the back of the man's neck.     

Wen Qinxi shivered slightly as the warm fingers invaded his sacred place. He plastered his lips on Qie Ranzhe's while caressing the man's firm back making the man groan at Su Xin's touch.     

"Ohhh, baby," were the sweet words uttered by Qie Ranzhe as he inserted a third finger into that tight spot. Wen Qinxi flinched a little trying to run but Qie Ranzhe fixed him in place and thrust on seeking out that sweet spot that drives his lover crazy.     

After thrusting a couple of times the diligent Qie Ranzhe found it with ease and playfully teased it making the man in his arms moan without restraint. Wen Qinxi was too immersed in pleasure that he didn't realise when Qie Ranzhe sneakily penetrated him fully.     

It was like having a lollipop suddenly change into a cucumber in a swift motion. "Ahhh... daddy Ran... what the fuck!" complained Wen Qinxi under the sudden attack. The man had the audacity to insert his full length in one go without coaxing him into it so he bit down on Qie Ranzhe's shoulder to bear the pain.     

"Bite harder baby, till you get used to it," said Qie Ranzhe whispering in Su Xin's ear. He knew he should have slowly opened him up first but he couldn't resist. He wanted to fuck him hard and have his entire cock inside Su Xin's body so he rubbed a generous amount of lubricant and entered without warning.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't polite either, he bit down hard as that hot rod entered him fully. With each thrust, his teeth sank into Qie Ranzhe's skin deeper. The pain was soon replaced with a familiar wave of pleasure making his hard bird seep out thin clear liquid. His grip on Qie Ranzhe's shoulder loosened as he began to move of his own volition. Qie Ranzhe lay back down and let his lover ride him to seventh heaven.     

After getting used to it, Wen Qinxi moved up and down with his hands caressing Qie Ranzhe's chest and abdomen like a fanatic being. Wen Qinxi lost himself in his lust swaying his hips like a crazed animal in heat. "Ohhhh, yes baby... so sexy," said Qie Ranzhe while enjoying being serviced by his lover. He stroked Su Xin's junior brother with verve instigating a high pitched groan to escape from his lover's lips.     

Unable to hold back any longer, Qie Ranzhe turned Su Xin over resulting in himself being on top. He suddenly lifted Su Xin's legs while whispering in his ear, "Baby, show me what you learnt in yoga class."     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

And the nerd received enlightenment. It wasn't about a healthy lifestyle but a healthy sex life. His legs were lifted all the way shocking even himself. He had no idea his body could do that after a few classes. A pleased smile appeared on Qie Ranzhe's face as he thrust inside him wiping away the shock on his man's face.     

The sweet sounds of lovemaking echoed the room as the licentious shou let daddy Ran take him to unchartered waters in the sea of desire.     

By the time Qie Ranzhe had eaten his fill, Wen Qinxi was so exhausted that he passed out without warning. The two had done it in several positions that Wen Qinxi began to question his sexual experience. What were they doing in the past worlds then?     

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