Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Su Xin Vs Kai Zi's Pets

Fourth World: Su Xin Vs Kai Zi's Pets

1It's a well-known fact that a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains but this nerd was at his wit's end with Li Meimei. They were confined in a small vent crawling to the vault but the girl wouldn't stop talking making this nerd feel like pulling out his hair.      3

How did he end up in a cramped space with a chatterbox that couldn't read the situation? Well, one would have to go back to an hour ago.     

The two vehicles one van and one sports car were parked near a forest at the edge of the Kai Mansion with the culprits preparing for a guerilla warfare type of strategy.     

Wen Qinxi was just going through the plan to make sure everyone understood what they were meant to do. After explaining in detail he asked if they understood but Li Meimei who was chewing some gum crouching down next to him asked, "But Gege why did you buy a glow stick of a car? It's like a moving bull's eye. If we have to make a break for it wouldn't it be easy for us to be captured?"     

Wen Qinxi understood her concern and explained, "Twenty kilometres from here there is a drag race happening so we can blend in if shit goes down," while checking his hardware with a stern expression.     

"I will be waiting for your signal... good luck," said Casio while fitting in his earpiece into his ear but Li Meimei was displeased so she attacked directly.     

"Says the guy who has to do nothing but wait in a car.... what other skill do you have apart from driving a car? No shit, I can also drive a car so what gives?" she rumbled on but no one held it against her because this is what happens when she's nervous. Picking fights with the weakest link.     

"Aiyo Jiejie..... if you have the ability let's race after this. Pfft... we have all seen your driving skills. Even my family's pet can drive better than you. Stay in your lane..... oh shit!" yelled Casio nearly missing a flying kick from Li Meimei. He immediately opened the van door and ran out.     

"Xin-ge, look she's hitting people. If my leg gets injured will you drive us out of here? We might as well surrender now... AAAHHHHH! I was wrong.... fuck not my ear." It can only be said that Li Meimei provokes people when nervous but Casio turns stupidly brave when he is nervous which is only phase one of the three phases. One can only imagine the cocktail created by that mess.     

Wen Qinxi ignored the two people and said to Ting-ge who was loading a tranquillizer gun, "You know where to go. I need them to take a long nap."     

Ting-ge's lips twitched displeased with the matter. "Why can't I just smoke them. Tranqs are child's play," he said while glaring at the tranquillizer dart with a dark expression.     

"The service workers are just hired help. They don't deserve to die for the Kai family....," he said before zipping up his hoodie, "it would be great if you don't kill anyone tonight but of course, if we get caught then you can do as you please."     

An eerie smile appeared on Ting-ge's face with his gaze fixed on the black duffel bag loaded with who knows what. Wen Qinxi had a slight suspicion that Ting-ge was secretly hoping something would go wrong so he can play with his toys.     

"Geez, at least try and hide your nasty thoughts. Your entire face spells homicide right now," said Wen Qinxi before hopping out of the van.     

He dragged Li Meimei off Casio and vanished into the thick bushes. The two vehicles silently disappeared as well into the moonless night. The dense forest was dead silent with the occasional sound of crickets chirping and the rustling sound of their shoes stepping on dry leaves.     

The two dark figures reached the fence of the Kai Mansion and Wen Qinxi used a small drill to create a pin-sized hole before pushing through an endoscope. In a split second live footage appeared on Wen Qinxi's phone displaying what was on the other side of the wall. "Clear, let's go," he whispered before addressing Ting-ge through the earpiece, "Dage, you in position?"     

"En," replied Ting-ge lying flat on a hilltop in proximity to the Kai Mansion. He was looking through the sniper scope watching the two figures jump over the fence. "It seemed the Kai family did some spring cleaning. I saw them taking out laundry at the back so be careful. I can also blow up the entire mansion if shit goes sideways."     

What Ting-ge was referring to was the body bags with the bodies of the servants Kai Zi killed to vent out his frustrations. He had seen a few armed guards tossing them at the back of a van. Because this was his line of work, he could easily identify what it was.     

"Just watch our backs... did you catch wind of some service workers?" asked Wen Qinxi with the two of them squatting behind some palm trees. The Kai family had hired a catering company for the grand event and Wen Qinxi intended to replace them so he could get access to the mansion.     

This is why he asked Ting-ge to knock out two of them with the tranqs so they could replace them. "Still looking. Give me a minute," said Ting-ge checking around for some service workers slacking off. Because he was looking elsewhere around the property, he didn't notice something was off.     

"Gege, how long do I have to squat here? Dage, hurry up this aunty is on her bloody mary," complained Li Meimei feeling like she was going to give birth to her tampon while squatting here.     

"Oh my gosh. Mei-Jie, TMI. I am a man for heaven's sake," complained Wen Qinxi in a loud whisper but the period talk ended abruptly when loud growling sounds were heard coming from behind them. All they could see in the dark were two pairs of red sinister eyes and sharp canines.     

"What the fuck? Gege it's a fuckin wolf," said a frozen stiff Li Meimei. Give her guns and vaults she can handle it. Give her dogs then you might as well kill her right now. Her blood ran cold, not sure whether to run away or stay. If she ran then she would ruin the entire mission so she could only tightly clutch Su Xin's clothes with her trembling hands.     

Wen Qinxi was also terrified. Those dogs didn't look normal but he wasn't going to let four-legged creatures ruin everything. He pulled Li Meimei behind him with his forehead laced in a layer of sweat. Every nerve in his body was tensed up as he stammered, "Ting-ge, ca‐can, can you take care of them?"     

Ting-ge responded quickly while looking through the scope. "I can but lure them out. The trees are obstructing my view," explained Ting-ge with his finger on the trigger ready to shoot at any given time.     

"Fuck!" swore Wen Qinxi as the snarling creatures emerged from the shadows. His heart leapt out of his chest seeing those sharp canines and slobber slipping out of their mouths. 'These aren't dogs but fuckin saber tooth tigers better yet fuckin werewolves,' thought Wen Qinxi his blood running cold.     

"Gege, we are going to die," she whispered but as soon as she uttered those words she was lifted from the ground in one fell swoop before making a break for it. Wen Qinxi wasn't the macho type but he actually ran with a 132-pound lady on his shoulder. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline or fear of death that gave him the strength to carry someone and escape with their lives.     

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