Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Zhao Huangzhi's Strip Tease?

Fourth World: Zhao Huangzhi's Strip Tease?

4Wen Qinxi imagined an old master from ancient times stroking his meter long white beard saying, "He who digs a pit for others... falls in himself," in a sluggish yet scholarly manner. He was still standing in the bathroom so the green tea bitch had no idea the subject of her slanderous accusation could hear everything.     

Qie Ranzhe stood up in a calm and collected manner seemingly unfazed by her revelation. Zhao Huangzhi didn't see anything wrong with this reaction. This is in fact how Qie Ranzhe reacted the other day when she led him to the hotel to catch Su Xin and Zhao Hua in bed. His calm demeanour expressed his attitude towards Su Xin.     

If he had reacted with either anger or anxiety then she did be worried that he had fallen for Su Xin. So this response was indeed in her favour. She hung her head low biting her lower lip as though hesitating to proceed.     

When she met Qie Ranzhe for the first time it was like a perfect cherry blossom moment taken straight from a romantic blockbuster. The moment those dark phoenix eyes met her gaze she felt her face heating up with her palms turning clammy in an instant. She knew this was the man for her from the very beginning.     

A tough handsome man, cold and aloof on the outside but mushy on the inside just like butterscotch candy. The type of man who would be hard to attain but once you have him he would be the loyal doting kind making her the subject of every woman's envy.     

She began to woo him despite having been rejected from the start. Zhao Huangzhi wasn't deterred in the slightest slowly infiltrating their lives when the father and son pair were at the apartment. Her heart was crushed when she found out that he was married but seeing that she hadn't seen any signs of a woman in that apartment she investigated further.     

But her investigation yielded unexpected results. Not only was Qie Ranzhe's estranged spouse a man and the one who birthed Qie Xieling but he was also a womanizer with a famous reputation. Despite all this, Qie Ranzhe didn't take the next step like any regular estranged couple. Thinking she could help nudge these two in the right direction she introduced her annoying little sister to Su Xin.     

Little miss perfect, Zhao Hua was praised by everyone for her intellectual intelligence and trendsetter skills. But she was a major facecon which would undoubtedly be her downfall. Zhao Huangzhi introduced the handsome Su Xin to Zhao Hua and expected the two to hit it off. All she had to do was show Zhao Hua a picture of him and that girl went on to fall head over heels. She fell to the point of defending Su Xin when she found out he was married.     

Zhao Hua drew swords for Su Xin and she was ready to go against the world for him. Just when she finally seduced him, Zhao Huangzhi went to look for Qie Ranzhe so he could catch the cheating man going at it with Zhao Hua. She expected Su Xin to be divorced the very next second or at least a cold corpse but the man was as hard to kill as a cockroach.     

The only thing she got out of her devious plan was Zhao Hua getting sent to the ancestral home in the mountains for reeducation as she had spent millions on Su Xin. Their father didn't want her bright star to ruin her reputation for a man so she sent her away to the remote and primitive mountain.     

Her plan was successful but the pestilence was hanging around like a troublesome dust mite. She was at the spa having a facial chemical peel when she received a bunch of images one after the other. As though she had just received an electric shock like a prisoner on death row, she skimmed through the pictures and almost ran out of the spa with the treatment still on her face.     

She hurried the lady to speed up and didn't stop for a moment to think through why someone would send her these pictures. What she didn't know was that Kai Zi was using her to add fuel to the fire for his own purpose. This is why she was standing in Qie Ranzhe's office with red patches all over her cheeks and jawline seeming winded.     

"Ran-ge, I told you he is no good. Look," she said placing her phone in his hand. Qie Ranzhe stared at her with a blank expression for a short moment before lowering his head to scan through the pictures. Seeing him concentrating on the pictures she continued, "He was in the cafe opposite your office building flirting with this slut. I, I am truly worried that if such things reach Qie Xieling it would devastate him. I mean he likes his dad and all but such terrible behaviour would subject him to mockery from his classmates."     

Once she played this card, Wen Qinxi almost burst in to cut out her tongue but he held back because he wanted to hear how much bullshit she can spit out of that sly mouth. Qie Ranzhe on the other hand, didn't raise his head but his lips twitched as though telling her to go on.     

"Ran-ge, he is really not good for Xieling and your reputation," she said lifting her perfectly manicured hand to touch Qie Ranzhe's but he dodged before returning her phone.     

"What happened to your face?" asked Qie Ranzhe not that he cared. He was just curious.     

Zhao Huangzhi's eyebrows shifted slightly wondering why he would ask such a question after seeing all this deeming evidence. A blush spread from her red patches assuming Qie Ranzhe cared for her. "Ah... it's a chemical peel. It's nothing to worry about Ran-ge," she said touching her cheeks bashful before hissing in pain. She had left the spa in a hurry that she didn't do the aftercare treatment.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't pay her any heed wondering why Kai Zi would send the same pictures to her. He sat into his office chair and said, "Miss Zhao, as I said before you shouldn't call me Ran-ge from now on and I would appreciate it if you stay the fuck away from my business from now on," staring at her with a menacing look.     

He had already issued a warning to all the crime bosses but it seemed Mr Zhao didn't pass the memo to his daughter. Zhao Huangzhi's face sank wondering what it would take to get Su Xin off the throne. To be frank, he didn't deserve that position as he had proved just that several times.     

Zhao Huangzhi placed both of her hands on the desk staring at Qie Ranzhe with a deep gaze. "What would it take for you to open your eyes and realise this man is not right for you? I am everything you need. A virtuous gentle woman with the ability to satisfy all your needs. I love you and I love Qie Xieling. I will be able to take care of the both of you so why are you refusing me?"     

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