Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Yoga Class For Qie Ranzhe's Baby

Fourth World: Yoga Class For Qie Ranzhe's Baby

0Qie Ranzhe felt his entire being run out of patients so he said, "Miss Zhao, I highly suggest you get the fuck out of my office or would you prefer I call security?"     

Zhao Huangzhi reached for her shoulder and pulled down her off-shoulder dress exposing her bustline and smooth pale skin. It seemed normal methods weren't working so out of desperation she resorted to seducing him. "I promise the taste of a woman is much more than that of a man. Try it out with me, just this once and I promise you I won't disappoint," she said lowering her dress even further but before it reached the back of her bra she was suddenly splashed with a hot cup of coffee. It wasn't scorching hot but it was hot enough to redden her exposed collarbone.     

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" screamed the coffee drenched Zhao Huangzhi, " Ran-ge, he..."     

There wasn't a single word to accurately describe how she was feeling when she saw Su Xin standing there resembling an angry bull. She had no idea Su Xin was in Qie Ranzhe's office this entire time. One can only imagine her shock when her love rival splashed hot coffee on her almost half-naked body.     

"Baby, that was mine," complained Qie Ranzhe acting cute to his pissed off bunny. No, bunny is the wrong choice. He was more like a feisty cat.     


Wen Qinxi slammed the empty coffee cup on the desk and said, "I will buy you another one," with his gaze fixed on the shameless seductress who dared to undress in front of his husband.     

"What the fuck are you still doing here? Get the fuck out," yelled Wen Qinxi with a dark aura straight from hell.     

"Wha..... you fucking asshole this is from Milan for fuck sake," yelled Zhao Huangzhi pulling up her dress.     

Wen Qinxi didn't give a rat's ass whether it's from Milan or fake goods from the market square he just wanted this bitch dead. "Still not leaving?... You fuckin think I am joking," he mumbled before strolling over to Qie Ranzhe's safe.     

Qie Ranzhe, "...."     

A beeping sound resonated on the top floor as Wen Qinxi effortlessly unlocked Qie Ranzhe's safe like it was nothing. The man's password was the same as in the third world making it easy for him to unlock the safe. "You think I am fuckin joking with you," he said before the safe door opened. He swiftly loaded the weapon he found in there with a murderous aura.     

That's when Zhao Huangzhi realised Su Xin meant to kill her. She screamed before running out of the office with a deadly pale face. Just as she reached the door a shot was fired but Su Xin missed. That's because Qie Ranzhe embraced him from behind forcing his arms down.     

"Let go, Ran-ge let me go. I need to teach her a lesson.... let go," said Wen Qinxi angered to high heaven.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything burying his head in Su Xin's neck as though trying to appease him but of course, Wen Qinxi misunderstood.     

"Are you protecting her," he said trying to get out of his embrace. Zhao Huangzhi had touched his bottom line time and time again but this was the first time she actually tried to take off her clothes to seduce his man. Her level of shamelessness seemed to increase with each world.     

"No... I am not protecting her. I am protecting you, baby," he said in a coy tone that collapsed Wen Qinxi's three views.     

'Is he acting cute with me?' thought Wen Qinxi glaring at Qie Ranzhe at the corner of his eye.     

"Don't be mad, baby. You can't dirty your hands," said Qie Ranzhe tightly his hold. The Zhao family was too powerful right now that they would brazenly come after Su Xin if he guns down Zhao Huangzhi in broad daylight. This is why he stopped Su Xin. He would have to first strip that family of its power before delivering Zhao Huangzhi to his lover with an apple in her mouth like a roasted pig.     

Wen Qinxi sighed deeply before placing the gun on the couch but Qie Ranzhe kept hugging him like he was afraid to lose him. Understanding Qie Ranzhe's meaning, Wen Qinxi let him embrace for a while longer but he was still in a bad mood.     

It turns out food uplifts one's mood as is the case with this firecracker of a nerd. His mood saw some drastic improvement sharing a meal with Qie Ranzhe. He was so happy that he even forgot the purpose he came to Qie Ranzhe's office in the first place. He might have forgotten but Qie Ranzhe hadn't.     

He didn't even notice that Qie Ranzhe was controlling what and how much he ate. This was entirely on purpose as revealed two hours later. Thinking they were heading home, Wen Qinxi obediently permitted Qie Ranzhe to drag him to the underground parking.     

The big boss even refused a chauffer choosing to take the wheel. Along the way, Qie Ranzhe kept chatting him up that he didn't realise he was being taken to an unfamiliar location. The vehicle entered a fancy looking private club and as soon as Qie Ranzhe parked at the entrance, he opened the trunk and exited the car.     

Wen Qinxi was confused but it all made sense when Qie Ranzhe came back and placed a gym bag in his hands. "Open it," said Qie Ranzhe with a beaming smile.     

Sceptical, Wen Qinxi unzipped the gym bag his brows scrunched up. Inside were yoga pants, sneakers and a sports t-shirt all in his size.     

Vexed, Wen Qinxi gazed at him questionably but Qie Ranzhe's expression remained radiant. "For yoga classes," but Su Xin still looked confused so he explained further, "Your punishment... you have to go for yoga class."     

Wen Qinxi looked calm on the outside but internally there was a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion.     

'What that f@%@$^@%@^&*#%@^@%#%@&!!!!!!'     

System: 2333     

System: Boss, you are so fuckin screwed.     

System: Have fun doing the downward-facing dog.     

The system surely didn't miss the opportunity to mock him by sending taunting messages. 'What the fuck is the downward-facing dog?'     

"I will come to pick you up after class," said Qie Ranzhe before kissing the man's lips, "Go on...You can't be late for your first class."     

Wen Qinxi fought off the urge to roll his eyes at him. The way Qie Ranzhe was so happy you did think he won a Tesla at a supermarket raffle. Wen Qinxi didn't say anything expressing his displeasure but Qie Ranzhe was the least bit affected.     

"Fine," said Wen Qinxi before getting out of the car dragging the gym bag with a dark aura surrounding him.     

He couldn't understand why Qie Ranzhe would ask him to do this but he soon found out and cursed Qie Ranzhe for three consecutive days.     

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