Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Mama Bear Vs Inborn Idiots

Fourth World: Mama Bear Vs Inborn Idiots

3Wen Qinxi was dragged along by the overbearing mother in law. This explained where Qie Ranzhe's personality came from. "Mum, why are you monopolizing my wife?" asked Qie Ranzhe holding Su Xin's hand preventing them from leaving, "He hasn't even finished eating yet." But his words fell on deaf ears. Su Xin was wearing a 'save me' expression but Madam Qie was determined to turn him into her purse dog taking him everywhere.     

With the two of them gone, Qie Ranzhe and Qie Xieling stared at each other feeling abandoned. "You want to go and play some online games with me?" asked Qie Ranzhe but Qie Xieling shook his head in refusal.     

"No, it won't be fun without Su Xin," replied Qie Xieling looking rather sour. Nana was definitely going to be a problem once she found out how much fun it is to hang out with Su Xin.     

"True, true. Should we go study together then?" asked Qie Ranzhe placing down his chopsticks. That's what these two did when they were alone together. One adult would be sitting in front of his desk doing work while the young one would be sitting on the opposite side doing school work in a silent yet harmonious atmosphere.     

"Sure," replied Qie Xieling holding his daddy's hand going upstairs.     

While others were studying, Wen Qinxi was receiving a massage at the spa. He was sceptical at first because if Qie Ranzhe finds out that someone laid their hands on him there would be severe consequences but Madam Qie said it would be their little secret. Ha! As if!     

Madam Qie was extremely chatty throughout the entire session like she had met her long lost childhood friend. Wen Qinxi didn't find it monotonous or boring. It was rather interesting to know what goes on in this woman's brain.     

He couldn't help but wonder if this was Madam Qie's true personality in the real world. According to the information handed to him before entering the game, Madam Qie suffered from chronic depression after her husband blindsided her with divorce papers and no explanation whatsoever. Qie Ranzhe seemed to have a half brother overnight and his mother was kicked out of the family home in no time.     

Maybe this Madam Qie was what Qie Ranzhe's mother was like before that scum divorced her and married a mistress. This thought made Wen Qinxi want to treat her better so he indulged her for an entire day even having a facial and manicure to appease her.     

Things were going great that is until she brought in a lingerie company after lunch. They were relaxing drinking some champagne in a private lounge when pink uniformed women and a flamboyant man walked in holding boxes and hanger rails with obscene things for men.     

"What the fuck?" cursed Wen Qinxi his cheeks burning like they were on fire. Cut out low ride underwear, men's G-strings, lubricant you name it. It was all on display.     

'Is she trying to drive me away by scaring me to death?' he thought covering his face with his hands while occasionally peeking.     

Madam Qie had been misunderstood. She didn't want to drive him away in fact she wanted him to stay to avoid her son going bonkers. She knew Su Xin had no mother and his father screwed the poor kid over abandoning him. If Su Xin hadn't cheated on her son and left she was already planning to educate him. This was what hen parties were for but Su Xin didn't get to have one and since he's a man it would have been awkward. Thus she took this opportunity to educate him.     

"I uh, why? This....," said Wen Qinxi feeling like he was going to die from embarrassment on the spot.     

"What? I am doing it for the two of you. I know what type of things you two do... I overheard Qie Ranzhe on the phone the other day. It's good to play but you also need to play safely, isn't it? It's none of my business but I am the only plausible candidate to deal with this," she said without an ounce of embarrassment, "Go on Gareth. We are listening."     

The man called Gareth enthusiastically explained as the girls unboxed a few items. Wen Qinxi thought it was just going to stop at lingerie but things got even worse over time when strange toys were fished out of the box and Madam Qie was peering at the stuff with interest.     

From that awkward tutorial, Wen Qinxi concluded that Madam Qie must have been a freak in bed when her husband was alive. He was as red as a cooked lobster when he walked out but Madam Qie was so calm like nothing happened. She even asked him to pick items he was comfortable with so he could take them home.     

On their way home, Wen Qinxi didn't say much but Madam Qie didn't mind. She was rather satisfied and vowed to drag Su Xin to go hiking next weekend. While making plans in her mind their bodies suddenly jerked forward as the driver hit the emergency brakes causing the car to swerve to the side.     

The busy highway turned chaotic as the bodyguard's cars in front formed a barricade followed by the sound of gunfire. "Shit! It's an ambush. Madam get down!" yelled the driver but the enemy had a serious vendetta. The two cars in front were blown up one after the other by a rocket launcher causing them to flip a couple of times in a huge explosion.     

Wen Qinxi had no idea who would be stupid enough to do this here but one thing was for sure, he was the target.     

Madam Qie was a veteran herself when it came to things like this. She grew up under such circumstances so of course, she wouldn't obediently stay down.     

"Mother fucker! You got some fucking balls," she yelled taking out a gun strapped on her thigh.     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

"What the fuck are you staring at? Get a gun..... shit!" she yelled before a bullet penetrated through the windscreen striking the driver's shoulder. Their cars were bulletproof but these men didn't use regular bullets. They came here with a clear intention that is to complete their mission.     

Wen Qinxi felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he pulled the driver to the back seat thinking he could drive them out of the war zone. As soon as he placed the driver in the backseat, Madam Qie jumped over swiftly taking off her heels. It seemed the ironclad woman was planning to drive.     

'Does she fuckin have a driving license,' thought Wen Qinxi taking out a bandage from the first aid kit. He pressed down on the driver's wound scanning their surroundings covered in smoke from the blown-up vehicles. Within the smog, five men appeared wearing skull masks holding rifles.     

With the car surrounded from all sides, the group leader stipulated his condition. As expected he wanted Su Xin. The leader genuinely thought Madam Qie would gladly oblige but unfortunately for him, he didn't know that these two had spent an afternoon having a hen party so she wouldn't give him up easily. She placed her fingers on the key glowering at the naive bastard.     

The roaring sound of the engine jolted the gunmen. They had clear instructions that no matter how shit goes down they are not to touch Madam Qie but the woman had no such restrictions. This was a typical you can't kill me but I can most definitely kill you scenario. One can only guess how a PK between Mama bear vs Inborn idiots would end.     

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