Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Mrs Qie

Fourth World: Mrs Qie

0Wen Qinxi wanted to lay back down for the rest of the day but he couldn't. He had to find Qie Ranzhe as soon as possible so he forced himself to wash up and go downstairs. Ten minutes later three people resembling the walking dead were seated at the dining table eating breakfast.     

Zombie number one: Madam Qie sitting on the left while wearing sunglasses indoors. Most likely hiding her panda eyes from the rest of the world. Crimes committed when drunk? Pinched her grand son's cheeks till they were pink. Not only that but she drunk text the bitches from her book club cursing them out. None of them were spared especially Madam Kai's plastic face.     

Zombie number two: Qie Xieling sitting as far away as possible from his nana. Didn't drink but barely slept trying to stop nana from cursing out the entire city and using his violin as a hummer. How about his cheeks? As red as cherries and he was covering them with an ice pack while eating breakfast. He is most definitely angry at nana.     

Zombie number three: Wen Qinxi also known as Su Xin. Crimes committed when drunk? Too many to count. Not only did he call his husband names and run around naked but he also bit Qie Ranzhe like a damn husky though he has zero memory of it. He also got found out for using the 3D printer. One can imagine what sort of punishment awaits him tonight.     

As expected, Qie Ranzhe was definitely holding a grudge. Wen Qinxi's cellphone let out a ding sound receiving the following message.     

DaddyRan: PHOTO     

DaddyRan: Evidence of your crime last night. Come to my office around lunchtime to receive punishment.     

"Fudge!" yelled Wen Qinxi grasping the other three people's attention. The photo Qie Ranzhe sent was taken this morning. It was a bite mark on the man's shoulder. From the message, it's safe to assume he committed the crime.     

HandosomeXi: QAQ     

"Xin-er, stop talking so loud. I am having a splitting headache," murmured Madam Qie while directly dropping her head on the table. The image of the fierce goddess was nowhere to be found today. Who could blame her when they drank like fish the previous night.     

"Oh, I am sorry," replied Wen Qinxi before standing up to go back to bed.     

"Serves you right. Nana, you were like a little beast last night. Look at my eyes. Your grandson barely slept and it's all your fault... Wait dad, where are you going? Nana ate my fudge and I need a replacement for tonight's final rehearsal," said Qie Xieling when he saw Su Xin heading for the door.     

Wen Qinxi turned to drag his feet to the kitchen saying, "Blame it all on your nana. Let's go make you some fudge.'     

Madam Qie didn't even have the strength to refute so she simply waved her hand gesturing for them to leave her alone. Wen Qinxi surely experienced a thing all parents can relate to. Making snacks for an entire class when they are as tired as fuck. Qie Xieling could only cross his fingers that the fudge doesn't come out looking as horrible as his dad right now.     

As soon as Wen Qinxi was done with the fudge making session he received a message from LiMeiMei2. Because of yesterday's drama, he forgot to respond.     

LiMeiMei2: Gege you need my fuckin help but you blacklisted my main account. WTF     

Wen Qinxi couldn't make heads or tails of it all. 'When the fuck did I blacklist her?' he thought with a scowl on his face. This could only be the work of a certain someone who even gets jealous over his own fingers when they're inside Su Xin's chrysanthemum.     

HandsomeXi: Tha fuck?? It wasn't me.     

LiMeiMei2: I left a juicy peach for you so get the fuck here right now before I lose my shit.     

HandsomeXi: ??     

Wen Qinxi seriously began to question who exactly was the team leader here. Su Xin had a group of bandits he used to do his dirty work with and it was exactly their association with Su Xin that left them unemployed. Now that he needed such discrete people to take down Kai Zi he naturally asked them to do the job with him.     

He had no choice but to accept the meeting despite being tired. Qie Ranzhe seemed to be offending his enemies earlier than expected which meant Kai Zi's blackening was right around the corner. This meant he had to speed up his plans.     

Without further delay, he left the Qie Mansion in a hurry. To prevent a repeat of their fight last time, he messaged Qie Ranzhe letting him know.     

HandsomeXi: LOCATION     

HandsomeXi: Meeting Li Meimei     

But Qie Ranzhe didn't respond. It's safe to assume he wasn't too happy about it. Thinking he can explain things in the afternoon, Wen Qinxi locked his phone and exited the car entering a coffee shop next to Qie Ranzhe's office building. As soon as he walked in he noticed a pretty girl with jet black hair flirting with the waitress. That could only be Li Meimei the beautiful woman with thieving in her DNA. She has an inborn talent to open anything and everything. Beside her was a short man with blonde hair and pink highlights. Su Xin only knew him as Casio a.k.a the driver. If one wanted to get away after committing a crime you only had to call Casio. Last but not least was the tall guy fighting it out with a Rubik's cube. His name Ting-ge or the handyman. He can shoot anything at any target without missing. Of course, this meant Wen Qinxi would pick up the role of the IT guy.     

As soon as they caught sight of him, Li Meimei couldn't help but call out, "Mrs Qie, over here," waving him over.     

"Who are you calling Mrs? He's a fuckin man for heaven's sake," said Casio in a low whisper but Li Meimei didn't appreciate it.     

"You dare scold your elder?" pulling at his ear, "Now call Mei-Jie and I will let you go."     

The poor waitress took the opportunity to run away otherwise she would get eaten by this minx.     

"Aiyo... Ai... it fuckin hurts Mei-jie," yelled Casio feeling like his ear was going to get ripped off.     

Wen Qinxi took off his sunglasses and asked, "How about we order some coffee otherwise I will doze off right here?"     

"We were waiting for you Xin-ge. This coffee is too fuckin expensive and you know how broke we are," explained Ting-ge putting down the stupid Rubik's cube that refused to yield. If they weren't in a public place, he would have blown it to bits.     

As soon as he said that, their cellphones dinged at the same time. It seemed they had received notifications from the bank about a recent money transfer. "Now don't you dare say your Gege doesn't take care of you," he said while being gawked at by the recipients who looked like they had won the lottery.     

"Gege, did you fuckin rob a bank," asked a thunderstruck Li Meimei      

While Wen Qinxi was busy playing Santa Claus, the gift that keeps on giving, someone was closely watching him across the street. It was easy to guess who that person was working for.     

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