Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Baby Making Machine

Fourth World: Baby Making Machine

4As soon as the black jeep parked in front of a laundry mat, Wen Qinxi got out of the car holstering a handgun behind his back. He knew nothing good will come out of this meeting but his old man wouldn't kill him because he held Su family's entire wealth at his fingertips.     

Confident of that fact, he strolled into the laundry mat as though walking down a red carpet. The glass door of the laundry mat opened with a loud clinking sound attracting the receptionist's attention. This laundry mat was one of Su Long's laundering fronts meaning from the general manager to the janitor they were all Su Long's men.     

If it weren't for the funds in his hands he would have been walking out of this in a body bag. The receptionist didn't say anything simply nodding to the back room. Wen Qinxi didn't mind his attitude. He walked past the counter and the section packed with empty washing machines and dryers.     

He had told the driver to stay outside otherwise he might get caught in crossfire which meant he entered alone with no protection. As soon as he reached the wooden door at the other end of the room the door was opened from the inside. A familiar figure appeared before him. It was Su Long's lapdog the man who physically threw Su Xin out of the Su Mansion after he was demoted as heir.     

The lapdog of a man was truly loyal to his master despite his master being as broke as the tooth fairy. As soon as he met Su Xin's gaze the man got right in his face in an intimidating stance like was about to punch him. Raising his clenched fist, the lapdog swung at Su Xin but his fist landed on the wall after Su Long stopped him.     

"Shit! Not on my money maker you dumbfuck," said Wen Qinxi grateful to money for saving his ass from a beating. Not that the character Su Xin wouldn't fair well in a fight. He just didn't want to feel pain.     

Wen Qinxi took off his sunglasses and sat at the mahjong table opposite Su Long. Next to Su Long were two other men possibly shareholders. They seemed to be in the middle of gambling but lost interest when they saw this traitor.     

Su Long took a drag of his cigar and puffed up a string of smoke before lifting his head to look at Su Xin.     

The old man seemed to have aged rapidly with wrinkles in places that used to have smooth skin. The reason for that was obvious. Besides losing his money Qie Ranzhe was burning his backup businesses to ash.     

Yes, he knew he had fucked up this time but there was no going back even if he kowtowed before the man sincerely. His only hope was to get back his wealth, compensate the shareholders and his family members before vanishing from the circle.     

Despite his urge to strangle this son of his to death, he had to act courteously to him so he can retrieve his wealth. "You want to play?" he asked but Su Xin didn't respond staring at him like he was looking at a stranger.     

"Hasn't dad been good to you in the past?.... Why not save this old man some face and play one game with me?"     

Wen Qinxi liked playing online mahjong at low stakes with the nerds in the game room but he didn't feel like playing with this cunning old fox. "Why don't we just stop horsing around and get to the point. What do you want?" replied Wen Qinxi with a hint of impatience.     

Su Long tightly clenched the tile in his hand with his burning gaze boring through Su Xin's face. This kid had grown a tail as deep as the Pacific ocean and it had to be cut short. "Su! Xin! You....!" yelled Su Long but Su Xin suddenly lifted his index figure gesturing for him to hold.     

The young man dared to interrupt him because his cellphone made a dinging sound indicating an incoming message. "I have to respond to this otherwise I won't get any rest tonight," said Wen Qinxi tapping on the screen.     

DaddyRan: Baby, where are you?     

Wen Qinxi was about to come up with a perfunctory response when another message came through.     


DaddyRan: Don't fuckin dare lie to me.     

Wen Qinxi sighed and sent through his location in a few taps before sending a response.     

Handsome Xi: I am taking care of something.     

With that said, he locked his phone and he was about to ask Su Long to carry on but who would have expected the old man to literally flip over the table in one swoop as multiple firearms got pointed in his direction.     

The group of men didn't immediately open fire as though waiting for something. "You think just because you crawled into that man's bed he will be able to protect you? You are just one of his pets and when he's done with you he will throw you away like garbage... Su Xin, you are just a baby-making machine to him but to me, you are my family. Now wake up and make the fuckin right decision for once in your life," said the old man with purple veins bulging on the side of his neck.     

"Who the fuck are you calling a baby-making machine? Don't talk shit otherwise you won't get a cent back," said Wen Qinxi feeling like he had stepped on a live land mine, "Go ahead. Pull the trigger. I have been meaning to donate to a good cause..... Which charity would father like me to donate to?"     

"You!..... How did I end up with a fuckin freak for a son? Now you are spreading your legs for that man like a slut just like your mother. You ar-," replied Su Long but he was interrupted by a familiar sound coming from Su Xin's phone.     


"Thank you Mr Su for donating a million dollars to meals on wheels. We appreciate your support," said an automated female voice coming from Wen Qinxi's phone.     

He knew Su Long's weakness when he came here. He automated his banking app to make a transfer the first ten minutes he stayed in this room. After the first ten minutes, the banking app will start making transfers after every half a minute to the same organization.     

Su Long almost spat out a mouthful of blood at that notification. Angered to death he took a gun from his lapdog intending to pull the trigger but Su Xin's voice stopped him.     

"Nuh uhhhh, I wouldn't do that if I was you. You see, for every half a minute I spend in this room this useful banking app deposits a million into the charity organization mention before. Because this organization is global you won't be able to get your dirty paws on them so why don't we use our words instead," said Wen Qinxi.     

Just as he said that another notification came in with the same message. Su Long felt his heart hurt hearing that annoying automated voice letting him know that another million had been donated to a good cause.     

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