Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Stripper Pole and Hot Yoga Clause

Fourth World: Stripper Pole and Hot Yoga Clause

3She straightened up as though the pitiful woman who was crying wolf earlier wasn't her and said, "Okay, let's compromise. Xieling kept on yelling he's changed so I will give him a chance but...." Madam Qie paused watching her son's taut expression relax then taut again after hearing the word but.     3

She was incredibly annoyed. It turns out her domineering son who ruled the underworld with an iron fist was a henpecked husband. If this gets out, she will lose so much face that even burying her head in the sand like an ostrich wouldn't save her.     

Since these two were resolute in their decision to stay with Su Xin then why not grant their wish and she would also be able to monitor the situation. Once that vixen oversteps she wouldn't hesitate to deal heavy punishment.     

"He should move into Qie Mansion. Since you all like him so much then let him move in. That's the only way Xieling will see Su Xin," she said with an imperative tone leaving no room for negotiation.     

Qie Xieling's face sank but there was nothing he could do about it so he could only look at his daddy. Qie Ranzhe also felt discontented with the proposal and had to discuss it with Su Xin. He stood up and left the room dialling Su Xin's number. He felt like he was caught between a rock and a hard place with his mother and husband pulling from both sides.     

The cellphone immediately connected after only one ring. A blissful smile spread across his face thinking Su Xin probably missed him that he hurriedly answered the phone but that smile turned stiff when he heard Su Xin's unenthusiastic response.     

"Ha! I answered before the third ring. Do you think I don't know what you are doing? Trying to bait me into breaking clause 1.9. Hahaha... you lose, sucker," said Wen Qinxi in a gloating manner. Ever since he learnt about the sneaky clauses in that contract he had been reviewing it seriously. Thinking Qie Ranzhe was trying to entrap him, he answered swiftly not forgetting to gloat in the process.     

"Seriously," said Qie Ranzhe wondering how he fell in love with such a dense weasel.     

"Aiya.... daddy Ran this baby is not easy to fool. Once bitten twice shy... haha," said Wen Qinxi in a blush-inducing tone that had Qie Ranzhe wishing he was back at the apartment right now.     

"Would you care to repeat that when you come over?" said Qie Ranzhe imagining what he would do to him tonight.     

Wen Qinxi who felt safety in distance brazenly teased, "I can do more than that. How about I talk dirty to you right n-..... wait come over where? Aren't you coming back to the apartment?"     

A wave of disappointment washed over Qie Ranzhe. He was curious to see where this conversation was headed but it was cut off just as it was getting good. "You are such a fuckin tease, you know that?" complained Qie Ranzhe completely unaware that his mother followed behind and she was currently eavesdropping on their conversation.     

"Hey, don't change the subject. What you mean by coming over?" asked Wen Qinxi having a bad premonition.     

Having failed restarting the love engine, Qie Ranzhe scratched his head explaining, "You have to move to the Qie Mansion with me. I will send over the driver in two hours to bring you he-," but he was interrupted by Su Xin's nervous laughter.     

At the thought of that tigress, Wen Qinxi's cheek suddenly felt hot. Unwilling to suffer for someone else's sins he said, "I am not moving in. My cheek still hurts. What if she slaps me again? I am not going to be her punching bag."     

"Xin-er, how can it still be painful when I applied numbing cream for you last night and this morning before I left?" exclaimed Qie Ranzhe liking this version of Su Xin. He liked it when his man acted spoilt though it was probably wrong timing.     

"Huh," said Wen Qinxi rubbing his cheek. He didn't feel the pain when he woke up thinking that it healed pretty fast but it turns out Qie Ranzhe took care of it. He was touched but not touched enough to move in with his mother-in-law.     

"Okay, how about this. I cancel clause 3.3? Will you move in then?" suggested Qie Ranzhe trying to negotiate with him. Su Xin had every right to refuse but he wanted his family together so he had to compromise. The sound of flipping pages echoed through the phone followed by Su Xin's inaudible mumbles as though reading the clause.     

"Oh shit! Ran-ge you must be fuckin crazy? How on earth did I miss this?.... You are such an ass. You even wrote it in fine print," said Wen Qinxi stupefied.     

"I am crazy for you baby. That's all that matters so what do you say?" replied Qie Ranzhe feeling a bit regretful for choosing that clause. He wanted to watch Su Xin dance on a strip pole for him. What a waste, he had already hired a dance studio to teach his lover.     

"Fuck! Do I look like a fuckin stripper? Ran-ge, I am not flexible enough for that," said Wen Qinxi while crossing it out with a pen till the black ink covered the entire clause.     

Qie Ranzhe grinned thinking Su Xin missed the yoga class clause. He couldn't wait for Su Xin to get into the 'happy baby' yoga pose. Just the thought of it made Qie Ranzhe's throat parched.     

"Okay, so do we have a deal?" asked Qie Ranzhe feeling his body heat up because of his dirty thoughts.     

Wen Qinxi who had just found out that his husband had unique tastes, quickly agreed that is after throwing in something of his own benefit. The man wanted him to dance on a strip pole so how about he makes Qie Ranzhe wear cat ears, a bow tie and underwear for an entire night?     

"How about that, husband? One night, just one night and it would be underwear of my choosing," said Wen Qinxi already opening an app to shop online. If Qie Ranzhe knew what sort of underwear Wen Qinxi was buying he would never have agreed to it. In fact, he would have ditched Qie Xieling at the Qie Mansion. At least he would still have clause 3.3.     

"Fine, fine cat ears, bow tie and underwear. I got it now pack up your stuff. I want to see you," said Qie Ranzhe with the tip of his ears as red as cherries. He especially chose that moment to turn around only to be met by his mother's rebuking gaze.     

"What the.... mum! Why are you eavesdropping?"     

"You...! Tsk....," said the livid Madam Qie who heard every single detail, underwear and all. She decided these two can not be allowed to share a room, absolutely not.     

"Ma, I am not a teenager anymore. You can't keep snooping. Snoop on Xieling, you will surely find something," said Qie Ranzhe walking away without even realizing that he hadn't cut the phone.     

"Yes you are over thirty but you behave like a fuckin teenager. How am I supposed to answer to your forefathers when I die. I raised a henpecked son with a peculiar fetish.....,"     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

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