Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Slight NSFW

Fourth World: Slight NSFW

1Pinned against the door, Wen Qinxi's heartbeat quickened as waves of immense heat burnt his rationality to ash. "Ba, bathroom... that's where," paused Wen Qinxi with his eyes fixed on those divine lips that were hard to resist, "Ah, fuck it!"      0

Wen Qinxi completely let go of himself and tasted those sweet lips he had been yearning for ever since he left the third world.     

He was the least bit polite prying Qie Ranzhe's lips open with his moist tongue exploring his man's lips with no reservations. His tongue fluttered on Qie Ranzhe's with his fingers running through the man's lush hair.     

Qie Ranzhe hadn't anticipated Su Xin would be this enthusiastic. He was greatly aroused by this man's provocation with his hands caressing either side of Su Xin's waist. Like finely aged wine, Su Xin was more intoxicating than the first time.     

This is when Qie Ranzhe realised he was wrong. He thought he would get over this man after entangling with him once or twice but a simple kiss had him spinning out of control.     

Yearning for more, Qie Ranzhe deepened the kiss with their tongues entwined in a lustful dance that sent waves of pleasure all over their bodies.     

Qie Ranzhe sucked on Su Xin's tongue causing the man in his arms to quiver. Wen Qinxi who had just been stimulated to the point of not recalling his own name let out slutty groans as his knees softened.     

That lewd sound piqued Qie Ranzhe's interest with his unruly hands travelling down south groping Su Xin's perky butt. He suddenly wanted to hear more of these slutty groans escape Su Xin's lips so he drew the man closer with his erection grinding against Su Xin's abdomen.     

Realising how good it felt, he lifted Su Xin's body and had his lover's legs wrapped around his waist.     

His erection rubbed against the bulge protruding under Su Xin's pants as he whispered, "ah.... shit. That feels fuckin good."     

Wen Qinxi felt a numbing sensation spread all over his body as he stretched out his neck giving Qie Ranzhe easy access. The man carried him to the kitchen countertop with his moist tongue teasing the sensitive skin on Wen Qinxi's neck.     

Under Qie Ranzhe's constant provocation, Wen Qinxi ran his fingers at the back of Qie Ranzhe's head drawing him closer. His lower half pressed against Qie Ranzhe's abdomen grinding lasciviously in search of that sweet spot. Rubbing against this man felt so good that Wen Qinxi couldn't hold back the moan at the tip of his tongue.     

"Ah... ah.... ah..... fuck me daddy Ran.... oh shit!"     

Hearing those licentious words escape Su Xin's lips, Qie Ranzhe felt even more intoxicated as he kissed him once more.     

This time Qie Ranzhe took a nibble of the man's swollen lips living a conspicuous red tear. Wen Qinxi hissed in pain but the pleasure he took from it cancelled the debt.     

This was done on purpose by this vinegar jar marking his territory. He didn't have a ring for Su Xin but still wanted the entire world to know who he belongs to. Su Xin called him daddy Ran and earned himself a lip hickey.     

Qie Ranzhe slowly parted their lips with his fingers kneading Su Xin's lower back under the t-shirt. Their foreheads pressed together Qie Ranzhe caressed Su Xin's swollen lip. He was the least apologetic peering at the small tear on Su Xin's plump lips. With the both of them panting, Qie Ranzhe said, "I can fuck you but I need reassurances. Are you willing to give it to me?"     

Of course, Wen Qinxi would be willing. Hell, if this man was to ask him to rob a bank right now as reassurance, he would gladly do it as long as he gets his fix. "Yes," replied Wen Qinxi in a husky voice that felt pleasant to hear.     

Satisfied, Qie Ranzhe helped Su Xin off the countertop and grabbed his wrist leading him up the stairs. Whatever it takes, he had to make this man his. He led Su Xin into his study and pulled him over to the desk where a brown envelope was lying neatly.     

Wen Qinxi's brows slightly knitted wondering why his make-out session was cut short for a brown envelope. The brown envelope wasn't of great importance but its contents. Qie Ranzhe finally let go of Su Xin's wrist and opened the envelope before handing him a pile of papers stapled together.     

Curious, Wen Qinxi read the top page titled Spousal Agreement. Logic detects that he read its contents but this nerd didn't feel the need so he strode over to the nearby couch. Su Xin's reaction had Qie Ranzhe anxious. If Su Xin refuses to sign that agreement, he had no idea what he was going to do.     

His worries were valid because this contract was the only way to guarantee that Su Xin wouldn't leave him neither would he cheat on him. Without this agreement, he had no absolute guarantee. Nervous, he ambled over carefully studying Su Xin's expressions as he flipped over the pages.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't actually reading it, he was just looking for a place to sign and once he found it, he raised his head and asked, "Pen?" with an outstretched hand.     

Qie Ranzhe paused in his tracks disbelieving Su Xin's words. He didn't expect this kind of reaction and for a moment he was at a loss of what to do. The contract was fair on both parties with the same punishment applying to the both of them if there was a breach in contract but he didn't think Su Xin would sign it without reviewing it properly.     

"Aren't you going to carefully review it?" asked Qie Ranzhe walking back to his desk to grab a pen from the pen holder.     

"No... besides, if you screw me over I will send us both to meet our ancestors with no hesitation," replied Wen Qinxi placing the paper on the coffee table.     

A sly grin appeared on Qie Ranzhe's face as he brought over the pen. He sat opposite Su Xin and placed the pen on the table. He then leaned back with his right leg crossed over the other watching Su Xin with pure fascination.     

He couldn't help but think, 'It's good being wanted this much.' With his thumb rubbing against his lips, Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but wonder if Su Xin would have signed it if it was a slavery contract?     

Wen Qinxi had no idea what his husband was thinking as he signed the contract with ease. He would do whatever it takes to reassure his man. With the last stroke completed, Wen Qinxi pushed the contract over to Qie Ranzhe.     

Qie Ranzhe checked Su Xin's signature before signing his next to his lover's. "Can I add one more term? We'll both initial on the new term to make it valid."     

Wen Qinxi naturally had no problem with it so he nodded his head. "You aren't going to ask what it is?" asked Qie Ranzhe writing something above the signatures.     

"No," replied Wen Qinxi ready to carry on with what they were doing before.     

Qie Ranzhe raised his head in amusement before handing the contract over. An additional clause had been added and it was as follows:     

15.9 Party B is required to call Party A 'Daddy Ran' at least twice when having sex.     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

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