Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Contract?

Fourth World: Contract?

4The greatest gift for a parent is the sweet laughter of their happy child and this nerd got to experience such a gift once more from such a simple game. When Qie Xieling stepped outside running after his dad, he found a huge inflatable pool full of colourful water balloons and lost his cool in an instant.     

Despite his age, he hadn't had much experience playing games let alone this game. Wordless, he fished out a red water balloon dazzling under the hot summer sun and squeezed it with his tiny hands as a heartwarming sweetness spread all over his chest. 'Su Xin did this for me,' he said to himself his eyes reddening with emotion.     

Wen Qinxi could see something was off with Qie Xieling and if the kid continued down this path, he would possibly cry. He had to be a jerk and bring Qie Xieling back otherwise this afternoon would end in tears.     

In a swift motion, he sprayed the kid with water making Qie Xieling's back arch as the cool stream touched his skin. Qie Xieling who had already been splashed three times by Su Xin couldn't hold back anymore. He turned around and flung the water balloon in his hand at the unsuspecting Su Xin.     

It seemed the bookworm had such good aim despite having not participated in many sporting events. Like a legendary pitcher, Qie Xieling accurately struck Su Xin's face.     

Wen Qinxi was completely dumbfounded by the kid's accuracy but before he could retaliate another water balloon came flying in his direction. Good thing, he had played this game too often in his childhood so he dodged with ease but there was another unfortunate victim.     

The steward had just arrived in the back garden with a group of servants but just as he spoke, "Sir, are these peo-," his face was graced by a green water balloon striking his elderly face. The old man's face was wet with his eyes tightly shut. He was frozen stiff due to shock with his index finger hanging midair.     

The scene was incredibly comical that Qie Xieling burst out in laughter pointing at the unfortunate steward. Wen Qinxi stifled his laughter while holding up the water gun on his shoulder and said, "Thank you Old Lu. Do you guys mind joining the young master in playing a game?"     

The maids who were restraining their laughter nodded their heads in agreement. Who would pass up an opportunity to fool around all afternoon?     

Pleased, Wen Qinxi smiled and said, "Take five buckets, fill the bottom half with water and fill the top half with water balloons. After you are done, you can place the buckets in various random places in the maze then we can start playing," he explained before turning to Qie Xieling who was preparing to slip into the inflatable pool and swim in a sea of water balloons. His brow raised when he saw the kid with one leg over the inflatable pool.     

"What are you doing?" asked Wen Qinxi restraining his laughter.     

Qie Xieling paused having been caught and said, "Isn't it how we play? Isn't it like a ball pit?"     

Wen Qinxi shook his head with a beaming smile on his face. "Go ahead, just let the ladies take out the balloons while you are in there."     

Qie Xieling disregarded that he was fully clothed and swam in the sea of water balloons. When he resurfaced, he playfully splashed water at Su Xin and flung several water balloons like a pro player. It didn't take long for Wen Qinxi to be drenched in water like a wet poodle. He counterattacked with a water gun the two of them creating a harmonious scene that could have anyone itching to join in on the fun.     

With a fresh change of clothes, Wen Qinxi officially began the game a.k.a water balloon dodge ball. The purpose of the game was to stay dry as long as possible with the steward as the referee. Just as Wen Qinxi divided them into teams, Kai Zheng somehow found his way back to the garden asking to join. There was no way in hell Wen Qinxi would agree but it seemed Qie Xieling had other plans for the man who tried to steal his dad.     

He tugged at Su Xin's sleeve and said, "Let him play," with an eerie smile that had Kai Zheng suspicious. His suspicions were soon confirmed because he didn't even last five minutes in the game despite being in Su Xin and Qie Xieling's team.     

His pig teammates not only struck him once but ten times till his t-shirt was sticking to his chest. The two culprits high fived each other while hiding in the bushes.     

Qie Ranzhe knew those two were up to something in the maze but he only found out about it after Kai Zheng came in drenched looking for clothes to temporarily wear while his clothes were in the washer. He had Machu bring over a t-shirt and slacks for the film emperor.     

While waiting, Kai Zhen didn't hesitate to push his agenda asking the question Kai Zi hadn't managed to bring up yet. "Ran-ge, you and Su Xin..... what's the situation?" asked Kai Zheng while wiping his damp hair with a towel.     

Qie Ranzhe found this amusing and didn't hurry to answer while taking out two cans of beer from the bar fridge in his office. Kai Zi who had been languidly crossing his legs sitting in an armchair had his ears perked up curious to know the answer.     

Qie Ranzhe ambled over and handed a beer can to Kai Zheng before sitting on the armrest of the same chair Kai Zi was sitting on. He smiled while opening the can and asked, "How is that any of your business?"     

The room fell into silence with the two men's gazes locked in a stalemate. The atmosphere was growing thick and heavy further suppressing Kai Zi into silence. These words were also heard by Machu who had just brought over a clean set of clothes making him suck in a cold breath of air. This made him somewhat not want to enter the room but he had no choice. He strode in and put the clothes in the man's hands his expression saying 'brother if you still value your life stay out of their business' but of course, Kai Zheng wouldn't understand.     

"Show him out so he can change his clothes," said Qie Ranzhe his good mood vanishing in an instant. He didn't think Kai Zheng would have the balls to ask him such a personal question. It was time he marks his territory and make his position when it came to Su Xin clear. Since the rabbit decided to squat in the python's hole then how can the python let it go?     

With that in mind, he took a sip of his beer before walking away dialling a number. Kai Zi watched this showdown and his heart leapt up in panic. This look on Qie Ranzhe's face wasn't that of a man in love but an obsessed lunatic. He wouldn't be surprised if Qie Ranzhe locked up Su Xin like a serial killer. It seemed his friend decided on a dark path leaving Su Xin no means of escape.     

Kai Zi had to act fast otherwise he would lose his chance. It would be hard to fish Qie Ranzhe out of the murky waters once he drowns in it.     

"Yes, re-draft the contract from twelve years ago," said Qie Ranzhe while rubbing his nose, "Make sure he has no loopholes."     

This conversation landed in Kai Zi's ears making him nervously bite his upper lip. He had run out of time. It was either he executes his plan tonight or lose Qie Ranzhe forever.     

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