Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Pure Grade Vinegar

Fourth World: Pure Grade Vinegar

3It's not a new phenomenon that parents sometimes use their kids to distract them from matters of the heart. Similarly, some adults even go as far as using pets as a positive way to deal with emotional pain. Wen Qinxi was in no way different. He was using Qie Xieling as a way to distract him from whatever Qie Ranzhe was doing behind closed doors with that eyesore, Kai Zi.      1

This is how he is always been. He doesn't like facing the person head-on choosing to extricate himself from the situation but this time he could sense something was off. He had eaten sour vinegar before but this time it was a few degrees stronger, possibly pure grade white vinegar.     

He kept on sneering and mumbling insults while dragging over a box to the back garden. "Ran-ge, I missed you," he mumbled deliberately imitating Kai Zi's voice with his lips twitching, "Miss my ass. Fuckin green tea bitch."     

'Wow, wow, wow. Boss, you have such a venomous tongue. I am so glad I am not on the receiving end of that one,' said Jolie before sucking in cold air.     

'Do you not have something better to do?' asked Wen Qinxi unboxing the inflatable pool.     

'Oh no, no, no I am definitely staying here. The scent of vinegar is especially strong today so how can I miss this shit show..... Hahahaha. I never thought I did see the day you would drink gallons of vinegar,' said the system taking a front-row seat to the event of the year.     

Wen Qinxi's lips twitched once more before a sinister smile crept up on his face. It was obvious he was planning on using the system's weakness against it. 'Do you want me to call Qie Ranzhe? Let's see if you will talk shit after that.'     

The system quivered slightly recalling that devilish smile on Qie Ranzhe's face but soon recovered remembering Wen Qinxi's current situation. 'Ah, minister of     

crap-iology, that stunt won't work on me right now. Your Ran-ge is probably performing the dirty dance with the Zi guy... Hahaha, see what I did there? I put crap and iology together. Therefore, crapiology..... Hahahahaha,' said the system laughing its guts out.     

'You little asshole..... fuck off,' replied Wen Qinxi while kicking the empty box away his face red in anger. He wanted to go back to the house to catch the cheating husband and beat the slut half to death but his current status wasn't conducive. He couldn't go on splashing dirty water at Qie Ranzhe when he was as filthy as a pig himself. Forced to wear a green hat, Wen Qinxi kicked at the poor box again but just as he lifted his foot he was startled by a hoarse voice coming from behind him causing him to kick air.     

'HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!' were the laughing sounds of the system reverberating in his ear.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to swear at the system but he had to address this uninvited guest standing behind him so he could only reserve the insults for later.     

As soon as he turned around, he was so frightened that he took an involuntary step backwards. That terrifying maid had snuck up on him like a hideous ghost in a horror movie. She really shouldn't do this again otherwise this nerd would lose his shit. "What are you sneaking around for? You scared me to death," said Wen Qinxi patting his chest to calm his palpitating heart.     

The maid stared at him unblinkingly before saying, "Sir, what are you doing?" She chose to ignore his words before as she was used to it. Whether it was her unibrows or her gigantic hairy wart on her nose that terrified Su Xin, she didn't care much. At least her appearance landed her this cushy job.     

Wen Qinxi tried to maintain a blank expression but that giant wart was just right there, right in front of him. It was hard to ignore and his eyes would unconsciously linger on it. He really wanted to squeeze it and make it go away.     

The maid who had just had her wart harassed by Su Xin's eyes cleared her throat loud enough to snap Su Xin out of his trance.     

"Sorry, what's your name again?" asked Wen Qinxi his eyes still glued on that wart.     

"Helga, sir," she replied feeling a bit awkward being stared at like that.     

Wen Qinxi finally stopped staring and looked at her face as a whole before clearing his throat. "Helga how about I pay for your makeover..... even plastic surgery wouldn't um.... wouldn't be a bad idea," he said with his fist covering his mouth. He felt bad saying this but he couldn't help but wonder if her appearance negatively affects her self esteem.     

Normally he wouldn't suggest this to any woman but Helga's appearance was truly worrisome.     

Unoffended, Helga replied, "So you can seduce me when I am pretty. No thanks, I am good."     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

"Fair enough. Can you get the steward to gather six servants? I am planning something special for the young master," said Wen Qinxi pumping the inflatable pool.     

"No problem," replied Helga before taking a few steps but she soon paused in her tracks and said, "You might be an adulterer but sir, you are a great father."     

'WTF,' thought Wen Qinxi raising his head from the hand pump. With his brow raised he dragged his response, "Uh, thankssssss," not sure how to feel about being insulted and praised at the same time.     

As soon as the inflatable pool took shape, Wen Qinxi pat it in satisfaction before dragging the hose over. He bought automatic fill magic water balloons to play a game with Qie Xieling. Everyone loved a good water balloon fight, right? While filling up the pool another uninvited guest showed out.     

"Xin-ge..... phew, I finally found you," said Machu who had been looking for Su Xin all over the place. It seemed the man vanished into thin air after dropping a bomb at Kai Zi which is why it took him a long time to find him.     

Bending his waist while trying to catch his breath, Machu asked, "What's that?" pointing at the unopened packet of water balloons.     

Wen Qinxi stared at him with an expression that seemed to say 'what the fuck are you doing here' but of course, Machu didn't get the hint. "Don't you have something else better to do?" said Wen Qinxi leisurely holding the hose.     

"Hahahaha, you seemed to be in a pretty bad mood..... Tell Laozi, who angered you and I will go beat them up but it will cost you?" said Machu leaning against the inflatable pool with a smug on his face.     

He really wasn't in the mood to talk nonsense with Machu but the man didn't seem to have any plans of leaving so he said, "Your boss..... now go beat him up for me."     

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