Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Ghosts Used The 3D Printer

Fourth World: Ghosts Used The 3D Printer

4Hearing this Machu put on his Sherlock Holmes hat trying to figure out what Qie Ranzhe could have possibly done to offend Su Xin today. Thinking about what just happened a few minutes ago, Machu had a hunch. He casually said, "What are you mad about? It's not like you like Ran-ge anyway," throwing it out into the universe with no care. He was about to chuckle but judging on Su Xin's expression, it seemed he had struck a nerve.      4

"Wait, what? For real... oh shit! Hahahaha... Hell no," said Machu thunderstruck. What was this situation? You love me but I don't love you but now that you don't love me I love you now?     

"What the fuck!"     

Wen Qinxi silently watched the lackey having a major freak out with his hand gripping the hoes. This put the water under pressure causing a massive backlog. Once he was done getting surprised, Machu gathered his emotions and began to think like a businessman.     

"How about I help you get Ran-ge and you include me at the dinner table for the next two years," said Machu trying to bargain with the food god. He was fairly certain Su Xin would agree but who would have expected that Su Xin would directly point the hoes at him and let go of his tight grip.     

Once the pressure was released a gush of water drenched Machu with his appearance resembling that of a wet dog. "Su! Xin!...You!"     

"Still not leaving?" said Wen Qinxi aiming the hose at him once more effectively getting rid of the scourge.     

This event was witnessed by the tall stalker standing by the floor to ceiling window on the second floor of the mansion. He couldn't hear what they were saying but his hand tightly gripped the whiskey glass in his hand.     

Qie Ranzhe wanted to believe nothing was happening between the two but when he saw Su Xin playfully spray water on Machu, his heart tightened. He wasn't even listening to Kai Zi anymore contemplating on whether to go ask Machu what they were talking about.     

"Ran-ge!" yelled Kai Zi who had been calling out to Qie Ranzhe three times already. He was trying to operate the 3D printer just now but kept getting an error message. Kai Zi realised Qie Ranzhe's mind was elsewhere when he called him for the second time and didn't get a response. He was about to stand up and see what had the man distracted but Qie Ranzhe finally responded.     

"Huh?" asked Qie Ranzhe placing the glass on the desk before walking over to him.     

Kai Zi put on a sweet smile and said, "It keeps giving me an error message," pointing at the misbehaving 3D printer.     

Qie Ranzhe's brows furrowed as he leaned down typing something on the keyboard. Kai Zi's heart couldn't help but flutter with Qie Ranzhe's face right next to his. He blushed with his palms instantly turning clammy.     

He couldn't help but chastise himself for worrying too much. This man was obviously uninterested in Su Xin especially after Su Xin had screwed up so many times. No amount of goodwill could wash that man clean. With this in mind, he ogled at Qie Ranzhe's stern face. He had to admit, Qie Ranzhe looked especially handsome when focused.     

Unable to resist the smooth skin on Qie Ranzhe's face, Kai Zi leaned in closer to kiss the man's cheek. His heart pounded faster and faster as he drew closer to his goal but just as he was about to hit a homerun, Qie Ranzhe suddenly moved putting an end to his plan.     

It seemed Qie Ranzhe didn't notice he was about to get taken advantage off with his attention on his phone. He was messaging Machu about the printer running out of filament.     

Q: Didn't IT come over to service the printer?     

Machu didn't take long to reply saying,     

MachoMachu: They did. What's wrong?     

Q: We are out of filament.     

MachoMachu: Impossible unless a ghost snuck in just to use the 3D printer     

MachoMachu: Can ghosts use 3D printers     


After a moment of hesitation, Qie Ranzhe asked the million dollar question with a loud tapping sound echoing in the room.     

Q: What did you talk to Su Xin about?     

MachoMachu: typing...     

Thirty seconds later,     

MachoMachu: typing...     


Qie Ranzhe was starting to lose his patience seeing that Machu seemed to stay on typing for a long time. How long was this message? Thinking Machu was typing their entire conversation, Qie Ranzhe decided to be patient.     

While waiting he turned to Kai Zi and said, "It's out of filament. How about you wait till we get back to the city and I will set it up for you... it's not urgent, rig-," but he hadn't finished his sentence when a notification sounded on his phone. He had already been waiting for three minutes but to his astonishment, Machu's message was so short. Where were the paragraphs and paragraphs he was promised?     

MachoMachu: Your wife is too fierce.     

MachoMachu: He almost drowned me with that bloody hose.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

To be fair, Machu didn't want to be the lightbulb in this relationship so after much thinking, he decided not to expose the contents of their conversation. Saying something was equivalent to digging his own grave for either Qie Ranzhe or Su Xin to bury him alive.     

While Qie Ranzhe was trying to figure out a way to have Machu spill his guts out, Wen Qinxi had successfully figured out how to fill up the water balloons. He excitedly shook the colourful balloons off the straws when yet again, he was visited by another guest.     

Thinking it was Machu, he said, "Seems I have to waterboard you to get you to leave me alone," while attaching a new batch on the other end of the hose.     

"I would gladly accept but the only issue is that I might not be able to leave you alone after that," said a deep male voice unfamiliar to Wen Qinxi.     

Puzzled, Wen Qinxi turned around only to find Mr Film Emperor standing behind him with a coy smile.     

Wen Qinxi, 'WTF.'     

Seeing his surprise, Kai Zheng lightly chuckled and extended his hand saying, "May I?" referring to the hose. It seemed Mr Handsome over here was planning on being a gentleman and land a hand to the damsel.     

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