Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi Still Can't Swim

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi Still Can't Swim

0"Shit!" swore Machu his forehead laced with a layer of cold sweat. They had already called for back up and all they had to do was hold on till they arrived but this task was proving to be difficult.      1

"Get down!" yelled Qie Ranzhe just as the man was about to launch the rocket but before that even happened, a sequence of explosions blew up Su Long's men with the few remaining survivors scattering into the forest.     

Atop a hill, Wen Qinxi was laughing like an evil scientist lighting the forest up like a Christmas tree. 'Brother, you don't have to freaking enjoy it this much,' said the system looking like it had seen a shadow of the psycho Feng Zi. Hell, even Feng Zi wasn't this ruthless.     

Meanwhile, Qie Ranzhe and Machu were confused by this development. They were well aware that this wasn't their back up so what the hell was going on?     

"Finish them off," said Qie Ranzhe opening the door of the car with his pistol in hand. The men followed their boss' instruction and went after whatever was left of the enemy shooting to kill. One of the men in the car that had been blocking Qie Ranzhe's car from backing out managed to escape into the forest.     

Qie Ranzhe noticed it and ran after him without thinking. By the time Machu turned around Qie Ranzhe had vanished into thin air. "Move out and search for the boss!" commanded Machu before disappearing into the forest as well.     

Meanwhile, Qie Ranzhe lost the man in the dense forest but he was resolved in his search moving deeper into the thick trees. Unfortunately for him, the man was local to this island and could easily evade him.     

The man had witnessed some of his brothers blown to bits so he planned a sneak attack to avenge them. He silently followed Qie Ranzhe waiting for the best opportunity. As soon as Qie Ranzhe reached the edge of a waterfall, the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally arrived.     

Using the roaring waterfall as a cover for his movement, the man raised his gun to shoot Qie Ranzhe in the back but just as he was about to pull the trigger a man showed up out of nowhere and fired first.     

Qie Ranzhe heard gunfire followed by a loud thud from a body falling. He felt someone standing behind him and swung the handle of his gun accurately striking the person's face.     

Wen Qinxi who had been hit right in the nose grimaced in pain while cursing Qie Ranzhe. "Ah..... You dumbfuck..... oh shit, you broke my nose. It's fuckin bleeding!" swore Wen Qinxi touching his sore nose with his fingers.     

Qie Ranzhe was about to apprehend the person for interrogation when he heard that familiar voice. Thunderstruck he called out, "Su Xin!" with complicated feelings.     

"Yeah, it's me you asshole..... ungrateful bastard!" said the livid Wen Qinxi feeling like he had died all over again. Swearing was the only way he could deal with the pain. He was about to walk away disoriented when Qie Ranzhe suddenly embraced him and jumped from the top of the waterfall. This was because a group of men had stepped out of the shadows firing their guns at them. With nowhere else to hide, he chose to jump into the water.     

Little did he know this assassin couldn't swim to save his own life. "Ran-ge you fuckin asshole... I can't fuckin swiiiiiimm!" yelled Wen Qinxi before diving into the water.     

Wen Qinxi tried to hold his breath underwater but it proved difficult. He couldn't understand why all of his characters in the game were duds when it came to swimming. Sure, he couldn't swim in the real world but still why couldn't he have at least one character that was a water lover.     

This thug Su Xin only knows how to fight and blow up things but when it comes to water he would sink to the bottom like a balling ball. Qie Ranzhe pulled him up as the raging river washed them away. Even then, Wen Qinxi drank a few mouthfuls of water as a rain of bullets struck the water surface.     

Fortunately, the men were lousy shots allowing Qie Ranzhe and Su Xin to escape unscathed. Just as the two men vanished downstream, the gunmen were unlucky enough to meet the angel of death making them regret ever coming after Qie Ranzhe.     

Wen Qinxi struggled to keep afloat and held on as long as he could but it was futile. Qie Ranzhe was helping him but when the raging river reached the rapids they were forced to separate. Which meant this nerd was on his own. Cursing Qie Ranzhe to death, Wen Qinxi was tossed and turned from all sides till he passed out.     

This was essentially game over for Wen Qinxi but fortunately for him, Qie Ranzhe was an excellent swimmer. He reached Su Xin with great difficulty and embraced the man's waist letting the man's head rest on his shoulder. He couldn't understand why Su Xin would risk coming here but if he wanted the answer he had to keep the man alive.     

The two were swept downstream for two more minutes before the raging waters calmed down by several degrees. Qie Ranzhe finally managed to swim to shore and pulled the passed out Su Xin out of the water     

Unwilling, to give Su Xin CPR, Qie Ranzhe smacked him a couple of times but it was of no use. Qie Ranzhe slapped him a couple of more times with his eyes fixed on those plump lips that were gradually turning purple. Thinking of Qie Xieling, he was left with no choice but to give the man CPR.     

"Fuck it!" yelled Qie Ranzhe taking off his suit jacket before commencing CPR.     

After thirty chest compressions, he performed two rescue breaths. Seeing that it didn't work he yelled, "Come on damnit!..... Wake the fuck up!"     

He repeated the cycle once more and just as his icy lips left Su Xin's mouth, Su Xin who was supposed to be out of it clutched his collar and kissed him tongue and all while sucking out air. Wide-eyed in shock, Qie Ranzhe roughly pushed Su Xin away.     

Wen Qinxi finally coughed out a mouthful of water oblivious of his brazen actions. By the time he had somewhat regained his senses, he noticed Qie Ranzhe glaring at him with an expression that seemed to say 'I am going to skin you alive'. Startled, he flinched and asked, "What?"     

"You fuckin kissed me!"     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

'Am I that fuckin thirsty?'     

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