Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Fake Teddy Bear Bomb

Fourth World: Fake Teddy Bear Bomb

0The bodyguards' faces turned ashen at the realisation. They just never thought Su Xin would go that far. He had never gone that far before. He normally scolded or ignored Qie Xieling and never involved the young master in his escape plans. Turns out even a rabbit would bite when it is cornered.     

"Shit!... go save the young master... Now!" yelled the chief of security foreseeing his head on a spike once his boss returns.     

"I am glad we have reached a mutual understanding... As much as I would like to stay and chat, I really have to go," he said taking out a handgun causing the remaining guards to flinch. Wen Qinxi shot all the tires on the fancy vehicles parked outside except for the black jeep closest to the gate. "Sorry... you do understand, right?" he said with a mocking smile that had the chief of security gnashing his teeth in anger.     

The bodyguards helplessly watched as the jeep head for the gate. Just as the stolen vehicle reached the gate, one of the men who had just run upstairs to check on Qie Xieling spoke through the walkie talkie in a panic, "It's a trick, it's a fuckin trick!"     

The chief of security immediately raised his weapon shooting at the jeep that was reaching the iron gate. Whistling sounds of the bullets whizzing through the air echoed in the sky followed by a dull thud as they struck the bulletproof windows of the jeep.     

Wen Qinxi stepped his foot on the accelerator and rammed through the iron gate that was slowly closing. His heart ached ruining such a beautiful car that he couldn't help but swear, "Fuck!" while driving like a daredevil through the forest road.     

While Wen Qinxi was swearing, another person was cursing to high heaven. The head of security was kicking dirt while swearing like a sailor, "You fuckin @#@$%@$@%, your mother is a @%#%@$@@#, fuck your @#^@%@^^# and your @^@%%@%@!"     

"Boss!..... Boss!," called out one of the men that had just come from upstairs.     

"What, what, what!!" bellowed the fuming chief of security before turning around. "Fudge!" he said when he saw Qie Xieling who had just heard his entire swearing marathon.     

"You said the F-word, I am going to tell," said Qie Xieling with a villainous smile on his face. The chief of security had a much bigger reaction when he saw the teddy bears strapped around Qie Xieling's chest. It turns out this was the bomb Su Xin was talking about. A bunch of fuckin bears.     


While the head of security was questioning his career choices, Wen Qinxi was driving like a mad man trying to figure out this desolate forest. Qie Ranzhe was truly strategic when he chose this place to imprison him. Not only were there snake-like roads that were vexing, but there was also a great chance of running out of fuel before reaching anything that resembled a town.     

Lucky for him, Jolie had some usefulness in this situation. He didn't get lost and managed to set traps before Su Long's men arrived at the scene. Just as depicted in the plot, they picked the same location to attack Qie Ranzhe's convoy. All Wen Qinxi had to do was lie in wait, camouflaged atop a hill. He was silently watching Su Long's men set up their trap with great interest.     

'Boss, why did you have to put bears around Lin Lin? They all believed your lie anyway so what was the point?' asked the curious system. It called to question some of the decisions Wen Qinxi made especially this one. It made no sense at all.     

Wen Qinxi grinned recalling the cute scene and said, 'For visual effect. I think it was fuckin hilarious.' He wished he could have been there to see the reaction on the bodyguards' face.     

'Well, I don't think it was funny. Charlie Chaplin was funny, Mr Bean is funny but this isn't funny at all,' explained the system but Wen Qinxi didn't feel like quibbling with an AI.     

'What do you know?... It was fuckin hilarious,' replied Wen Qinxi when he finally noticed a fleet of cars rolling down the mountain into the valley.     

'Shit is about to go down!' said the animated system as Wen Qinxi took out a couple of detonators preparing to initiate a firework display.     

'Let's light it up,' he said watching Su Long's man prepare to attack the convoy.     


Two hours before the showdown, Qie Ranzhe had just received a bizarre report that had three black lines forming on his forehead. "He fuckin did what?" asked Machu sitting up front in the passenger seat.     

"He ran around naked in the entire compound.... fuck!" said Qie Ranzhe sinking back into the car seat. He couldn't understand what was going on in that kid's mind but he had a feeling that it had something to do with Su Xin.     

"Hahahaha... so everything was hanging out in the open for all to see? Boss, unless he was convinced by someone to do that, young master would never take off his clothes," said Machu analyzing the situation objectively.     

"Su Xin! That's it, I am going to fuckin kill him. I'm seriously going to fuckin kill him," said Qie Ranzhe slamming his fist on the car seat.     

The suspicion turned to fact when he received another call an hour later informing him of Su Xin's escape and him robbing the armoury. Not forgetting the teddy bear fake bomb strapped on Qie Xieling. This had Machu stifling his laughter as he didn't want to poke the hornet's nest further and get caught in the crossfire despite being an innocent bystander. This had the convoy driving faster through the forest to reach the Villa. But just as they reached the bottom of the valley ten miles from the Villa there was a sudden burst of gunfire.     

Taken by surprise Machu hit the emergency brakes. The two vehicles in front parked across the road blocking Qie Ranzhe's car from the incoming attack. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" cursed Machu taking out his handgun while the driver put the car in reverse. He wanted to get his boss out of the line of fire but it was proving difficult as another vehicle appeared out of nowhere blocking their path.     

Though multiple rounds of ammo were fired there was barely any significant damage because of the bulletproof windows. The enemy seemed to have figured it out because they stopped firing their weapons as an unsettling silence filled the forest. One way of describing it would be the calm before the storm.     

As expected a man walked out with a rocket launcher on his shoulder and aimed it at Qie Ranzhe's convoy.     

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