Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi Thirsty For Qie Ranzhe

Fourth World: Wen Qinxi Thirsty For Qie Ranzhe

0Qie Xieling took full advantage of this situation making up for all the years he didn't have his dad around. That is to say, the title of Ultimate Opportunist could only belong to him. He ran up the stairs and pushed the door open with a tear-stained face.      2

He was genuinely upset about the fudge but he took it as an opportunity to behave insensible crying in his dad's arms. Wen Qinxi who had been watching some breakfast show was startled when the door was pushed opened followed by Qie Xieling throwing himself in his arms.     

Wen Qinxi's heart ached as he comforted Qie Xieling. He tried to figure out what riled up the overly mature little ancestor but Qie Xieling kept on crying as though venting out all his pent-up grievances. Stumped by this situation, Wen Qinxi could only embrace him while soothing his back urging him on to let it out. Every once in a while, we all deserve a good cry. That is to say one would feel better after crying it out.     

Qie Xieling cried himself to sleep that is after explaining to Su Xin what happened to his precious fudge. It is then that Wen Qinxi understood what the fuss was all about. "Lin Lin, don't cry... we'll make more. There is no need to cry till your eyes hurt," were the words he said before coaxing the boy to sleep.     

While Qie Xieling was curled up in bed sleeping, Wen Qinxi sat cross-legged on the carpet while drawing something on a sheet of paper. The fudge conflict wasn't fully resolved but another major event in the plot was about to unfold so he had to prepare for it.     

Because of Qie Ranzhe's status in the underworld, there were a lot of enemies in the shadows calling for his head and one such person was Su Long. He was brazen enough to come after Qie Ranzhe on this island after the annual gathering. He not only dared to ambush Qie Ranzhe but dared attack the man's villa while Qie Xieling was in it.     

In the original plot, Su Xin took advantage of the chaos to run away. Fortunately, Qie Xieling came out of this unscathed but this attack earned Qie Ranzhe four months of hospitalization. Since he was here now, as Su Xin he naturally wouldn't let anything bad happen to them. He wasn't going to prevent the events from taking place but he was planning on changing the outcome. Sure, Su Xin was a controversial character but his father also took advantage of him and didn't receive punishment for it. It was time he dealt a huge blow at old man Su and bring down his entire organization.     

On this piece of paper, Wen Qinxi used the game files to rearrange the security forces protecting the Villa to give them a greater advantage when they get attacked. This was to better protect Qie Xieling while he was out roasting Su Long.     

Just as he was finishing off what he was writing, the door was silently opened and in strolled the big boss, his eyes transfixed on the little dumpling curled up in bed. Wen Qinxi nervously squeezed his pen but he didn't raise his head as he continued writing. His head might have been lowered but he paid close attention to Qie Ranzhe's movements in the room.     

His palms became clammy as he feigned calmness. From the outside, he resembled a calm isolated lake with no ripples on its surface but internally he was a bundle of nerves panicking like he was in the middle of a storm out at sea. This was the love of his life but their relationship right now was almost non-existent.     

Qie Ranzhe quietly walked across the room towards Qie Xieling. He had heard the boy crying across the corridor but held back because he knew it would only make the situation worse. He didn't expect this big of a reaction from Qie Xieling which forced him to admit Su Xin was somewhat important. This further complicated things making Su Xin hard to deal with.     

He kissed Qie Xieling's cheek and fixed the quilt before walking over to Su Xin who still had his head lowered refusing to acknowledge his presence. He towered over the man who kept on writing with no care in the world. If there was anything Qie Ranzhe hated the most, it was being ignored. If it weren't for Qie Xieling's presence he would have strangled him already.     

Qie Ranzhe scoffed as he clenched his fist trying to keep himself lucid and not act on impulse. "You are ignoring me?" he asked gnashing his teeth. One look at him and you could tell he was struggling to suppress his anger clenching his jaw tightly like it would break at any moment.     

Wen Qinxi didn't raise his head as he carried on writing something. Acting pitiful and begging for forgiveness wouldn't work on a character like Qie Ranzhe. If you want to lure the tiger you have to use your actions, not words which is why he chose this route.     

Look at it this way, if your spouse who was also a spy and an adulterer not just once but countless times, comes over to you and says I am a changed man would you believe it?     

Using this way of thinking he said, "I have something for you," while finishing off his scribbling, "here, this will be of great use to you." Wen Qinxi finally raised his head and handed over the piece of paper to Qie Ranzhe. For the first time in a long time, their eyes met and the two locked gazes.     

Those beautiful bright eyes sent a spark in Qie Ranzhe's way that he felt his heart skip a beat. He hated this, he hated that Su Xin could still manage to pull his heartstrings despite having committed the ultimate crime. With a look of disdain, he took the paper and looked it over.     

At first, he thought it was a bunch of nonsense but it turned out to be a defensive strategy for the Villa. His first thought was that Su Xin was luring him into a trap. If Su Xin had given this defence plan to the enemy wouldn't they be at a disadvantage if they followed it? But he had intercepted all communication channels in the Villa.     

Nothing bypassed him not even his bodyguards' personal communication with their families. His level of information was so deep that he even know what colour of underwear his chief of security was wearing because of this. Traumatising as it may seem he needed to protect Qie Xieling.     

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