Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: A Pissed Off Little Dumpling

Fourth World: A Pissed Off Little Dumpling

1"The ghost you just saw... what does it look like?" further inquired Qie Xieling thinking back to some of the books he read in the past on paranormal activity. He was trying to figure out how to ward off evil spirits. Little did he know that the person on the other side was more troublesome than a fiend.     

Though he was terrified of ghosts, Wen Qinxi would rather deal with a ghost than Qie Ranzhe right now. Just one look spoke volumes. If it weren't for Qie Xieling he would have been skinned alive by now.     

"It's, it's not a ghost... your daddy is on the other side of the door," said Wen Qinxi pointing at the door while lowering his voice.     

Qie Xieling was relieved when he heard this but judging from Su Xin's expression, his daddy was most likely in a horrible mood.     

Qie Ranzhe who had just had the door slammed in his face, clenched his fists struggling to suppress his anger. It wouldn't be good if he lost his cool in front of his son. The scene might turn bloody and traumatize Qie Xieling. He closed his eyes trying to calm down the hurricane surging within him. By the time he opened his eyes, he seemed a bit calm but his hands were still trembling.     

The door was suddenly opened a crack, a space perfect to fit a thirteen-year-old. Qie Xieling was gently pushed out of the door with the hand quickly disappearing into the room before the door was quietly shut once more.     

Qie Xieling, "....."     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

It almost seemed like a fearful kindergartener returning a toy he took without permission. Qie Ranzhe who had just been ignored humphed and grabbed Qie Xieling's arm leading him to the dining room to have breakfast.     

Qie Xieling wanted to complain and tell his daddy he was planning on having breakfast with Su Xin in the garden but judging from Qie Ranzhe's grimly expression and Su Xin's frightful look, it wasn't a good idea. This wasn't the right time to stir up the dark waters.     

Things were awfully silent at the breakfast table with a heavy atmosphere that even Machu scampered away as soon as he entered the door. 'Forget it, I can do without breakfast today,' was his thought as he walked away in hurried footsteps.     

Qie Xieling wanted to say something but didn't know were to start faced with his daddy's dour expression. He could only push around his food eating little bites as though saving some space for when he eats with Su Xin.     

His actions were noticed by Qie Ranzhe who suddenly put down his chopsticks and asked, "Is Su Xin bullying you? Don't be afraid..... daddy will protect you," with a stern expression. This was the only thing he could come up with to explain Qie Xieling's odd behaviour. Su Xin was definitely threatening his son or so he thought.     

Qie Xieling raised his lowered head and said, "No, no he's not... in fact, he helped me do my homework an-," but he was cut off when Qie Ranzhe said,     

"And you helped him unlock the chain."     

The guilty party lowered his head ready to receive his sentence. He had indeed helped Su Xin but if he didn't they wouldn't have made delicious fudge or go out to play in the garden.     

"How did you do it?" asked Qie Ranzhe before sipping some of his coffee with his piercing gaze on Qie Xieling.     

"Ma, master key but... we made some delicious snacks," said Qie Xieling before standing up without giving his daddy a chance to respond. He believed that once his father saw the snacks they made, he would understand why he let Su Xin go. "I will give you one, no two," said Qie Xieling while raising his fingers before exiting the room.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say a word as he carried on drinking his coffee that is until Qie Xieling came back and slammed an empty container on the table fuming with anger. Seeing the familiar container, Qie Ranzhe almost choked on his coffee with some of it spilling on the table.     

The sweet innocent kid was so angry that he yelled, "Who did it? Who ate my fudge?" slamming the container on the table once more.     

The steward ran in with a panicked expression looking to see what happened to their adorable young master. Qie Xieling had turned into a little monster as he tossed the container right next to the steward's feet. "Who did it? Call all of them out..... whoever it is, I won't let them off!" The short person looked cute when angry but the steward dared not take Qie Xieling's words lightly. He was about to go and call all the servants but the guilty party decided to interject.     

"Xieling, there is no need... it was, it was..... Machu," said Qie Ranzhe sensing how pissed off Qie Xieling was. If he had known that fudge belonged to Qie Xieling he would never have eaten it. The two were similar and strict about their things. The reason why he threw Machu under the bus was that he couldn't afford to be on Qie Xieling's bad side especially when he was trying to oust Su Xin.     

Right when he said that, Machu walked in right on time to face the storm head-on. Qie Xieling glared at Machu with a murderous aura and asked, "Did you eat my fudge?"     

Qie Xieling might be a kid but those eyes were as oppressive as his boss compelling him to spill his guts immediately. Completely missing Qie Ranzhe's threatening gaze, he confessed, "I ate one but your daddy over there ate the rest of it. I swear I am telling the truth."     

Like a clown in a house of horrors, Qie Xieling slowly turned his head towards his daddy. He not only ate his fudge but also lied about it.     

Caught in a snare of his own design, Qie Ranzhe tried to smooth things over. "Son it's just fudge..... I will have the chef make you some more. Just don't be angry with daddy, okay?" but Qie Xieling remained unmoved, "Fine, fine, I am sorry but you should have put a sticker on it. How was I supposed to know?"     

Qie Xieling also felt he should have put a sticker written 'eat it and I will chop off your hand' but it was already too late. The first thing he made with his dad was eaten by his daddy while he only got to have one piece. He was so angry but he could also use this to his advantage and get Su Xin's sympathy. Such a devious plan could only come from Qie Ranzhe's son. The apple truly didn't fall far from the tree.     

Choosing a shameless route, he said, "You ate my fudge... wuwuwuwu..... I am going to tell," before running up the stairs.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

Machu, "WTF"     

Steward, "What am I even doing here?"     

As soon as Qie Xieling disappeared Machu pat Qie Ranzhe's shoulder and said, "Tsk, tsk, prepare yourself to lose Xieling in the divorce. He would definitely choose to go with Su Xin."     

"Piss off," said the irritated Qie Ranzhe unable to accept that he just lost to Su Xin, "and I am not getting a fuckin divorce!"     

Machu pressed his lips together trying to stifle his laughter as he watched Qie Ranzhe's disappearing back.     

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