Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Angry Papa Bear

Fourth World: Angry Papa Bear

4The sun shone with pride in the clear blue sky with its rays reflecting on the surface of the lush green leaves and fragrant flowers. Such a lovely day was bound to be great with a lot of things to explore. At least Wen Qinxi seemed to think so as he stared at the sleeping Qie Xieling with his half-lidded eyes.     

The cuteness overload was too much for him that he couldn't resist extending his fingers tucking away the stray strands of hair brushing against Qie Xieling's forehead behind the kid's ears. A sweet smile appeared on his handsome face when Qie Xieling's eyelids slowly opened. The kid dazedly stared at Su Xin as he turned to lay on his back before stretching like a kitten that had been relaxing in the sun for too long. "What?... Is there something on my face?" asked Qie Xieling wiping his mouth in case there was drool but there was none.     

Wen Qinxi's gaze lingered a little with a doting look on his face. His fingers were itching to pinch those cheeks but he resisted the urge otherwise this cute fuzzball would bare his fangs.     

He didn't want to get his handsome face scratched so he said, "Get up, let's go mess around in the garden after breakfast," said Wen Qinxi getting off the bed, "better yet we can have breakfast in the garden... What do you think?"     

Qie Xieling recalled his tasty fudge and immediately got up heading for the door but as soon as he reached the door, Wen Qinxi coughed loudly attracting the boy's attention. Qie Xieling turned around with a peeved expression but when he followed Su Xin's line of sight he noticed the chain he had insisted his dad wear to bed.     

He was afraid Su Xin would run off while he was sleeping. Even now he was still hesitant so he said, "I will go get my clothes and come back so we can shower together... I will unlock it then." Before Wen Qinxi could convince him otherwise, the kid ran off afraid his dad would be uncomfortable if he delayed any longer. He knew Su Xin hated the chain but who told him to run away from his own son countless times. Wen Qinxi looked down at his ankle jewellery and sighed deeply. It seemed he would be wearing this to bed for a very long time.     

Meanwhile, footage of Qie Xieling running out of Su Xin's room was playing on Qie Ranzhe's laptop screen in the study. He had been watching this door for over an hour now but this was the first time there was any movement. His gaze followed his son who seemed anxious like he would lose something important if he didn't get to his destination faster.     

The footage changed as it showed Qie Xieling entering his bedroom. Inside the bedroom, Qie Xieling frantically searched his drawer for some clothes. Once he found what he required, he seemed to hesitate before running to the bathroom to grab something.     

Qie Ranzhe's eyes narrowed as he watched the kid run back to Su Xin's room even dropping a few things along the way. Frustrated, Qie Ranzhe rubbed his chin before leaning back into his chair.     

"Boss, why didn't you install cameras in Su Xin's room? It's obvious you are curious to know what they are up to," said Machu who was leaning against the wall behind Qie Ranzhe observing the footage.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond with his cold gaze fixed on Su Xin's door that had just been closed shut. Machu walked around him and sat in the opposite chair while grabbing an apple from the crystal bowl on the coffee table. "Su Xin seems to have some kind of charm to have Qie Xieling that restless," he carried on saying while rubbing the apple on his t-shirt before taking a bite.     

His serene expression turned ugly after chewing on the apple. As the bitter taste ruthlessly attacked his taste buds, Machu took the bin and spat it out before saying, "Ran-ge, what the fuck?"     

Qie Ranzhe's expression remained indifferent but his eyes showed a glint of amusement. "Don't casually eat things that don't belong to you.... and I am not a pervert," said Qie Ranzhe slamming the laptop shut.     

"Pei, Pei...Huh?" said Machu after spitting out the rest of the disgusting apple.     

"I said I am not a pervert," replied Qie Ranzhe with an indignant tone. He barely slept trying to figure out what Su Xin was up to. He hadn't even gone for long but his son was like an enchanted pup following Su Xin around. He had to do something about it otherwise his son would be taken advantage of.     

"Oh..... wait, where are you going?" said Machu watching him askance.     

"Find out his plan," said Qie Ranzhe in a commanding tone while averting to answer the question. Machu could tell Qie Ranzhe's bearings were off so he didn't say anything and decided to find out what the adulterer was up to.     

Qie Ranzhe stood outside Su Xin's door like a statue waiting for the two of them to come out with an overbearing air around him. His expression was that of indifference but the formidable dark aura looming over him had the servants scurrying away lest they get caught in the crossfire.     

Wen Qinxi who didn't know what was happening outside was busy straightening out Qie Xieling's clothes. The boy was dressed in blue shorts, a white t-shirt and a cap ready to explore the garden. He should have been behaving like a rebellious teen but having missed out on all this when he was young, he was eager to go. It didn't matter what sort of activity they did as long as it was with Su Xin he would gladly accept.     

Wen Qinxi applied some sunscreen on the boy's face not forgetting to pinch those cheeks in the process. Qie Xieling who had just been taken advantage of, yelped while glaring at his dad who seemed proud of himself. "Just this once..... I won't pinch again," said Wen Qinxi smiling at the little cutie who looked fierce but wasn't threatening in the slightest.     

That smile melted Qie Xieling's heart that he even forgot to be angry. If he only knew how addicted Su Xin became after that one pinch, he would have thrown a fit to draw the line, not that it would make any difference.     

Unaware of the danger on the other side of the door, Wen Qinxi opened it and sure enough, he was scared out of his wits when he was met by Qie Ranzhe's dark expression. Wen Qinxi shut the door without thinking, his face as white as a sheet.     

Qie Xieling furrowed his brow in vexation. He couldn't help but conclude that Su Xin had seen a ghost. What sort of ghost would show up in broad daylight. Curious, he asked, "What does it look like?"     

Confused and still out of sorts, Wen Qinxi gave an unintelligent response, "Huh?"     

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