Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lin Lin's Abandonment Issues

Fourth World: Lin Lin's Abandonment Issues

2Qie Xieling was so happy that he put away the evidence inside a shoebox and hid it in his walk-in closet before going downstairs for dinner. Spending time with Su Xin seemed to have restored his childlike innocence with a beaming smile that hadn't been seen on his face for a very long time. He couldn't wait for tomorrow so he could do more fun things with Su Xin. Filled with high expectations, he closed his eyes only to have his heart shattered the very next morning.     

He woke up earlier than usual and immediately ran over to Su Xin's room right after washing up. To his surprise, Su Xin wasn't in his room. Panicked with his eyes blurred with tears, Qie Xieling began to frantically search for Su Xin attracting the attention of the security guards and maids.     

The usually obedient young master was throwing a fit crying while running around the mansion. No one could barely make out what he was saying but they could easily read the situation. This kid normally kept to himself, silent not causing trouble but there was one person who could make him cry like this. The professional heart breaker, Su Xin.     

Everyone went in a frenzy searching for Su Xin but they couldn't find him. The guards couldn't figure out how Su Xin left the property without being noticed. The search extended beyond the property but no one thought of looking in the kitchen specifically in the food pantry.     

Wen Qinxi was looking through the available ingredients with the door shut that he didn't know that it was like a war zone outside. Coincidentally, Qie Xieling walked in the kitchen sniffling while calling his daddy.     

Qie Ranzhe was a thousand kms away taking care of some thugs who dared sell drugs in his city when he received a phone call from his son. The customized Pikachu ring tone was especially incongruous in this situation. The blooded crime boss and his underlings couldn't help but stare at each other in confusion. Machu who had been busy swinging a bat at the crime boss had to stop midair while staring at his boss who was seated on the couch.     

Reaching into his pocket, Qie Ranzhe took out his phone while placing his index finger on his lip gesturing for the criminals to stop their whimpers and groans. Machu also put down the bat and took out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood.     

On the third ring, Qie Ranzhe answered the phone while crossing his legs exuding an arrogant ambience but his voice was especially soft when he spoke to Qie Xieling. "Missing daddy already?" he asked but he was met by Qie Xieling's sniffles and sobs. Anxious he asked, "What is it? Tell daddy who bullied you?"     

"Wuwuwuwu, it's, it's Su Xin. He, he.... ah," cried Qie Xieling but his sobs abruptly stopped when he saw Su Xin coming out of the kitchen pantry with a bunch of stuff. Qie Xieling who had just thought he had been abandoned a minute ago, cut the call with no explanation and accused the perpetrator with swollen eyes.     

"Where, where were you? You left me...."     

Wen Qinxi was at a loss of words faced by the sweet munchkin staring at him with bloodshot eyes. Distressed, Wen Qinxi put the stuff on the counter and ran over wiping away Qie Xieling's tears.     

"I am sorry, I am so sorry.... don't cry, okay? Look, dad was just trying to find ingredients to make some fudge together," he explained as he embraced Qie Xieling. His heart was torn apart when he saw this kid crying because he thought he had been abandoned. Su Xin had his own selfish reasons to run away but Wen Qinxi would never do that.     

"Lin Lin, don't cry. Didn't I promise to never leave you?... here have this," said Wen Qinxi taking out the key for his chain. He grabbed twine from under the sink and cut it before hanging the key on it. He then hung it around Qie Xieling's neck like a pendant.     

Qie Xieling looked down at the key hanging around his neck while nervously biting his index finger. "Every night I will lock the chain around my ankle and you will come to unlock it for me every morning. Is that okay?"     

Wen Qinxi hated the chain but to reassure Qie Xieling, he was willing to do anything. He didn't want the kid to continue down this path having abandonment issues. Qie Xieling was tongue-tied and could only nod his head.     

"Now, let's go wash your face first then will make some fudge. How about that?" he asked before leading the little ancestor to the first-floor bathroom. It's a pity the boy had grown so much that Wen Qinxi couldn't pick him up.     

It was then that the guards and maids saw the two holding hands looking harmonious. Frozen in place, they didn't know what to do. Su Xin was supposed to be chained in his bedroom so what was this situation? Annoyed by all the stares, Qie Xieling said, "What are you all staring at? You can go..... I want to hang out with my dad alone."     

Wen Qinxi almost wanted to spank this kid for being rude. He could only smile apologetically as he gently pulled the boy up the stairs.     

Maybe it was because Qie Xieling had sharing issues or that he wanted to get into some mischief with his dad like yesterday that he had to chase away these prying eyes. Whatever the reason, he didn't want them around. While going up the stairs, Qie Xieling couldn't shake the feeling that he forgot something. He brushed it off thinking he will remember it if it's important.     

It was actually super important. Because he left his phone behind, Qie Ranzhe kept calling non-stop. When the phone went straight to voicemail, he got off the couch followed by three loud shots. Bang! Bang! Bang!     

"Playtime is over, let's head out," said Qie Ranzhe handing the gun over as he left the room his heart feeling anxious. He swore once he gets his hands on Su Xin, he was going to rip him to shreds for bullying his cub.     

It would be best if Su Xin had successfully ran away for his own good because this papa bear wasn't going to spare him. Machu who could guess what happened instructed some men to clean up before following Qie Ranzhe to the helipad. In less than five minutes, the helicopter took off heading for the small island where he left his son for the summer vacation. He had chosen this island country as it wasn't easy for Su Xin to escape but it turns out he had underestimated him.     

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