Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Doing Homework With Dad

Fourth World: Doing Homework With Dad

2Like this, one week went by and Qie Xieling didn't make his appearance. Well, he did show up only that it was in the middle of the night when Su Xin was fast asleep. Each night he would squat in front of Su Xin and watch his dad's sleeping face. This was the only way he could see his estranged father as he didn't dare to face the man while he was awake.      1

Wen Qinxi naturally didn't know anything about this so it took him by surprise on the morning of the eight-day when he woke up only to find Qie Xieling sleeping on the floor right next to him. Out of concern he picked up the sleeping kid and tucked him into bed before heading to the bathroom to wash up. He had been wondering why the little scamper who had eagerly come looking for him on the first day had suddenly disappeared. It turns out the little stalker was coming over at night.     

Unfortunately for Qie Xieling, he accidentally slept and got caught. By the time Qie Xieling woke up, it was already past nine with the hot sun up in the sky. At first, he had no idea where he was, gazing around with a quizzical expression. Once he saw Su Xin sitting on the floor while sipping on a hot cup of tea with his eyes fixed on the television screen the childish face turned pale nervously biting his lower lip. He had been caught which meant he couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't see Su Xin anymore. Feeling depressed, he lowered his head filled with an indescribable emotion.     

His relationship with Su Xin was almost non-existent. In the past, Su Xin would go as far as scold him for no reason whenever he came to see him. Which is why he only had the confidence to come over at night. And without warning, he would wake up one day and Su Xin would have disappeared. This is why Qie Ranzhe chained Su Xin this time so that the man wouldn't run away before the summer vacation was over.     

"Awake?" asked Wen Qinxi with a beaming smile drawing Qie Xieling back to earth.     

Qie Xieling got off the bed while fixing his dishevelled hair with his fingers heading for the door. "Mn," replied Qie Xieling in an icy tone but just as he reached the door he heard Su Xin say,     

"Come over here. I need your help with something." Qie Xieling's back stiffened wondering what Su Xin wanted from him. He hesitated for a minute but when he turned around and saw that radiant smile on Su Xin's face his expression softened. He walked over cautiously and asked, "What is it?" with a hint of irritation in his voice.     

'Oh shit! Burn!!..... Boss, you got burnt real good,' said the system that seemed to have been silently enjoying the show.     

'Fuck off!' said Wen Qinxi while thinking, 'like father like son.' Qie Xieling most likely got that from Qie Ranzhe. Cut-throat and ruthless with no mercy. So Savage.     

"Can you help me get out of this?" asked Wen Qinxi while placing his right leg on the table showing the chain wrapped around his ankle.     

The two people stared at each other with either of them thinking about different things. Qie Xieling was thinking Su Xin wanted to use him to escape while Wen Qinxi was thinking this chain was too itchy, he just wanted it off. After a minute of silence, Qie Xieling finally spoke, "Help me with my homework for three days and I will help you find the key."     

Why did Qie Xieling come up with such a deal? It was because he was thinking if he can't spend summer vacation with Su Xin, he might as well get something out of it. For a kid like him, homework is the only thing he could think of. At school, other kids did homework with their parents and their dads and moms would sign on their work after checking it. Because his daddy was never around, the steward had to sign his homework making him feel out of place. This explains why he picked doing homework with Su Xin in exchange. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know that parents did more than homework with their kids.     

Wen Qinxi who was busy scratching the skin under the chain paused in his tracks and raised his head to look at Qie Xieling with a puzzled expression. 'Homework? What the..."     

"You don't want?" asked Qie Xieling proudly raising his chin. He would help Su Xin remove the chain despite the risk. His daddy wasn't around so he didn't have to worry about getting into trouble.     

Wen Qinxi who was about to lose the deal of a lifetime said, "Uh, uh wait... I will take it. I promise I won't run away ever again, cross my heart and hope to die," while drawing an invisible cross on his heart.     

Qie Xieling squinted his eyes, his expression saying 'you think I am stupid'. Three days worth of homework was enough for him, after that he would forget he ever had a dad.     

Three hours later, the door of the room was opened as a small minion walked in with a stack of books. The bored Wen Qinxi was so thrilled that he could barely hide the excitement on his face. The only other thing that he loved apart from computers was studying especially arithmetics.     

He rubbed his hands in excitement looking at the study material laid out on the table. His reaction was so extreme that even Qie Xieling noticed. If Su Xin had a tail it would have been wagging right now.     

Wen Qinxi noticed Qie Xieling staring at him with a befuddled look so he asked, "What are you waiting for? Chop chop..... time to study."     

Qie Xieling shook his head and brushed it off. He couldn't help but think Su Xin banged his head on something making him lose his mind. The two started working with one kid writing it down while the grown-up corrected him. While Qie Xieling was focused on the corrections, Wen Qinxi curiously opened the boy's exercise book looking through his past work. Wen Qinxi was stupefied. Qie Xieling always got total scores so why were they doing this? He didn't need someone to check his homework because he was a genius.     

His lips pressed in a thin line, Wen Qinxi held the book up and flipped it over. Seeing Qie Xieling was too focused on his work, Wen Qinxi coughed to draw his attention and said, "Need help with homework, huh?"     

Qie Xieling who had been caught tried to grab the book back but Wen Qinxi lifted his arm high that the little shorty couldn't reach.     

His had lowered, Qie Xieling finally said, "You don't have to do it with me if you don't want," nervously chewing on his pen.     

Seeing his dejected look, Wen Qinxi sighed and rub his hair saying, "Who said I won't do it with you? I'm just proud of my little genius."     

Qie Xieling who had just been patted like a puppy was so happy but he didn't dare show it as he pretended to focus on his work.     

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