Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Consolation Prize

Fourth World: Consolation Prize

0By the tenth time he ran away, Su Xin was cut off financially by his father. Running out of his savings he began to depend on his sugar mommies for money. Because of his ruined reputation, no one was willing to hire him. The team members that he always worked with, fell on tough times as well and couldn't help him. Which explained why he was with Zhao Hua in the hotel. She not only threw herself at him but offered to get him out of the country.     2

Thus the cycle Wen Qinxi was caught in. Su Xin seemed pitiful and his ending wasn't great. He was gunned down after sleeping with a mafia boss's Goomah (mistress) ten years down the line. Well, that was obviously not going to happen because Wen Qinxi wasn't interested in sleeping with someone's mistress or anyone else for that matter.     

His work was definitely cut out for him in this world. He wasn't even sure he would be able to win Qie Ranzhe after all that. It's a miracle Su Xin's man parts weren't cut off.     

'So.... Qie Xieling is here as well?' asked Wen Qinxi as the van turned a corner before entering an aviation terminal for private jets.     

'He is, he's thirteen but don't expect much. The kid has a repressed personality,' said the system. It wanted to give Wen Qinxi more details but the vehicles suddenly stopped in front of a luxurious jet. The guards opened the van doors and led Wen Qinxi into the jet before pushing him into a seat furthest from Qie Ranzhe.     

Earlier on, he passed Qie Ranzhe as the guards shoved him along the aisle but the stoic man didn't even spare him a glance.     

Wen Qinxi swallowed his saliva drawing back the tears that were right at the brink of falling out. His heart felt a piercing pain being ignored like this. He was about to buckle his seat belt when a guard tossed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as per Qie Ranzhe's instructions. "Put this on, the bathroom is over there," said the guard while removing Su Xin's handcuffs.     

Wen Qinxi went into the bathroom and put on his clothes that were a perfect fit. He desperately wanted to take a shower as last night's events were still lingering all over his body. With his long slender fingers, he reached out to turn on the sensor-activated tap and cupped his hands to wash his face.     

It was only after towelling his face dry did he get to look in the mirror. He now understood why women flocked toward Su Xin. The man was a male god carved in extreme detail by the heavens. His cherry plump lips and almond-shaped eyes left one yearning for more. It wasn't only his face but his body that drove women nuts.     

Wen Qinxi ran his wet fingers into his hair and made it look a tad bit presentable before walking out of the bathroom.     

The same guard handed him white sneakers before pushing him towards his seat. The man couldn't help but take a second glance at this handsome freak of nature. If he had half of Su Xin's handsome features he would have had a long queue of women waiting upon him.     

Wen Qinxi didn't mind him. He settled into his seat before putting on his shoes. While he had his head down, Qie Ranzhe stole a glimpse through his peripheral vision. He had long gotten over Su Xin especially after he found out he was a spy. After delivering Qie Xieling, Su Xin ran away. It was then that Qie Ranzhe decided to let him go but who would have expected his son to keep asking for Su Xin.     

He had braced himself to become a single parent but because he often travelled for business, Qie Xieling was mostly alone and he wouldn't stop asking for Su Xin. This is why he chased after Su Xin to try and appease Qie Xieling but the same thing kept happening over and over again. He wanted to break the cycle and explained to his son that Su Xin didn't want to be here but Qie Xieling begged him to bring Su Xin one last time. Qie Xieling planned on spending summer vacation with Su Xin and promised never to ask after him again.     

This is why he kept chasing after Su Xin like a heartbroken person who couldn't let go. At least that's what the rest of the underworld thought.     

While Qie Ranzhe was letting Qie Xieling know that he was bringing Su Xin via WeChat, Wen Qinxi who had just finished buckling up was soon approached by an enthusiastic air hostess who was passing along hot towels. When she met Sun Xin's eyes, she felt her knees weaken, her ears turning crimson.     

Qie Ranzhe was handsome by his stern expression made him unapproachable but Su Xin was a different breed, handsome and friendly. "Sir, would you like something to drink? I can bring it for you soon after takeoff," she said with a shy smile that not only the guards noticed but also Qie Ranzhe. He raised a brow scoffing internally. As expected, the frivolous man was back at it again before even washing away the lewd fluids from having a spring night with Zhao Hua.     

Wen Qinxi who didn't know that he had been misjudged smiled at her and said, "one mocha frappuccino please." Because of the unfortunate incident, Wen Qinxi couldn't leave the game and take a break but at least he could have his favourite beverage. A consolation prize, if I must say.     

The lady smiled and shook her head in agreement and walked away. The guards secretly placed their bets on how long it would take for Su Xin to get her number.     

The private jet soon took to the skies and the mocha frappuccino was soon delivered.     

As expected, the tissue paper had tiny scribbles of her number with a heart drawn at the end. Wen Qinxi raised a brow and immediately stopped her before saying, "Thanks but there is no need," handing back the tissue paper. She took a step forward feeling embarrassed but that wasn't the worst of it. Wen Qinxi added, "Oh and may I please have a new one. Thanks."     

Air hostess, "WTF"     

Guards, "...."     

Wen Qinxi didn't give a rat's arse what they thought and dazedly enjoyed his frappuccino like an addict after four months of sobriety. The frappuccino seemed to have a placebo effect because the exhausted Wen Qinxi fell asleep right after without the slightest vigilance. He had been through so much shit these couple of hours and needed the rest.     

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