Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Wearing A Green Hat Like A Leprechaun

Fourth World: Wearing A Green Hat Like A Leprechaun

1That is to say, only Jolie knew what was happening. It hoped the CEO wouldn't remember anything otherwise the good doctor will suffer the consequences. Machu dared to flirt with someone's baby in public. The system sent a message on the game room computer. Since it was addressed to Machu, Xia Bai reluctantly parted with Hei Bao and called Machu over.      3

"What's up?" asked Machu as he walked over placing his stethoscope around his neck.     

Hei Bao pointed at the screen and said, "I think Jolie is high on something." It was a  gif of a flickering candle with Machu's name written on it. These naive fools couldn't catch the meaning of this gif but the system didn't feel like clarifying.     

Wen Qinxi who had just been screwed over by the game once more got so angry but he didn't have time to vent out his frustrations when he was pulled into a new world on a whim.     

Disoriented he called out to Jolie. Lucky for him the system hadn't ditched him. 'What the fuck happened now?' he asked. His body felt like a ton of bricks with an excruciating migraine causing his head to throb.     

'Boss, it seems you passed the third world. Huh?.... I really thought you wouldn't pass. Anyway welcome to the fourth world,' said the excited system. Just as it said that a notification appeared in Wen Qinxi's mind repeating what the system said.     

'Congratulations on completing the third world and welcome to the fourth world.'     

The notification was accompanied by fireworks but Wen Qinxi had no time to enjoy the flashy display. He struggled to open his eyes and when he finally did he was met by a well-lit room with the sunlight permeating through the lace curtains. His eyes stung from the bright light so he covered his eyes with the back of his hand.     

He had once more entered the game with no inkling of who he was or which character he was playing so he asked the system, 'What character am I this time?'     

The system was about to enlighten him when an arm crept from behind his back and encircled his abdomen. The arm wasn't muscular in the slightest. It was small and slender like a, like a_     

"Oh shit," cursed Wen Qinxi unconsciously kicking the poor woman off the bed. If he wasn't awake before, he was awake now. "What the fuck!" he yelled his expression unsightly.     

The woman who had just been kicked out of bed slowly got off the ground rubbing her head in confusion. Her dishevelled hair was partially covering her face that all Wen Qinxi could see was a straight nose and slightly pouted lips. "Ah, Xin-ge? What was that for?" she complained in a coquettish tone. She was tightly clutching the white quilt covering her naked body.     

'Jolie... what the fuck!' asked a mortified Wen Qinxi. Why was his character in bed with a naked woman? 'Wait a minute,' he thought slowly looking down terrified to know the answer. Turns out he was also naked.     

'You better get the fuck out of there, fast..... oh shit! Sorry you are on your own,' said the system before doing the usual disappearing act that Wen Qinxi was too familiar with.     

'Wait, what?' asked Wen Qinxi but as expected there was no response. Wen Qinxi put on the black underwear on the floor and tossed the woman's undergarments towards her. The woman didn't seem pleased about being ignored so she tossed her bra away and complained, "Xin-ge," brushing her hair backwards.     

Just as she was about to grab Su Xin, the hotel door was suddenly opened as Wen Qinxi's stepped right into his worst nightmare. Qie Ranzhe had just walked-in on him lying in bed with a woman. Wen Qinxi didn't know the exact situation but when he recalled that the system had told him to make a break for it, it meant either this woman or himself was involved with Qie Ranzhe.     

He sincerely hoped it was the former, at least he could play dumb and say that he didn't know she was Qie Ranzhe's girlfriend. This idea became wishful thinking because this entire time Qie Ranzhe was glaring daggers at him. If that stare could kill he would long be a stiff corpse by now. Qie Ranzhe was clenching his fists not saying anything but he kept his eye on this professional heart breaker.     

Wen Qinxi just wanted to get dressed and obediently follow him but when did things in these worlds ever been that simple? The cannon fodder next to him had the balls to open her mouth. "You can't force him to stay by your side..... just, divorce him already and let him go. We are together now," she said about to grasp Su Xin's arm.     

Maybe if it was the old Su Xin, her touch would have been welcomed with open arms but this was Wen Qinxi so her hand was easily avoided. It was a cold-blooded rejection but this didn't faze her as she carried on with her declaration of love.     

As though the universe had a vendetta against him, another eyesore that had followed him in each previous world made a grand appearance. Zhao Huangzhi walked in and of course, berated him like he was the devil.     

The woman covered by the quilt didn't hesitate to stand up for Su Xin yelling at Zhao Huangzhi. It was safe to say they had officially started a countdown to a proper catfight.     

"Is that the way to speak to your older sister..... so disrespectful? You better shut your slutty mouth otherwise I will beat you silly," said Zhao Huangzhi pointing at the woman. When Wen Qinxi took a closer look, he could finally see the resemblance. This was Zhao Huangzhi's little sister and apparently, she likes Su Xin despite knowing about Qie Ranzhe.     

Being a slug man, how could Su Xin refuse? Wen Qinxi looked at Qie Ranzhe apologetically but Qie Ranzhe avoided his gaze.     

Zhao Huangzhi took the opportunity to comfort the husband who was forced to wear a green hat like a leprechaun. "Let's go Ran-ge. This piece of trash doesn't deserve you. You will dirty your eyes," trying to hold Qie Ranzhe's arm but Qie Ranzhe dodged and said,     

"Take him to the van," as he turned on his heels to leave. A group of brawny men wearing black walked in and dragged the cheating husband out of the room in his underwear.     

Zhao Huangzhi caught up with Qie Ranzhe trying to console him but Qie Ranzhe wasn't in the mood. He paused his steps and said, "Go back home. I will call you once I am done dealing with him," before taking a glimpse of Su Xin at the corner of his eye.     

Wen Qinxi who didn't understand the meaning of 'dealing with him' felt his heartache. He was too distraught to be embarrassed neither did he struggle. Like a sacrificial lamb, he silently allowed himself to be dragged out of the hotel in his underwear.     

The brawny men were surprised by Su Xin's calm demeanour considering his reaction in the past. This wasn't the first time their boss caught his husband rolling in between the sheets with some hussy. But this was the first time Su Xin didn't give them a hard time. If it weren't for the troublesome Zhao Hua that was trying to free Su Xin, things would have gone smoothly.     

Zhao Hua fought with all her might loosening up her hotel gown in the process. One of the guards finally had enough and carried her back to the room tossing her in before locking the door. This was bound to be an interesting world.     

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