Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: President Qie's First Move

Third World: President Qie's First Move

0While some were being tormented with snakes, the human popsicle finally reached its destination. Wen Qinxi had been hauled left and right during transit. If it weren't because he hadn't eaten in more than thirty-six hours, he would have puked his guts out.     

He thanked the heavens as soon as the tin can stopped moving. It seemed they had finally reached their destination. The icebox was soon opened and his gaze fell upon three scientists wearing yellow hazmat suits and black rubber gloves. Wen Qinxi wanted to beat the crap out of the geniuses but he still couldn't move. He could only helplessly watch as they picked up his frozen body. Of course, he didn't forget to glare daggers at them in the process.     

The scientists felt his unnerving gaze and shuddered despite knowing that the man was immobilized. This didn't stop layers of cold sweat from forming on their backs and foreheads. This man was too scary.     

Wen Qinxi was carried to a container that closely resembled a diving chamber and placed inside in a sitting position before the door was slammed in his face.     

His stiff muscles slowly regained mobility but because they were still numb, his entire body felt like wobbly jelly as he came tumbling down to the ground swearing, "Shit!"     

Wen Qinxi lay face flat on the floor unable to move his limbs for a good two hours. This was incredibly humiliating considering Feng Zi was an underworld boss with so many minions. "I am going to kill him... I am going to fuckin kill him," he murmured on feeling wronged. His hatred for President Qie skyrocketed with each second he spent on the floor.     

"Boss....," whispered the system but Wen Qinxi didn't respond, "Boss.... are you okay?"     

Wen Qinxi whose finger was finally regaining mobility replied, "Do I look fuckin okay to you?" This system was done for. He would surely keep his word and punish Jolie as soon as he got out of here.     

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you that the CEO is on his way. Just endure it for a little longer," said the system but Wen Qinxi didn't take that information too well.     

"You do realise I am supposed to die to pass this world? Even if he shows up and saves me how am I supposed to pass this world?... He will only make things more complicated for me," said Wen Qinxi trying to lift his hand as a prickly feeling washed over him.     

The system felt helpless struggling to come up with words of comfort. But as it turns out, it didn't have to because President Qie walked into the room interrupting their conversation. The so-called president wore a sardonic expression as he leisurely strolled over like a man void of all worries. He peeked through the thick glass window looking for Feng Zi but he couldn't see him.     

How was he supposed to gloat when he couldn't see Feng Zi? He had to make that little brat pay for making him lose face by stealing the codes right under his nose. Granted, Feng Zi used his son to gain access but it reflects badly on him as a parent. He had to humiliate Feng Zi to vent out all his repressed anger so he asked one of the scientists to open the chamber and drag Feng Zi out.     

Against their advice, President Qie insisted so the scientists opened the chamber and dragged the man out as per the president's orders. Wen Qinxi was dragged out of the chamber but didn't forget to grab a pen from one of the scientists' lab coat. He said he was going to kill President Qie and he intended to keep his promise. Without being noticed, Wen Qinxi hid the pen in his sleeve patiently waiting for his entire body to regain mobility.     

"HAHAHAHAHA!... Who would have thought I would finally lay my hands on the red devil of the underworld? HAHAHAHAHA! Brat! You thought you could hide from me forever?... Tsk tsk tsk how naive," said President Qie after kicking him in the stomach a couple of times.     

Wen Qinxi felt like crying wishing for death. He couldn't stand the pain but had to endure it a while longer. He would rather get into the chamber and get the extraction process done than linger around to be bullied by this man.     

President Qie crouched down and grabbed Feng Zi's hair before lifting his head to force the man to look at him. "How disappointing. Is this the so-called young master of the underworld?... Tsk, how disappointing," before slamming Feng Zi's head against the floor. Wen Qinxi grimaced in pain with a tear flowing at the corner of his mouth. It felt like his insides were being cut by a sickle but he could barely endure it. He couldn't understand why this man had to torture him first before extracting his precious crystal.     

He could do without the torture so he said, "Let's get this ov-over and done with. Wh-whats the use of all the extra things? Unless...."     

"Unless what?" asked the president surprised that Feng Zi could speak despite being overdosed with paralytic drugs that could last at least a week.     

Wen Qinxi felt his feet regain their strength but continued to pretend to be a vegetable as he responded, "Un-unless you are a fuckin douchebag with no regard for, for your people. Isn't saving earth your priority?"     

President Qie found this amusing so he broke out in a burst of boisterous laughter before saying, "Those idiots can wait. Death can't come easy to you. I need to torture you first before you have a one on one facetime with the grim reaper."     

After spewing nonsense, the president punched and kicked Wen Qinxi with no reservations. He blamed Feng Zi for everything cursing him out to seventh heaven. His filial son was deceived by this succubus to the point of producing offspring. How could he not torture him first? After being kicked a couple of times, Wen Qinxi got saved by the president's secretary walking up to him holding a phone.     

President Qie was angry being disturbed but when he heard the news that Mr Zhao was dead and his sister was missing, his anger melted down replaced with concern. He immediately gave orders to have the army deployed to save his sister. But before he could complete his orders, a searing pain came from having his thigh stabbed by a pen. He groaned in pain as his guard rushed to protect the president but they weren't fast enough as the same pen was pulled out of his flesh and driven straight into his eye.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to deal more damage but he was unfortunately subdued by the president's guard. He had used all his strength to stab the president's eye which made it easy for the guards to press him down.     

Yes, he had taken the president's eye with a pen but unfortunately, the president held someone of more value to him.     

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