Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Blackening Of The Nerd

Third World: Blackening Of The Nerd

0Pain is said to be part of being alive but right now someone didn't see it that way. Wen Qinxi would rather console himself with one of William Shakespeare's quotes, 'Pain pays the income of each precious thing.' That encouraged him to endure but it wasn't an easy task. His torment also motivated him to stab the President's eye. The normal him would never be able to do such a gruesome thing even to an NPC but the psycho Feng Zi character had no such liberties.     1

So, the president suffered such an unexpected loss roaring like a beast with a dragon horn appearing at the top of his head inching towards transformation. 'Fuck! I shouldn't have done that,' thought Wen Qinxi reprimanding himself. Because he wanted the pain to stop, he was short-sighted in his thinking that he only managed to further infuriate the president. As expected, the enraged president smacked his barely recovered body straight into the wall.     

Wen Qinxi felt his insides twist in excruciating pain. He couldn't help but curl up on the ground while counting backwards to try and distract himself from the pain. He had indeed confirmed the theory that women have a higher tolerance for pain than men.     

While Wen Qinxi was questioning his life choices, the villainous president had pulled out the pen and flung it away. The high-quality parker pen was an expensive gift for the head researcher from his wife when he got promoted. That precious gift was reduced to scrap with one fling of an arm, smashing into the wall. It was such a pity, the pen was also engraved.     

The loss of his pen was the least of the man's worries. He now had hospital bills to worry about because the president turned around and bellowed, "Whose fuckin pen was that?!" Even with one eye closed as streaks of blood seeped out, President Qie was still bad shit scary and all that anger was now directed at the poor head researcher.     

President Qie walked over and kicked the man straight in the face, officially decommissioning this scientist in one swoop. Satisfied, the president strode out of the room heading for the infirmary. He didn't forget to drop a sentence on his way out. "Lock him up.... as for the General of the army.... send a team," instructed the president with a hint of hesitation. Even he knew what Feng Yu was capable of. His sister was probably dead, if she wasn't dead then the maniac was probably toying with her first then kill her. Sending a team was just for show because they didn't even know where Feng Yu was. Even if they were to turn the entire underworld upside down they might not get any useful information. This was because Feng Yu was a cautious person and the king of the underworld which meant no criminal in their right mind would sell him out unless they didn't value their lives.     

This meant that saving Qie Guaiwu was a hopeless case thus he didn't concern himself with it much. In this business, there are bound to be sacrifices. If he was willing to sacrifice his son what more his sister?     

Wen Qinxi couldn't move after that beating and counting backwards from a thousand wasn't effective anymore so under the guidance of the system, they went through several methods of distracting him from the pain. In the two hours he was locked up, Wen Qinxi tried deep breathing just like a woman in labour, listen to music and the alphabet challenge but it was of little help.     

'When this is over and done with, I want to deliver one slap. Just one slap on that handsome face,' said Wen Qinxi talking to the system.     

Jolie rolled its eyes at this silly boss who thought he could slap Qie Ranzhe. Could this count as the blackening of the nerd? It didn't feel like bringing this nerd back to earth so it agreed, 'Sure, sure, sure.... one slap right across the face will do it. Make sure to leave a red palm print. It will leave a memorable impression.'     

Answering a fool at his folly, Jolie urged the nerd on, inciting Wen Qinxi to sink deeper into his flight of fancy.     

Wen Qinxi could almost see a scene straight from a manga, face slapping the overbearing CEO with a loud pa! This could serve as a cure for whatever goes on in Qie Ranzhe's brain that he had to come up with such a shitty world.     

If a psychologist were to study this scenario it would seem that the unconscious Qie Ranzhe was using psychological warfare to keep Wen Qinxi in this world longer. It could be concluded that the CEO was using the nerd's fear of pain to make him stay but Wen Qinxi had no such intentions which meant this CEO miscalculated.     

Qie Ranzhe who had no idea he had been slapped several times in his lover's mind, had just arrived at the secure facility at the highest peak of the Himalayas. After tracking the snowy mountain he finally arrived and the first thing he did was trip the alarm attracting the attention of the security forces. This station was like Fort Knox, an impenetrable base that even his aunt didn't have access to.     

His father had upgraded the security of the facility after Feng Yu robbed the planet of its crystal limiting the number of individuals who could enter and leave. They hired scientists who weren't allowed to leave the station till retirement. Their families also lived here with them which meant they had no reason to leave. As to who could enter the facility, that could only be personally decided by the president.     

Because of this, Qie Ranzhe knew he wouldn't be able to break in. The only way was to trip the alarm and get the security forces' attention. He planned on killing a few of them and allow himself to be captured. This was the only way he could successfully enter the facility.     

Within seconds of the alarm going off outside the wall, a calvary of security forces head in his direction with their weapons drawn. One burly man wearing a different coloured uniform from the rest spoke up while slowly walking through the snow leading the team. "Come out or will shoot!" said the burly man followed by the crunchy sounds of their boots stepping on the snowy ground.     

Qie Ranzhe was hiding in a tree clothed in all white cold-weather gear. This camouflaged his presence in the snow-covered branches. A sly smile crept up his face as he heard the team leader yell even louder while looking through their rifle scope searching for the culprit. The oblivious team leader kept moving forward yelling, "Come out! This is your last chan-.... shit!" He didn't get to finish his statement as a clicking sound reached his ears.     

The entire calvary stood still holding their breath when six more clicking sounds were heard. It seemed they had unknowingly stepped on landmines hidden below the snow. "Fall back! Shit!..... Fall back damn it!" yelled the team leader to those who were fortunate enough to evade these traps. The team leader used years of training to calm his breathing and asess the situation. According to logic, all he had to do was stay still so as to not trigger the landmine but how could Qie Ranzhe let him go just like that.     

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