Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Feng Yu's Collection Of Witches 2

Third World: Feng Yu's Collection Of Witches 2

0Mr Zhao had already activated the emergency button alerting his high-end security company.     

Feng Yu found this amusing and decided to toy with this pair, lying in wait to ambush the so-called high-end security company. In an instant, the burning compound fell into silence with the occasional chirping of crickets under the dark inky night. As expected, the security company was indeed high end arriving at the scene in under five minutes. Unfortunately, they weren't trained to deal with a character like Feng Yu, falling into his trap with ease.     

It took Feng Yu half the time it took the security company to arrive at the scene, to kill them all.     

After he was done ruthlessly slaughtering them, he had three of his men dress like the security company guards and ambled towards the panic room. One of his men pressed the intercom and played the part of the team leader announcing their arrival. The panic-stricken Mr Zhao checked the surveillance camera and saw three armed men with the company's logo on their bulletproof vests.     

Mr Zhao was naturally a paranoid person so he delayed opening the door causing her impatient daughter to scream at him saying, "Father, what are you waiting for? Open the door, I feel suffocated in here." She was huddled at the corner, her face ashen pale, terrified to death as expected of a commander in name only.     

Mr Zhao ignored his daughter and pressed the intercom button to ask, "Mission code?" One would think that it was gameover for Feng Yu's men but their boss was a genius, mad man. He had already hacked the security company phones that the rescue team brought with them and told his men the mission code. If their boss wasn't smart they would have resorted to smoking the father and daughter pair out of the panic room.     

"Zulu Hotel Alpha Oscar 2705," said the confident gangster raising his head, "ZHAO2705 sir, please open the door."     

Feeling a bad premonition at the pit of his stomach, he removed his hand from the intercom button hesitating. Seeing this, a dissatisfied Zhao Huangzhi yelled, "What the fuck are you waiting for?.... Tsk," before standing up to press the button herself. Mr Zhao tried to stop his daughter but it was already too late.     

As the sliding metal door opened, the two people were met with Feng Yu's menacing grin resembling that of the villain Joker. The only thing missing was him saying 'time to die' to complete the aesthetics. Feng Yu tilted his head to the side with that malicious smile still plastered on his face as he raised his gold plated handgun at Mr Zhao.     

"Remember me?"     

Mr Zhao knew who he was but it had been many years since Feng Yu's wife died. Because of that, he had just thought the man had let go of the past. What he didn't know was that his daughter had offended Feng Yu's son bringing about his day of retribution earlier than expected.     

"Let's, let's be reasonable.... name your price.... Aren't we businessmen," said Mr Zhao walking backwards trying to buy some time and get his gun.     

Feng Yu chuckled while waving his gun around. This was incredibly funny. The Zhao family had the neck to screw with his family. First, it was his wife and now it was his son. How could he let this pig go? "Do I look like I lack money to you? Pigs like you deserve to be slaughtered.... consider this retribution," said Feng Yu before pulling the trigger just as the man had reached his gun safe.     

Zhao Huangzhi who had been taken by surprise screamed in terror with her father's brain material splattered on her face. She screamed, puked, screamed and fainted in that order. Feng Yu kicked Mr Zhao before handing his gun over to his right-hand man. "Take all his possessions and sell them on the black market. Use the money to fund the poverty-stricken citizens nationwide.... This pig exploited a lot of people so whatever crime he committed in life should be repaid in death," said Feng Yu before walking out of the bloody panic room with two other men carrying Zhao Huangzhi.     

'Two down, one to go.'     

Feng Yu intended to torture these three women before sending them off to King Yemma. By the time the twenty-four hours were up, Feng Yu was heading towards Feng Zi's mansion. He knew that brat Nu Shen would probably be squatting there. This man had accomplished so much in a day. If Wen Qinxi knew, he would be touched. Unfortunately, he had his own problems. As soon as he woke up, he found himself in an icebox, unable to move.     

It seemed he was still in transit possibly in a plane. Wen Qinxi tried to move his hands and flip open the lid but his arms were frozen stiff. He figured he could only open his eyes. It seemed President Qie wasn't taking any chance paralysing his body and freezing him to maintain the effects for longer.     

Petrified, Wen Qinxi cursed and swore internally because he couldn't even open his mouth. 'Fuck!' swore Wen Qinxi with his body quivering from the cold ice. President Qie was a heartless prick.     

'Sir, this is good. Extreme cold can also help with the pain,' said the system trying to make Wen Qinxi see the bright side but who would have expected Wen Qinxi would retaliate in anger.     

'Piss off!' replied the popsicle man shivering due to the chilly air permeating his bones.     

The system that had just been cursed out by its creator for no reason, retorted, 'I see you are still in high spirits which means you aren't in dire constraints yet soooooo... good luck.' With that, the system vanished leaving the enraged boss behind. Wen Qinxi was so angry he kept cursing the system over and over again as a means to ease his tension. He truly feared he was going to die in this icebox and have this world start over again. But it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. He could continue playing house with Qie Ranzhe and Feng Xieling for a much longer period which was great but his plan was foiled when the plane descended landing on the ground. It seemed he wasn't going to die as a human popsicle after all.     

While the icebox was being dragged into the station, Feng Yu had finally reached the paradise he had built for his son. As expected, Nu Shen was outside the mansion trying to figure out how to get in. Actually, she had been standing outside that shield for over twelve hours trying to crack the password to no avail. She was beginning to lose hope when a convoy of cars lit the desert with their bright headlights. She could instantly tell it was Feng Yu right from the get-go. Thinking she hadn't been exposed she enthusiastically flagged down Feng Yu seeming as innocent as ever. Little did she know that her hours were numbered and that Feng Yu was here for revenge.     

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