Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Torture By Snakes

Third World: Torture By Snakes

3It was now as clear as day that Nu Shen had backed the wrong horse. Feng Yu had always indulged and spoilt her to some extent. She knew Feng Yu had a ruthless side, a beast among predators but she had never been on the receiving end that is until today.      4

She regretted it, she regretted everything. She should have stayed obedient and let go of Feng Zi. Her betrayal had landed her in this situation and she was going to die at the hands of the man who nurtured her. Nu Shen had stupidly dug her own grave. Despite all her crying and explanations, Feng Yu intended to bury her in that pit with her accomplices.     

The three women were shoved into a dark room without a vent or window. This petrifying cold darkness resembled the dark abyss, a pit of eternal darkness from which there is no escape brimming with endless torment. Zhao Huangzhi remained silent sitting in the corner with a plague expression. The once beautiful goddess looked haggard, her body trembling with the scene of her father's death replaying in her mind.     

Her backer was gone and there was no one left to save her. She had never felt this helpless before. Why didn't she just let it go? There were plenty of fish in the sea but she couldn't let go of the handsome Koi that stole her heart the very first time she laid eyes on him. To be frank, that Koi didn't belong to her in the first place. She secretly followed Qie Ranzhe everywhere he went, that's when she discovered Feng Zi's existence. Qie Ranzhe was cold and aloof to everyone else but treated Feng Yu differently.     

Thick as thieves, joined to the hip or two peas in a pod, all these statements correctly described the sort of relationships these two boys had, they were inseparable. Zhao Huangzhi was always a person who liked a good challenge so she went after the weakest link. To get the fizzy centre of the lollipop she had to crush the hard candy only then could she reap the benefits.     

In no time, she had Feng Zi eating out of the palm of her hand while subtly courting Qie Ranzhe. But she soon felt something was off. She had successfully ruined their relationship but even when Feng Zi committed a crime and joined the underworld, Qie Ranzhe never committed to her fully. Just when she was about to seal the deal, everything went downhill like an avalanche destroying all her plans. All her efforts were for nought especially after Feng Zi lost all interest in her. It was like watching a broken porcelain doll piece itself together which was her biggest nightmare.     

If only she had left it there but she stubbornly persisted. It was her pig-headed nature that landed a bullet in her father's head. And now, she was going to die at the hands of a madman. No, she couldn't accept this. Her name is Zhao Huangzhi the only heir of the Zhao empire so how could she die like this.     

"No... no, I can't, no...," she mumbled while licking her chapped lips. She placed her hands on either side of her head, her eyes as wide as light bulbs resembling a mental patient. Qie Guaiwu had been meditating while patiently waiting for her brother to come to her rescue when she heard Zhao Huangzhi's incoherent mumbling.     

She glared at Zhao Huangzhi, her eyes laced with frost. How can a woman born of the world's most powerful family be shaken by a stupid meerkat like Feng Yu? News of their kidnap must have already reached President Qie and Mr Zhao so what was there to worry about? Just as Qie Guaiwu closed her eyes, Zhao Huangzhi's mumbling grew louder by a decibel each time. "No..... I have to, I have to get out of here. Can't die like this," said the crazed Zhao Huangzhi with foam seeping out of the corner of her mouth as she stood up banging the metal door, "let me out!" Bang! Bang! Bang!     

"I said, let me out damn it!" said the crazed Zhao Huangzhi followed by a loud thump thump thump sound as she resorted to kicking the door. "Arrrrrgggghhhhh!" she screamed before sliding down against the metal door crying in trepidation. The woman exhausted herself crying in anguish with her back leaning against the door.     

This made the level headed General lose her cool as she reprimanded her. "Get a hold of yourself. You are the only Zhao family heir. They are probably on their way to rescue you," said Qie Guaiwu hoping to shut this woman up but who would have expected her words would provoke Zhao Huangzhi. The crazed woman turned on the general screaming at her like she was out of her mind.     

"It's all your fault... you did all this! If only you had educated him well he wouldn't have been robbed from me by a man and we wouldn't be here... The heavens were right to give you a rotten womb! They knew you would make a horrible mothe-," she said but a loud slap echoed in the darkness shutting her mouth.     

Qie Guaiwu who had been insulted by a little girl, who was still wet behind her ears, lost her mind completely. This insult hit her soft spot. The reason why she took in Qie Ranzhe after his mother died was to fulfil her selfish desires and raise a powerful leader as she couldn't have one of her own. She had concealed this very well after her divorce but it seemed Miss Zhao knew about it all along.     

This little girl should keep her mouth shut otherwise she would spread it all around the capital and make her the talk of the town. What she didn't know was that they wouldn't live long enough to go back to the capital let alone spread rumours. She was just about to slap Zhao Huangzhi once more when there were noises on top of the roof.     

Moonlight seeped into the room as the small gap was opened. Qie Guaiwu mistook this as rescue and cried out for help but all her hopes were soon dampened when she heard someone say, "Young Master Feng was bit by a snake so our Lord instructed us to return the favour a hundredfold." The man then tilted a bucket load of snakes into the darkroom making the ladies scream in anguish.     

Qie Guaiwu decided to transform into her beast form and crawl out of the hole but she found they couldn't. Even Nu Shen who could have easily controlled the unintellectual snakes by transforming, couldn't. Feng Yu had done something to them preventing them from transforming.     

"Oh, don't worry... they aren't venomous to the point of death but they have enough venom to make you wish for death. Enjoy!"     

The man was right, the snakes slithered and struck them but death didn't come. The three women screamed in anguish but no one came to their aid. This was only the beginning as Feng Yu had much more in store for them.     

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