Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Compensation For A Father's Sin

Third World: Compensation For A Father's Sin

1Qie Ranzhe furrowed his brow unable to read in between the lines. Sensing his confusion, Feng Yu thought there was no better time to gloat so he said, "I blew it up..... how's that? You pissed yet?" Feng Yu patiently waited for the general to rage over his beloved SUV but the man didn't show any kind of reaction. Thinking that seeing his believing he displayed the incriminating evidence on the screen but he was disappointed.      0

"What's going on?" asked Wen Qinxi crossing his arms over his chest while leaning against the doorframe.     

Qie Ranzhe who was unfazed a moment ago changed his expression seeming aggrieved and said, "Your dad blew up my car. Look,' while embracing Feng Zi looking so heartbroken.     

Feng Yu, "....."     

'What a fuckin con artist,' thought Feng Yu commending Qie Ranzhe's acting skills. The general didn't seem to care about it a minute ago but he was now acting aggrieved to get Feng Zi's attention.     

"Baby, how will you compensate me?" asked Qie Ranzhe with his head hung low buried in Feng Zi's neck.     

Before Wen Qinxi could answer, Feng Yu interjected, "You white eyed wolf. Why are you seeking compensation from my son when I blew up your car?"     

Qie Ranzhe looked over and said, "The sins of the father are visited on the son," without even batting an eyelid.     

"You!....." yelled a speechless Feng Yu while angrily pointing at this shameless man.     

Wen Qinxi who had been fooled by his boss brushed Qie Ranzhe's hair and said, "Don't worry, I will get you an even better one," trying to appease his man.     

Qie Ranzhe shook his head in refusal. Why would he want a car when he had four more SUVs parked in his garage. Even if he didn't have standby vehicles he wouldn't ask for such compensation. He preferred different kind of compensation so he whispered in Feng Zi's ear. Whatever he said had Wen Qinxi's face crimson while nervously biting his lower lip.     

Satisfied, Qie Ranzhe parted with Feng Zi, grinning like a malicious ghost at a cemetery. Wen Qinxi shook his head in agreement and shyly looked away trying to change the subject.     

Feng Yu was staring at both of them with suspicion. It was a good thing he didn't know what they said otherwise he would not only be angered to death but vomit blood. What Qie Ranzhe asked for was something children and elderly people shouldn't hear as their ears would be dirtied. But since there aren't any children and elderly people here then there is no need to conceal it.     

Qie Ranzhe requested Feng Zi put on a black and white maid uniform with cute cat ears. Not only that but he should also seduce this boss serving him drinks and cleaning while showing off his long slender legs. 'Ahhhhh, I will fuckin wear anything as long as the night ends with a happy ending.... shit! What am I thinking?' thought Wen Qinxi not forgetting to chastise himself in the process.     

Feng Yu couldn't take this anymore so he said, "That's my son. Don't, don't you dare lead him astray."     

"I know, you keep repeating it over and over again but you two don't bear any resemblance," said Qie Ranzhe firing a grenade at Feng Yu as payback for his fallen comrade SUV.     

Feng Yu, who had just been insulted, retorted, "He looks, he looks like my wife, okay?"     

Wen Qinxi facepalmed thinking these two men had already forgotten they were under attack so he said, "Enough you two. How on earth did they find us if it wasn't Ran-ge's car?"     

Feng Yu already knew the answer to that question but still couldn't figure out Nu Shen's motive. He didn't conceal it from them and said, "I was about to skin...oh, sorry I meant threaten those two women last night when Nu Shen said something was wrong with, um.... you." The man was too embarrassed to carry on. In a hurry, he ran over to Feng Zi's room panicked only to hear sounds that couldn't be mistaken. That pig of a General was most definitely eating his family's cabbage. Pissed off, he left and decided to vent his anger on the two witches but by the time he got there, they were gone.     

That's when he realised something was up with Nu Shen so he fortified their defences and deployed his men to guard the property. He even searched the entire mansion but Nu Shen had vanished alongside Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Guaiwu. A few hours later they were besieged by the full might of the army.     

"Never underestimate the capabilities of a scorned woman," said Wen Qinxi tapping on the table while checking all the surveillance cameras. Even though President Qie had commissioned his best men and weapons, they were no match for Feng Yu's fortress which is why Feng Yu seemed relaxed and worry-free. To him, it was more like a fire drill to perfect his security system.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't worried either as he sat in a chair watching the live footage of what was going on outside. "Come here," he said to Feng Zi who was watching the monitors with a stern expression. Wen Qinxi's thoughts were interrupted hearing Qie Ranzhe calling him over. Like an obedient little pup, he strode over asking, "What?" but Qie Ranzhe didn't answer gesturing with his hand for Feng Zi to come over.     

As soon as he reached Qie Ranzhe, he was suddenly pulled to sit on the man's lap. Embarrassed, Wen Qinxi struggled but Qie Ranzhe held him in place with his chin resting on Feng Zi's shoulder. Feng Yu who had been giving instructions on his walkie talkie was thunderstruck, crispy on the outside, tender on the inside when he saw his grown son sitting on the white-eyed wolf's lap.     

"Shit! Can't you save this old man some face," he complained with his eyes almost going blind from all this dog food.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to get off once more but Qie Ranzhe wrapped both his arms around Feng Zi's slender waist holding him down while blowing in his ear like a pervert. The nerd always thought a little PDA was good for one's health but PDA in front of elders was a tad bit disrespectful. This is why he felt like running away but Qie Ranzhe didn't see things the same way.     

Watching this man who looked like he wanted to eat his son whole, Feng Yu was about to explode when one of his men interrupted. "Sir, we have been breached. Two men were found dead in the mansion. It seems they have infiltrated our defence system," said the panic-stricken man through the walkie talkie.     

Hearing this, Qie Ranzhe had a moment of epiphany. It turns out his father got the Black Cobras involved. This was the only elite team that could infiltrate Feng Yu's defences which meant that the attack going on outside the shield was serving as a distraction to the real objective.     

Qie Ranzhe pat Feng Zi's ass telling him to get up and he stood up soon after saying, "Guns..... get us lots of guns because shit is about to get real," while holding Feng Zi's hand.     

Feng Yu didn't dally instructing his men to get all the equipment out. The inconspicuous shelf at the corner opened and a retractable shelf from within extended outside displaying an entree of weapons in various shapes and sizes shimmering under the luminous white light. "You want guns..... I will give you guns," said Feng Yu removing the safety on a Beretta M9 with a gold frame. If there is anything Feng Yu has in abundance, it would be guns. At least he can support his son in that way.     

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