Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: King of Snakes

Third World: King of Snakes

0Wen Qinxi who had been struck out of the blue staggered a few steps backwards before turning around to face that yellow belly of a snake that dared strike him before making a break for it. He was terrified of snakes but his psycho setting toughened him up to the point of grabbing the snake's tail and whacked it hard against the floor.     

The snake couldn't slither away from this without suffering any losses so it decided to play dead to survive. It could have changed back but its pendant fell off somewhere. Wen Qinxi wanted to whack it once more but his vision turned hazy with his muscles weakening as a state of paralysis kicked in.     

'Fuck!' he swore as he whacked the snake on the wall before slowly making his way towards the back door of the mansion. They had agreed to rendezvous in that location but he wasn't sure if Qie Ranzhe would be there. His steps were so heavy that he felt like he was going to collapse at any moment but he had to keep going. He wouldn't allow himself to pass out without seeing Qie Ranzhe so he strove forward using the wall as his support.     

After he exited the mansion, Wen Qinxi couldn't hold on anymore. He collapsed right by the door murmuring Qie Ranzhe's name. He was barely lucid when the Black Cobras claimed victory acquiring their target. Wen Qinxi was tied up and dragged to the 4x4 parked outside the shield barrier.     

His body was dragged halfway before the man holding his collar was burnt to ash in a matter of seconds. The man didn't even get to scream with his body engulfed in golden flames. A loud roar cracked the skies as a black dragon took centre stage ready to defend his lover. If the Black Cobras were to take on Qie Ranzhe one on one they would most likely lose but President Qie had already given them means to defeat the dragon as a fallback plan.     

The men cast chromium chains forged at the centre of Vostok Station in Antarctica, the coldest place on earth. These frosty chains were kept in super-chilled sodium-potassium at -273 degrees Celsius. These chains were specially made for Qie Ranzhe just in case this powerful dragon went astray. Qie Ranzhe was vulnerable to ice and his father took advantage of this to keep his son in check.     

Qie Ranzhe managed to dodge three of the chains with the fourth one successfully grasping his foot. The black dragon ran rampant sending waves of fiery flames to the enemy preventing them from casting their chains once more. Some were lucky enough to escape but the rest were reduced to ash, not even leaving behind bones for their families to bury. The backyard was suddenly filled with the smell of burnt flesh and sounds of jiggling chains.     

Qie Ranzhe felt his body weaken from the chain wrapped around his leg. With a swoosh of his tail, he smacked the chain but of course, it didn't break. Out of desperation, he spat out a stream of hot flames trying to free himself so he can save his lover but it was futile. Apart from soot, the chain appeared undamaged frustrating this dragon. The sad part was that he couldn't even transform into his human form.     

His second leg was soon chained as well that is before a net made from the same material was cast over his body rendering him powerless. The Black Cobras had won but they had suffered so many losses that only three people remained of the twenty men. The team leader had one of his subordinates take Feng Zi away and call for back up so they could take this dragon with them.     

Qie Ranzhe struggled to free himself as he watched Feng Zi carelessly hauled into the car. He roared in anger trying to burn the net but the captain snorted saying, "How does it feel General, watching your most important person dragged away to their death?... Now you understand how the rest of us feel after losing our children and wives due to a shitty planetary atmosphere... Give it up, there is no point in fighting the inevitable."     

The general naturally ignored the brainless cannon fodder and kept on trying to free himself. He swore to make his father pay for kidnapping Feng Zi but he had to get out of these troublesome restraints first. After ten minutes of struggling, Feng Yu finally made his appearance after blowing up two-thirds of the army out front. The remaining third already ran off to their mummies crying and he didn't think they were worth chasing after.     

He arrived only to find his courtyard a mess with two men mocking a black dragon. 'Isn't this that jerk of a General?' thought Feng Yu as his right-hand man took care of the two remaining Black Cobras members.     

Feng Yu panicked yelling, "Ah-Zi!....Ah-Zi! You! Qie Ranzhe, where is my Ah-Zi?" but he couldn't get a response from the solemn dragon. Worried for his son he figured out a way to get the net and chains off the dragon. He had his men bring over his diamond wheel saw from his nefarious mining company and used it to cut the heavy chains. As expected the chains broke apart with a loud clang falling to the ground.     

In a few minutes, Qie Ranzhe was set free from his bonds. Just after retaining his freedom, Qie Ranzhe attacked the team leader pressing on the man's gunshot wound after being shot by Feng Yu's men. The proud man screamed in pain while cursing Qie Ranzhe calling him a traitor.     

Unable to stand the noise, Qie Ranzhe grabbed Feng Yu's handgun and shot the team leader in cold blood. His eyes resembling those of a high ranking demon, he shot the only remaining team member in the thigh.     

The man cried out in pain rolling around the ground wishing for death instead. Qie Ranzhe didn't sympathize with him as he pat the man's cheeks saying, "Shhhh," with his index finger on his lips, "Hey, hey..... look at me. You can accompany your team leader at the yellow river but the means to get there can either be painless or excruciatingly painful so take your pick."     

Qie Ranzhe didn't even give the man a chance to respond as he took out a dagger and stabbed deep into the gunshot wound causing the man to almost pass out in pain. He drew out the dagger when the man was about to faint and asked, "Where are they taking him?"     

Choosing an easy death, the man hurriedly confessed, "They..... they're taking him to the Himalayas station. That's, that's all I know. Please sir, spare my life please," cutting a sorry figure.     

Feng Yu's face sank in disbelief. It seemed President Qie had found out Feng Zi's secret. As to who informed him? It could only be Nu Shen. He treated that girl with sincerity but it turns out his sincerity was stomped on and paid back with betrayal. That bitch had crossed the line and it was time for her to die.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't waste any time. He strolled over to Feng Yu and said, "Deal with him as you see fit. I am going to get your son back," before transforming into a dragon once more, soaring the skies to retrieve his beloved.     

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