Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Sexercise (NSFW)

Third World: Sexercise (NSFW)

4Feng Yu's words sparked chaos in Wen Qinxi's mind. He knew he had to do this to pass the world, a grand step towards the ultimate goal but he had to die. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Wen Qinxi found himself in Feng Xieling's room. He knew Qie Ranzhe would probably be waiting for him in their room but he had to see Feng Xieling first.     1

He wasn't too sure what his next step would be but he was certain of one thing. He had to see Feng Xieling, an existence that he might never see again. Standing outside the wooden door to Feng Xieling's room, Wen Qinxi took some time to regain his composure, sucking back the tears right at the rim of his eyes. When he decided to help Qie Ranzhe out of the game he didn't foresee such an emotional rollercoaster which was a foreign experience to him. He surely hoped his nerdy brain would be okay after this.     

After restoring normalcy he reached out to push the door open with his heart in turmoil. As soon as he saw Feng Xieling quietly sitting in bed with a stern expression while flipping through a picture book, his heart settled with a genuine smile creeping up his face.     

Feng Xieling was so immersed in his book that he didn't even notice someone walk in. It was when he felt the weight of the bed shift did he notice his dad lying next to him. Wen Qinxi got into the quilt as well and embraced Feng Xieling while looking at the content that had this kid captivated. "What are you doing?" asked Wen Qinxi while playing with Feng Xieling's stray strands covering the boy's forehead.     

Feng Xieling looked up with a crease on his forehead looking puzzled and said, "What's this word?" pointing at the big letter near a big green dragon.     

Wen Qinxi held the other end of the book and asked, "Would you like me to read to you?" Feng Xieling nodded his head in agreement and ensconced himself in his dad's arms, his ears ready to listen. He liked how his dad read stories, it was both dramatic and entertaining. He liked it very much.     

Wen Qinxi began to dramatize the tell of the big lonely dragon and the knight. The room was soon filled with kid's laughter, innocent and pure, followed by an adult constantly changing his voice to suit the character. This harmonious scene was too precious to disturb so Qie Ranzhe who had been looking for his runaway boyfriend, stood by the door listening in. He couldn't hold back a smile wishing time could just freeze at this moment.     

He had made up his mind to submit his resignation from the army, even if his resignation was rejected he planned on going AWOL and spend the rest of his life with his lover and his son. That's all that mattered to him. He would protect them with his life and no one, not even his father would be spared if he dared lay a finger on Feng Zi. The crystal was gone, it was time people prepared themselves for the inevitable because there was no way he was letting go of Feng Zi. Feng Zi belongs to him and him alone, no one is allowed to harm a single hair on his head not even Feng Zi himself.     

Qie Ranzhe only opened the door when the sounds in the room died down. Feng Zi was lying on his back with Feng Xieling sleeping in his embrace like a cute fluff ball. Wen Qinxi followed the sound of the door opening and saw Qie Ranzhe standing by the door like a statue. He gestured to Qie Ranzhe to be silent and slowly removed Feng Xieling's hand that was clutching on his shirt.     

Having successfully got off the bed without waking up the little ancestor, Wen Qinxi tucked him in before tiptoeing out of the room. He took one last look at the dim-lit room, with a colourful night light offering a sense of security, before closing the door. As soon as he closed the door, Qie Ranzhe pounced on him with their lips engaging in blush-inducing entanglement.     

Wen Qinxi could feel the sense of insecurity and possessiveness in that hot and heavy kiss.     

The beautiful sweetness accompanied with it was highly addictive that Wen Qinxi couldn't help but chase after Qie Ranzhe's tongue with his body gradually heating up. Qie Ranzhe seemed pleased with this provocative action and fully indulged in his primal desires. Their tongues entangled in a sensual dance igniting a sweet yearning that couldn't be satiated by simple means.     

Wen Qinxi's lips were licked and sucked ever so sweetly causing his body to shudder in pleasure. Qie Ranzhe's unruly hands slid down grasping Feng Zi's waist from underneath the shirt. Wen Qinxi moaned as the man drew his body close and couldn't help but wrap his arms around Qie Ranzhe's neck.     

Qie Ranzhe lifted Feng Zi's legs and let them wound around his waist with his arousal poking at Feng Zi's ass through the fabric. The strong general who had gone through countless battles could easily carry his lover without parting their lips. The scorching lips engaged in a frantic frenzy to the point of suffocation. In a few strides, Wen Qinxi was plastered against the wall in their bedroom unbuttoning Qie Ranzhe's shirt.     

His vow was tossed out the window as he enthusiastically took off his lover's clothes. With all their clothes peeled off the two stood naked fondling each other. Qie Ranzhe turned Feng Zi around to face the wall. Qie Ranzhe kissed and sucked Feng Zi's sensitive back making him shudder as lewd groans escaped his throat. Like a starving beast, Qie Ranzhe devoured his lover living new hickeys on top of the old ones. The heat spread to Wen Qinxi's weak legs making them soft but Qie Ranzhe had his strong arm wrapped around his slender waist holding him in place.     

Qie Ranzhe's overindulgence towards Feng Zi was apparent as he pampered his lover caressing the plump beads on Feng Zi's chest in turns. Wen Qinxi felt a numbing sensation being teased like this. Unable to hold back, he groaned begging for more. Qie Ranzhe obliged him while teasing that enticing neck that was pink from arousal.     

His touch gave rise to the inevitable. Wen Qinxi's joystick was throbbing to the point of being painful. He desperately wanted it taken care of but couldn't do it himself because this vinegar jar wouldn't let him. If he had to feel pleasure it all had to be because of Qie Ranzhe, that was the unspoken rule. Wen Qinxi was itching to be fucked but Qie Ranzhe seemed to enjoy toying with him first.     

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