Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Sexercise 2 (NSFW)

Third World: Sexercise 2 (NSFW)

1It was only after his back and neck were covered in red poker dots did Qie Ranzhe slowly caressed the man's skin all the way down to his instrument. Qie Ranzhe grabbed hold of Feng Zi's stiff member and stroked it a couple of times as thin fluid leaked out into Qie Ranzhe's arm. Wen Qinxi's throat went dry his mind going blank as his entire body tingling in excitement.      0

Unable to hold back any longer, Qie Ranzhe took out a bottle of whatever was left of the watermelon lubricant and squeezed it on Feng Zi's perky ass. His fingers slid in the warm place one after the other making the man cry out in pleasure. "Ah..... Ran-ge just like that... ah," while pushing against Qie Ranzhe's fingers. There was a sense of urgency in Qie Ranzhe so he didn't take long opening up his lover's tight hole.     

Once Feng Zi was ready to receive his arousal, Qie Ranzhe didn't hold back thrusting inside him ready to conquer his territory once more.     

Wen Qinxi felt a searing pain, like his body was being torn in half making him unconsciously move away from him, trying to run but Qie Ranzhe licked his ear and said, "Endure it for now, baby, so you can feel good." Qie Ranzhe held Feng Zi in place holding either side of his waist.     

As promised, the pain subsided replaced by a wonderful pleasurable feeling due to the constant friction from his sweet spot. Wen Qinxi had to admit, Qie Ranzhe knew his body like the back of his hand. Lewd sounds of skin rubbing against skin flooded the room with occasional groans of pleasure.     

Wen Qinxi pressed his palms against the wall eagerly taking in Qie Ranzhe's thrusts like a greedy pig that couldn't be satiated. His entire face grew hot with a numbing feeling as he concentrated on that sweet sensation from his sensitive spot being rubbed against. Without warning his entire body convulsed sinking deep in immense pleasure as he moaned uncontrollably, "Ah, ah..... fuck!"     

After his lover climaxed, an erotic scene only he had the privilege to see, Qie Ranzhe couldn't help it thrusting deeper into Feng Zi's body with an urge to fill him up with cum. He turned his lover around, picked him up and pressed the man's body against the wall before thrusting inside once more. Wen Qinxi's resting member shamelessly woke up again ready to play and Qie Ranzhe was set on playing to his heart's content. He thrust into Feng Zi like a raving beast with gruff groans escaping his throat. The taste of Feng Zi was so intoxicating that the general couldn't help but comment, "Baby you taste so fuckin good... Ah, shit!" as he plunged into him with no restraint.     

Wen Qinxi felt a wave of numbness and sunk his teeth in Qie Ranzhe's shoulder as an enjoyable familiar wave intensified leading to a predetermined destination.     

Qie Ranzhe kissed Feng Zi's lips as the man in his arms convulsed once more reaching his second climax. With drips of sweat lacing his forehead, Qie Ranzhe let go of his lover's lips and whispered, "let's not overdo it tonight." Wen Qinxi naturally agreed otherwise he would have to stay here longer than he should unable to get out of bed.     

In tacit understanding, Qie Ranzhe thrust into his lover a little more before groaning like a wild beast as a warm liquid shot inside Feng Zi. The two men breathed heavily leaning against each other after an exciting round of sexercise.     

Devoid of all strength, Wen Qinxi lay limp allowing his sweetheart to clean him up and dry his hair without complaint. The sweet side effects of lovemaking wore off bringing back his previous worries. As he lay in Qie Ranzhe's embrace, he contemplated whether to disclose his conversation with Feng Yu or not.     

If he told him, he knew Qie Ranzhe will not agree to it but they had to pass this world. This was an illusion created by Qie Ranzhe's brain. What kind of life could the two of them have living in a game for the rest of their lives? He didn't want to hurt Qie Ranzhe but it had to be done.     

Noticing his lover's somewhat out of sort appearance, Qie Ranzhe asked, "Wasn't it satisfying?... I can feed you again if you're still hungry," in a half-joking manner. He was most willing to have another round if his baobei was yearning for more.     

Wen Qinxi raised his head till their eyes met and said, "I am satisfied. It felt good so don't worry."     

A glint of disappointment flashed in Qie Ranzhe's eyes for a split second before it disappeared. He held Feng Zi in an even tighter embrace and said, "Tell me what's on your mind. You know I have your back," while stroking the man's red hair.     

Wen Qinxi obviously couldn't disclose his true thoughts so he said, "I am thinking we should do it in your office next time."     

Qie Ranzhe chuckled with the vibrations from his laughter transmitting into Wen Qinxi's skin easing his worries. He teased Wen Qinxi's back with his fingers and said, "I haven't been to headquarters in a while and it's safe to say I don't have an office. How about on the hood of my car in the middle of the desert? Kinky enough?"     

Wen Qinxi almost laughed out loud. Who wants to be drilled on a hot car hood with his body exposed to the sun like a salted fish. "Pass..... not interested."     

Qie Ranzhe laughed once more feeling like this was the happiest moment of his entire life. He held Feng Zi's hand with their fingers laced together and whispered, "I will fuck you anywhere you like as long as you stay with me."     

Wen Qinxi felt a warm spring bursting inside his chest as he reached out delivering a light kiss on his lover soft lips. Not long after, he fell asleep thinking, 'If you will have me in the real world, I will stay with you.' Qie Ranzhe silently watched his boyfriend fall asleep in his arms.     

As soon as the man in his arms fell into a deep sleep, Qie Ranzhe caressed the man's swollen lips and said, "You belong to me so you aren't allowed to leave," with a glint of obsession in his eyes. He seemed out of it, his body surrounded with an oppressive aura that even Wen Qinxi could feel in his sleep. Wen Qinxi subconsciously tried to move away in his sleep but how could Qie Ranzhe let him escape. Qie Ranzhe held him in his tight embrace and kissed the sleeping man's forehead before falling asleep.     

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