Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Nu Shen's Counterattack

Third World: Nu Shen's Counterattack

2There is an old Latin proverb that states 'fortune favours the bold' meaning a successful person is often one who is willing to take risks. However, this proverb didn't seem to work for Nu Shen. Maybe it inspired her to do such a risky thing but it didn't seem to work for her.     

To fully understand the extent of her stupidity, let's go back two hours ago. As soon as they arrived at Feng Yu's base, Nu Shen was separated from the group and given a drug to wake her up. Once she woke up, the floodgates opened pouring out all her grievances with no restraint. The more she spoke the uglier Feng Yu's expression got. He didn't think his family's cabbage had been eaten to this extend with all the green leaves gone.     

Qie Ranzhe had not only got his son pregnant which he was still pissed off about, burnt his son's beautiful feathers and now he had even taken his son as a wife. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" cursed Feng Yu kicking the corner of his desk enraged. He suddenly regretted all those wasted years. He should have summoned his courage when they were still enemies, maybe Feng Zi wouldn't have formed this kind of relationship with Qie Ranzhe.     

Anyway, there was no use in crying over spilt milk. It's what he was going to do next that was important. Thinking of the next step, Feng Yu scratched his head in contemplation. His head was throbbing from all the thinking.     

Seeing Feng Yu's distraught expression, Nu Shen decided to step in. She just needed a chance, just one chance to showcase all her good points to Feng Zi. Others had had their turn apart from her. No one had been able to tame Feng Zi throughout the years and she sincerely believed the one person who could achieve that was herself. Now that Qie Ranzhe was in the picture, she had to show Feng Zi that whatever Qie Ranzhe can do, she can do too.     

After mustering up some courage, she said, "I just need an opportunity. Let me go to his room..... I, I am sure I can convince him," seemingly nervous. Who knew what she was planning. Even Feng Yu was just as clueless. He slumped into his chair massaging the space in between his brow. Nu Shen immediately walked over to the liquor decanter at the corner of the room and poured out some whiskey for Feng Yu. She added some ice to the glass and handed it to him. It was no surprise she knew Feng Yu's preferences, this man was the only father she knew and solely hoped he would become her father in law.     

Feng Yu thanked her and said, "Do as you see fit but don't push him too far. He turns into a little monster when he's angry," twirling the glass in his hands.     

Having gotten permission, Nu Shen went to her room and prepared herself like a bride preparing for her wedding night. She, scrubbed, waxed and doused her body with a sweet fruity fragrance that could bring any man to their knees. Nu Shen might be delusional and naive but she was indeed gorgeous. A bewitching beauty that could make the masses worship the ground she steps on.     

Having done all this, how could Feng Zi resist her. Dressed in a thin low cut silk dress that one could see through and splendid gold ornaments in her hair, she unlocked Feng Zi's room. The anklet on her foot jiggled as she cautiously stepped into the darkroom. Good thing the bright light from the big round moon was seeping into the room from the wide-open curtains otherwise she would bump into things and alert Feng Zi too early.     

Biting her lower lip in nervousness, she placed her hands on the bed and silently crawled in under the quilt. Feng Zi's leg suddenly moved making her pause her actions while holding her breath in fear that Feng Zi would wake up. She only managed to release her breath after the man stopped moving. All she had to do was lay down beside him for the entire night and have him take responsibility. Nothing could go wrong with this plan, right?     

Wen Qinxi woke up later than usual. He would have slept even longer if weren't for the irritating fruity smell that was right by his nose. His mind was sluggish for a moment feeling some weight and warmth on his body. In a daze, he half opened his eyes about to reprimand Qie Ranzhe for changing shampoos when he saw a head full of long hair resting on his chest.     

'Fuck!' he swore internally wondering how he landed in such a situation.     

'Well, she snuck in while you were asleep. I think this is what they call a honeytrap,' said Jolie who had shown its appearance in a long time. It was truly a hard life hiding away from a psycho. It couldn't shake the feeling that it was being watched so could only say a few words before vanishing into thin air.     

'Nah... honeytrap is for getting information out of someone. This must be, um.... wait, what the fuck! Who cares what type of scheme this is?' he said pushing the sleeping goddess away.     

"Shit! Nu Shen what do you think you are doing?" yelled Wen Qinxi as the beautiful woman rolled off the bed onto the floor. The shock ended up making him a little heavy-handed just now but who would blame him? This woman had balls.     

Wen Qinxi took a whiff of his clothes and grimaced at the smell of perfume. Was this woman courting death? Did she not know who she was screwing with? If Qie Ranzhe was to walk in right now, he couldn't guarantee his safety let alone Nu Shen's.     

"Aaahhhhh!" screamed a terrified Nu Shen having being pushed off the bed crushing flat on her butt. Her half-lidded eyes reddened with a pitiful expression all over her face. She climbed back up on the bed with an appearance that can incite any man's protective instincts except for Wen Qinxi. This hot potato was ruining a good thing.     

"Zi-ge, why are you refusing me? What, what does Qie Ranzhe have that I don't?..... What so good about being with a man?" she wiped away her tears as a bunch of questions escaped her lips. She needed answers. She was promised a husband but didn't even get to see his face before he was robbed by others.     

Wen Qinxi could understand why she wanted to be with him despite having never met him before. This was all Feng Yu's fault. He had cultivated her into the perfect daughter in law without even asking for Feng Zi's opinion. Anyway, there is no point in blaming a mad man. "Listen carefully Nu Shen. I will only say it once... I love Qie Ranzhe and it will remain so in this lifetime and the next so stop embarrassing yourself like this and move on. If you dare do this shit again, I won't hold back. Now get out!"     

'Love.... he, he loves, he loves that man? No, no, no,' she thought with her body shivering in disbelief. The atmosphere in the room changed in an instant giving Wen Qinxi an ominous feeling. Something big was about to go down.     

'Boss, I think you should run,' said Jolie at the edge of its seat enjoying the good show.     

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