Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Biting Each Other In Public

Third World: Biting Each Other In Public

2Wen Qinxi also wanted to run but how could this woman ever let him go? Nu Shen suddenly took off the pendant around her neck with tears streaming down her pink cheeks.     0

Having let go of the only thing that was keeping her sane, she transformed into a python three meters in length and slithered towards Feng Zi.     

Wen Qinxi's greatest fear was pain followed by, you guessed it, snakes. The last time Nu Shen transformed she was fighting with Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Guaiwu so he wasn't that scared then. Besides, Qie Ranzhe was around but now he was faced with a python head-on. "Fuck! Nu Shen, you are so fuckin crazy!" yelled Wen Qinxi dodging the slithering creature coming after him. Nu Shen who had missed her target, couldn't pump her breaks fast enough running straight into the wall. She didn't want to kill him, she just wanted to mark him with her fangs. That mark would never heal which means Qie Ranzhe would no longer be interested in a man marked by a serpent.     

Wen Qinxi reached the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Sweating all over, he scanned the room only to find a key shimmering from under the bed. Seeing that Nu Shen was still trying to get up, Wen Qinxi slid under the bed to grab the key but his leg was suddenly wrapped by something cold coiling around his leg. "Fuck!" swore Wen Qinxi before he was dragged from under the bed like in a horror movie. He was so mortified that he left scuff marks on the floor with his nails. He was trying to activate his psycho setting, the setting he loathes so much but because of his current circumstance, he desperately needed it. The unfortunate thing is that when you don't need it, it shows up but when you do need it, it takes so long as though it took a vacation to Mars.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to fend her off but Nu Shen was too fast. She wrapped her slithering body around Feng Zi till he could barely move. Her snake tongue slithered out of her mouth and licked the man's cheeks as though soothing him but unfortunately it had the opposite effect.     

Wen Qinxi felt his body turn ice cold in fright but he still spoke in a threatening tone. Once the psycho within him gets activated, he might actually kill her. If she dies will Feng Yu still give him the crystal?     

"Nu Shen! Let me go otherwise don't blame me later."     

Nu Shen seemed to find it amusing and treated his words like empty threats as she opened up her mouth exposing her fangs. Wen Qinxi got goosebumps all over his body vowing to make Qie Ranzhe compensate him for this. Even watching a video of a snake makes him bury his face into a cushion in terror. The one time Wen Danzhe threw a fake snake on his bed while he was sleeping, Wen Qinxi ran out of the house in his boxer shorts during the middle of a snowstorm and refused to come back home for an entire week. Now for the sake of saving his boss, he was being molested by a python.     

After being licked, Wen Qinxi lost it as the setting finally set in. He head-butted Nu Shen with no hesitation causing the python to back up in pain. Angered to death, Wen Qinxi grabbed Nu Shen and slammed her entire body to the floor three times. His once dazzling eyes had lost their warmth replaced by devilish eyes sending ice shards towards Nu Shen.     

This is when Nu Shen realised the flaw in her plan. She should have listened to Feng Yu when he warned her not to push Feng Zi too far. As the hand around her neck tightened she transformed back to her human form and tried to remove Feng Zi's hand that was strangling her. But how could Feng Zi let her go? He had already warned her but the woman didn't appreciate his kindness and dared to proceed with her plans.     

Her face turned blue as she flung her legs struggling to set herself free but the harder she tried the more strength she lost. She couldn't believe it, Feng Zi was going to kill her. A tear escaped from the corner of her eye begging Feng Zi to let her off but Wen Qinxi was already out of his mind squeezing hard with an eerie smile.     

Lucky for her, Qie Ranzhe was throwing a fit looking for Feng Zi. He had woken up locked up in a storage closet with his lover nowhere to be found. This was the beginning of a PK battle between him and the barricaded door. Of course, the door lost with Qie Ranzhe breaking it down with ease. Feng Yu scolded himself for cheapening out on the doors when he heard that Qie Ranzhe had escaped.     

Qie Ranzhe would have continued running around aimlessly like a headless chicken if it weren't for Airen who gladly showed him the way. He was anxious to see Feng Zi but didn't expect to see such a scene. Feng Zi was on top of Nu Shen whose dress was riding up her thighs. No matter how much he trusted Feng Zi, this image was incredibly suggestive so he yelled, "Are you done?" in a stone-cold voice that sent a chill up Wen Qinxi's spine.     

Wen Qinxi immediately let her go and stood up to explain himself but he didn't have to because Nu Shen began to wheeze and cough struggling to regulate her breathing. It was then that Qie Ranzhe realised what was going on. He wanted to tell him to carry on but it was already too late so he grasped his lover's wrist and dragged him out of the room. Why did he do this? It was because he was afraid Nu Shen's provocative body would attract his lover despite knowing that he had just caught Feng Zi trying to kill her.     

Wen Qinxi didn't know what to say so he obediently followed behind Qie Ranzhe wondering what kind of fate awaited him. He couldn't help but worry because he hated misunderstandings the most. He wasn't the kind to enjoy dog blood drama in series let alone in his life. Just as they turned the corner, Qie Ranzhe grabbed Feng Zi on either side of his shoulder and pinned him against the wall.     

Before he could regain his composure, Wen Qinxi was suddenly kissed. Not the sweet gentle kind but the savage possessive kind that would leave one breathless. He enthusiastically welcomed the invasion thinking how incredibly sexy this was. He so wished to do this in the real world right in Qie Ranzhe's office. Wouldn't that be kinky?     

Excited beyond comprehension, Wen Qinxi grasped the back of Qie Ranzhe's neck and deepened the kiss with his tongue finding its way into the general's mouth summing up a tingly sensation that is highly addictive. Qie Ranzhe grabbed Feng Zi's waist and drew him closer with a groan escaping his throat. With their bodies plastered together, the temperature became hotter than usual. But just as things were getting good, a bucket of cold water was poured on the steamy moment with one sentence.     

"You two are biting each other again? Why can't you stop fighting and just get along?" said a cute voice that could only come from one person.     

Feng Xieling     

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