Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Driven Like A Mustang Last Night

Third World: Driven Like A Mustang Last Night

1Wen Qinxi almost choked with Qie Ranzhe chuckling while burying his head in his food. "Yes dad, did you sneak out and go to an amusement park without us?" said Qie Ranzhe in a sarcastic tone.     2

Wen Qinxi sneered at Qie Ranzhe then turned to Feng Xieling with a radiant smile. "How can that be, I didn't go to an amusement park last night but your father dragged me along for a five-hour car ride so it's all his fault I am this spent," said Wen Qinxi shifting the blame to the driver who drove him like a mustang last night. "Tell daddy that he's barred from driving at night," said Wen Qinxi before taking a bite out of a steamed stuffed bun.     

Coming to his dad's rescue he said, "Father is banned from car rides at night," in a bossy tone that was both cute and menacing.     

Qie Ranzhe found this funny so he chuckled lightly and said, "At night only, right?     

Feng Xieling seemed to give it some serious thought and finally nod his head saying, "Yes," before Wen Qinxi could stop him. This general had found a loophole, if he didn't take advantage of it then his name was not Qie Ranzhe.     

"Then I will only drive during the day," he said with a devious smirk that had Wen Qinxi secretly lighting a candle for himself.     

Thinking he was helping his dad, Feng Xieling said, "Yes, father can only drive during the day," in a heroic voice having saved the day. The cute kid had been roped into an adult conversation without even knowing it. He joyfully ate his breakfast not aware that he had just sentenced his dad into daytime car rides. As they say, ignorance is bliss.     


Two days later five people were standing at the coordinates sent out by Feng Yu. They had managed to shake off Qie Guaiwu and Zhao Huangzhi but had brought along Nu Shen. The drive was awkward and that was due to several reasons. The first was Nu Shen's constant interjections and several futile attempts to get Feng Zi's attention. It was so bad that even Feng Xieling got tired of it and snapped at her once.     

"Can't you see my dad doesn't want to talk to you? Give up already," said the cute dumpling after he chose the wrong answer on his mathematics app due to Nu Shen's irritating voice. Actually, he liked Nu Shen's bubbly personality and sweet voice at first but the more she spoke the more irritating it became. He didn't want to be impolite and endured it but after picking the wrong answer due to her non-stop chattering, he had had enough.     

She had been yelling out numbers, who knows what she was even talking about. After hearing three two, two three for so long, Feng Xieling got his numbers messed up and yelled at the pretty lady. Once the words escaped his lips, four adults except for Qie Ranzhe wore a 'what just happened' expression. Qie Ranzhe praised his son with an unmistakable look of pride written all over his face.     

Seeing that proud expression on Qie Ranzhe's face, Wen Qinxi nudged Qie Ranzhe expressing his disapproval. He didn't want Feng Xieling developing a habit of being rude. Qie Ranzhe seemed to understand him and hence reprimanded little comrade Lin Lin. "Lin Lin you shouldn't be disrespectful to adults," said Qie Ranzhe making Wen Qinxi happy. It seemed he and Qie Ranzhe were on the same page, typical of great parents but this statement was soon debunked when Qie Ranzhe opened his mouth once more.     

"But in this case, you are justified. When it comes to protecting your dad there is no need to be polite."     

Feng Xieling's lowered head perked up with a beaming smile. It felt great protecting his dad and now that he got his father's approval, he would continue fighting the good fight. Unbeknownst to him, he had been employed as a shield for his father's potential love rivals. Wen Qinxi felt helpless, he didn't know how to deal with this pair of father and son so he kept silent.     

Nu Shen on the other end, found out this kid was in some way related to Feng Zi so she changed targets. If you want to capture the parent's heart then your first target would be their kid. She went after Feng Zi making the atmosphere even more awkward.     

Beside Nu Shen's saga, another problem was Machu and Airen. Because of the limited space in the SUV, he had to squeeze in with Airen that each time the car swayed, he would inevitably bump into Airen's body. At one point, he Airen's boobs by an inch. He was already nervous from the get-go but after being glared at by the beautiful woman, he lost his shit and begged for a swap in seats. He didn't want Airen to mistake him for a pervert so he asked Feng Xieling to swap seats.     

Airen on the other hand thought he wanted to swap seats because he liked Nu Shen better which ultimately led to an unexpected vinegar jar explosion. Qie Ranzhe would have let him swap seats but after seeing Nu Shen's attention shift from Feng Zi to Feng Xieling sitting right beside her, he didn't want to anymore.     

'Thank you comrade Lin Lin for your sacrifice,' he thought throwing Feng Xieling under the bus. He didn't know his action would leave a terrible impression on Feng Xieling's view on girls.     

Machu who had just been refused a seat swap was left in an awkward situation with beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead. As though this wasn't enough, Nu Shen said the worst possible thing one could say to a kid with same-sex parents.     

"Lin Lin don't you want to have a mommy. Do you know what a mommy is? She's like me. Pretty, sweet and she would cook nice things for you. She would give you cuddles at night and kiss your wounds when you get hurt. A mommy is much more awesome than having two-," she said but didn't get to finish her sentence when Qie Ranzhe hit the emergency brakes.     

'This bitch dares,' thought Qie Ranzhe ready to take his seat belt off and kick her out of the car but before he could do that Feng Xieling asked,     

"All those things dad does for me so what's the use of getting a mommy?"     

Qie Ranzhe who now had his hand on the handle of the car door paused. His son wasn't easily fooled which was good.     

Wen Qinxi on the other hand, got so pissed off with eyes as red as a devil, resembling a kettle that was about to explode. Airen immediately passed over her phone with ear buds to Machu. Machu naturally understood and placed the earbuds into Feng Xieling's ears.     

"Here, watch some cartoons kid," said Machu before closing his own ears. He didn't want to hear Feng Zi swearing.     

As expected, Wen Qinxi went off the rails in the very next second. "Nu Shen, what the fuck! Who do you think you are talking shit in front of my kid. Who the f#^!^%#^#&:%@^#*&, do you think you are? Just because my @#@#$;@$@% pathetic excuse of a father likes you, it doesn't @%@$@$@%#%%%. Such a fuckin @^@$$@%@%%@"%@$@_________."     

By the time Wen Qinxi was done with her, she was weeping but that only made it worse.     

"What are you fuckin crying for? Weren't you the one talking shit just now? @%@$$@$@$$@$%%@%@%%@."     

Let's just say after this no one had the balls to speak again till they reached their destination. If there was one thing they took away from this, it would be to never to offend Feng Zi.     

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