Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: NSFW 2

Third World: NSFW 2

4Face shining with smiles, Wen Qinxi sprawled on the bed after what could only be described as the longest shower he had ever had. His fingers were pale, wrinkled like a shrivelled up prune but he was extremely satisfied. The sound of the water striking the tiles in the shower drew him back into the sensual moment that took place in that very bathroom. Wen Qinxi turned to lie on his side with his eyes fixed on the door like a cute puppy eagerly waiting for its master.     

They had rolled in between the sheets countless times in the second world but never played around in the shower. The intense feeling of having his lover satisfy him as streams of warm water caressed his soft skin had him blushing once more. This re-ignited the fiery flames within him with his chrysanthemum feeling itchy. His heartbeat quickened recalling Qie Ranzhe's touch on his crotch. He wasn't a concupiscent person but he couldn't help feel slutty due to his burning desire to be penetrated. This wasn't his usual self, in the real world, he was a closed-off nerd with an office that was labelled as the bat cave. He wasn't desperate for carnal desires but ever since he got entangled with Qie Ranzhe, that's all he could ever think of.     

He didn't know how he was going to return to normal in the real world but for now, he was going to indulge with gusto. Wen Qinxi couldn't wait for Qie Ranzhe to come out of the room so when he heard the sound of the shower stop, he leapt up in excitement. Still, in his birthday suit, he shuffled on the bed striking a sensual pose to rouse Qie Ranzhe's interest. Wen Qinxi was putting in a lot of effort but it only looked awkward making his movements stiff. "Damnit, how do supermodels do this shit?" he said trying to look sexy. That's when he discovered another problem. His member wasn't hard enough. How was he supposed to express his desire for Qie Ranzhe if his eggplant was as flabby as an airless balloon?     

"Should I?...," this was the question he asked himself before purposefully stroking his member as fast as possible recalling the bathroom scene. Fear of getting caught and the smutty images playing in his mind got his member stiff in no time. The only issue was that it felt so good that he was too immersed in his carnal desires that he didn't hear Qie Ranzhe's footsteps.     

Like this, Qie Ranzhe caught his lover pleasuring himself and he himself was now out of a job. With a sly grin and eyes as dark as a bottomless pit, he watched Feng Zi with great interest.     

Whether it was the feeling of being watched or that his junior brother was stiff enough, Wen Qinxi stopped but swore, "Shit!" covering up his stiffness. Why he was even hiding it when Qie Ranzhe had seen everything, he himself couldn't answer that question.     

Qie Ranzhe slowly strode over with a hard to describe expression, his damp glossy strands sticking to his pinkish skin. Wen Qinxi felt a sense of crisis like a lamb backed up in a corner by the big bad wolf. His flight responses were involuntarily activated with his chrysanthemum clutching shut by itself. It seemed to know something but didn't dare share with Wen Qinxi.     

As soon as he reached the bed, Qie Ranzhe took off the bath towel revealing his graceful toned legs and of course, the stiff erection pointing in Feng Zi's direction. Wen Qinxi gulped while staring unblinkingly at the handsome man that is before he was pushed down on the bed with Qie Ranzhe prying his legs apart. A pair of tender lips whispered, "Baby, am l out of the job now?" sniffing Feng Zi's fragrant hair, "Does your hand do a better job than I do?"     

Wen Qinxi was dumbfounded, not out of fright nor shock but because his lower half was sneakingly moving downwards to align with Qie Ranzhe's member. In other words, he desperately wanted his greedy hole filled up. There was no doubt he was an addict with incurable cravings and those cravings, only Qie Ranzhe could appease.     

Qie Ranzhe brushed Wen Qinxi's hair with a dreamy expression and said, "Let's do an experiment and decide which is better your hand or me?" With that said, Qie Ranzhe planted a kiss on Feng Zi's neck, a tender sweet kiss that showed how much he cherished him. But the cherished feelings turned fierce with the desire to possess, leaving behind a hickey that would be difficult to be rid of. Wen Qinxi silently groaned from the stimulation while arching his lower back bringing their bodies closer together.     

His skin felt a sweet warm sensation that left him yearning for more. He wanted Qie Ranzhe so bad but the man kept teasing him. He voiced out his complaint but Wen Qinxi's lips were sealed with Qie Ranzhe licking them unperturbed. Qie Ranzhe's tongue wasn't satisfied with licking only so it slithered into Feng Zi's mouth invading his territory. As the tip of their tongues touched, a tingling sensation spread all over Feng Zi's body making him feverish. Unable to control himself, he rubbed against Qie Ranzhe's body with his fingertips digging into the General's back.     

Qie Ranzhe's kisses turned tyrannical, sucking and even biting those lips as though laying claim. He wanted to leave a visible bruise for the entire world to see. Wen Qinxi hissed in pain but he couldn't do anything about it because the man on top of him was pressing him down venting his desire.     

Satisfied with his work of art he shifted his attention to Feng Zi's collarbone kissing and sucking like a bloodthirsty leech, marking him as though marking his territory. Wen Qinxi felt like his entire body was lit on fire as his thirst for this man intensified to the point that he couldn't control his speech. "Fuck me..... Just fuck me already," he said in a high pitched voice that even he himself couldn't believe came out of his throat.     

Like a big boss villain crawling out of hell, Qie Ranzhe chuckled with a devilish grin and licked Feng Zi's plumb nipple towering on his chest. 'Fuck,' thought Wen Qinxi as his body convulsed from the provocation.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't stop licking and kissing like a starved beast aiming to eat him clean.     

Wen Qinxi gasped in pleasure as his man marked him all the way down to his abdomen. His stiff member throbbed seeking attention but Qie Ranzhe was pinning both his wrists above his head that he couldn't touch himself. It was becoming unbearable that he was begging Qie Ranzhe in a coy tone to let him off.     

Qie Ranzhe stopped his actions and looked down at his lover who was staring at him with misty dark eyes while rubbing against his body with precum seeping from his erection. He took pity on him and decided to thrust into him and finally conquer the great Feng Zi but he couldn't be rash otherwise he might be barred from sex for a very long time. According to his research, he had to prepare Feng Zi thoroughly otherwise it would be painful.     

He grabbed the plastic bag on the pedestal and took out the watermelon flavoured lubricant. Wen Qinxi who had been stuck in a trance waiting for the general to penetrate him, snapped out of it as a strong scent of watermelon assaulted his senses.     

With misty eyes, he stared at the man who was busying himself with a clear bottle decorated with refreshing watermelon pictures. He didn't understand what was happening. When they did the deed in the second world, they never needed anything. A kiss and a dash of pheromones were all it took to get things done so what was going on?     

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