Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Possessive Much?

Third World: Possessive Much?

4It was now official, the general had officially stepped out of the virgin territory and played a bit much, exhausting Feng Zi. Even though they had played for more than half the night, Qie Ranzhe's sleep was disturbed when he was woken up by his urges. His member was pitching a tent below the quilt as though begging for more of last night's treat.      4

Qie Ranzhe found it hilarious and turned to face the man with his back facing him. The morning sunshine seeped in through the closed blinds and shone on the man's smooth skin decorated with strawberry-like marks, evidence of last night's escapades. Qie Ranzhe shuffled over with a sheepish smile. He reached out and caressed the hickeys on Feng Zi's back like a narcissistic artist admiring his masterpiece.     

It must be that his touch was ticklish because Feng Zi who had been sleeping peacefully a while ago, moved while mumbling something. Qie Ranzhe stopped moving his fingers without making a sound. He wouldn't mind having an early breakfast but didn't want to disturb Feng Zi's sleep. Feng Zi didn't wake up but felt around for Qie Ranzhe's hand and pulled it over till Qie Ranzhe was spooning him. Satisfied, Feng Zi smiled and stopped moving with his breath evening out.     

Cosying up to his lover, Qie Ranzhe felt like a thousand fireworks were lit in his heart inciting feelings of inexplicable happiness. He would love it if time freezes at this moment but his daydream was smashed by his enthusiastic member. His hot rod hardened a whole lot more and poked the innocent bystander lying in his embrace. It seemed Feng Zi felt it as he mumbled, "Ran-ge let me sleep some more then we can do it."     

An even bigger smile reaching his eyes appeared on Qie Ranzhe's face at the mention of this. He was going to have breakfast in bed but it turns out he was thinking too much because ten minutes later a pillow was thrown in his direction by an angry porcupine with its defensive spines up.     

Why the sweet fluffy moment changed to this? It was because Wen Qinxi felt a hard thing poking at his painful backside just as he woke up. Like a cat whose tail had just been stepped on he freaked out and almost fell out of bed covering his sore chrysanthemum. All the things in the second world were rainbows and unicorns, all fake. His cute rosebud was painfully torn apart and this man dared have another round in the morning. Little did he know he was the one who agreed to it. This kind of occurrence happened too often in the second world that he had an inbuilt automated response whenever Qie Ranzhe teased him in the morning. But this was the third world not the second landing him in hot soup.     

After being drilled like concrete for half the night, he didn't want to do it again. In such excruciating pain, he vowed not to have extra curriculum activities for the rest of his life but *cough.... cough* who was he kidding. "Don't you fuckin think about it," said Wen Qinxi glaring at Qie Ranzhe but it was like punching cotton. Qie Ranzhe's lips twitched suppressing a smile, he was obviously struggling to keep a straight face.     

"I am not," said Qie Ranzhe his expression honest but his words insincere. Of course, he was thinking about it. How could he not? The man tasted like mountain dew on a hot sunny day, both refreshing and satisfying.     

"You obviously are thinking of sex right now. I don't want it," said Wen Qinxi covering himself with the quilt leaving no gaps to let air in.     

Qie Ranzhe found the bundle under the quilt quite cute and like a cat that just saw a wool ball, he wanted to poke and tease him. From the plastic bag he took out a numbing cream he bought yesterday and shuffled over to get his lover's attention.     

He patiently rubbed Feng Zi's body over the quilt and coaxed him in a gentle tone. "You satisfied me last night so let me take responsibility, okay?"     

Under the quilt, Wen Qinxi was grinning from ear to ear glad that Qie Ranzhe had finally let go of the idea of having a morning round. Last night was so pleasurable that his face blushed just thinking about it but the pain was a bit much for him. 'Maybe it won't be as painful the next time? Ah, nevermind. Will only stop at the third base next time,' he thought before poking his head out the quilt. His appearance was crude and disordered as he had just woken up. Qie Ranzhe found this look dangerously irresistible. His eyes darkened vowing to be the only one to see this version of Feng Zi.     

Qie Ranzhe bit his lower lip and said, "Let me take care of you then you can have some breakfast." Those hypnotic lustful eyes had Wen Qinxi agreeing to it without putting up a fight. He was a little bashful having Qie Ranzhe apply some medicine on his chrysanthemum but supressed it when he remembered he was in this exact situation because Qie Ranzhe was greedy last night. The CEO naturally had to take responsibility.     

Qie Ranzhe was the same as before, pampering him to such an extent that he didn't have to go downstairs for breakfast. He even didn't get to dress himself because this CEO insisted on doing it for him. To be precise, Qie Ranzhe helped him dress so he could grope here and there in the process, all in the name of getting him dressed.     

Since he didn't want his man walking around unnecessaryily, he brought up Feng Xieling so the three of them could have breakfast together. As soon as that door opened, Feng Xieling jumped on the bed right on top of Wen Qinxi, his face wreathed with smiles. The novelty of the new night light finally wore off and he remembered he still had a dad.     

Wen Qinxi yelped out when Feng Xieling jumped on him but his expression remained serene rubbing his son's hair. "You little rascal, do I look like a trampoline?" said Wen Qinxi gently moving the enthusiastic Feng Xieling to the side.     

Feng Xieling wanted to respond when he noticed his dad's exhausted look so he asked, "Dad didn't get much sleep? You look tired." He was concerned for his dad's well being which is why he had to ask. If his dad wasn't feeling well he would go buy him some medicine.     

"I am fine Lin Lin, let's have some breakfast. Dad is so hungry," replied Wen Qinxi just as Qie Ranzhe setup the table in the suite. As to why he was doing it himself instead of asking the concierge to take care of everything, it was because he didn't want unnecessary personnel seeing Feng Zi's dreamy countenance. One look at his sluggish appearance, swollen lips and hickeys on his neck, anyone could tell the happenings of last night. Such a suggestive appearance would incite perverts and he didn't want strangers imagining his lover naked. There is only one word to describe Qie Ranzhe's actions. The man was possessive without even realizing it.     

The three people sat down with various colourful dishes neatly arranged at the table. Wen Qinxi made sure Feng Xieling and Qie Ranzhe's bowls were filled but Feng Xieling didn't seem to be eating much. Out of concern, Wen Qinxi asked, "What's wrong?" He glanced over to Qie Ranzhe who also stopped eating staring at the cute dumpling.     

Feng Xieling hesitated for a moment before asking, "Did dad go to an amusement park last night without me?" Otherwise why else would Feng Zi be this exhausted? For a six-year-old, this is the only thing that could come to mind. His dad snuck out at night and went to have fun without him.     

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