Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Parent Of The Year

Third World: Parent Of The Year

1Qie Ranzhe is a male god with men bending skills that could turn the straightest of men into twinks. What more about a simple woman?      1

'Shit!' cursed Wen Qinxi pulling Nu Shen away. How can she casually put her hands on what didn't belong to her? Qie Ranzhe wanted to push her from the get-go but Feng Zi suddenly pulled them apart and stood in between them blocking Nu Shen's view. A satisfied smile appeared on his face his hands itching to grab Feng Zi's sturdy waist. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he sincerely hoped Feng Zi would get rid of her as soon as possible.     

It seemed they were on the same page as Wen Qinxi had the exact same thought so he said, "Here, your uncle will send you coordinates for a meeting place. Will leave in two days," in a dismissive tone.     

But of course, Nu Shen wouldn't care especially when she had waited for her entire life to finally meet Feng Zi. Feigning ignorance, she asked, "Why in two days. I was thinking we could leave tomorrow." The two were not on the same page as they each had their reasons. Nu Shen wanted Feng Zi all to herself and the only way to achieve that was by getting Feng Yu involved. Wen Qinxi on the other hand was hoping to finally end this dry spell, get laid and he needed an extra day to recuperate. Fully aware of Qie Ranzhe's physic, he might not be able to lift a finger for half a day.     

"Personal reasons," replied Wen Qinxi moving to close the door but Nu Shen stopped him wedging her foot at the door. "Zi-ge, how about we have a cup of coffee downstairs. I have something I wanted to tell you and before you refuse.... it can't wait till tomorrow,"     

Wen Qinxi had a soft spot for Nu Shen but it was too late for the goddess as his heart already belonged to another. Besides, Qie Ranzhe might die of jealousy if he paid attention to her however innocent it might be. He was about to refuse her offer when Qie Ranzhe did the unexpected demonstrating what kind of relationship they had between them. Some people like toddlers learn better through illustrations rather than words. He did what he had been restraining himself from doing this entire time. His strong arm coiled Feng Zi's waist drawing him backwards till their bodies were pressed together and said, "We have adult matters to attend to so he can't go out with you," with his face partially buried in Feng Zi's neck.     

Wen Qinxi's body stiffened while his brain was shot into space leaving him with a blank expression. A hard to miss pinkish colour appeared where Qie Ranzhe's warm breath brushed against his skin. Qie Ranzhe proceeded to caress Feng Zi's arm with his other hand asking, "Isn't it right baby?" while staring at him with a passionate gaze.     

Nu Shen seemed distraught yelling, "Zi-ge!" with tear-filled eyes. Her body was trembling at a visible rate glaring at Qie Ranzhe surrounded by a resentful aura.     

Wen Qinxi's throat felt so dry like he had just swallowed sand in the desert. He felt hot all over like an animal in heat thus his unintelligent answer. "I, um, um.... yes, yes..... adult things. Good night," replied Wen Qinxi closing the door with no ounce of regret.     

Nu Shen stood there for a second tightly squeezing her phone. She was promised Feng Zi but Feng Zi was robbed by others over and over again. At first, it was those skanks then came Zhao Huangzhi now it was Qie Ranzhe. When will he realise the only person suitable for him was herself. She was about to knock again choosing the most effective method which was haunting them like a vengeful ghost. If she couldn't get Feng Zi to leave the room then they won't get some peace? But just as she stretched her hand out, she heard a banging sound coming from the other side of the door followed by lewd kissing sounds. Unable to bear it, she scurried away calling Uncle Feng. If anyone could help her, it would be Feng Zi's father.     

While Nu Shen was tattling like a teacher's pet, Wen Qinxi was pressed against the door engaging in a sensual makeup session. Qie Ranzhe couldn't hold back any longer. He just wanted to eat this man up with no interruptions. Feng Zi was kissed breathless but couldn't enjoy it for long because again the door was knocked. This time he knew who it was based on the soft knocks and just a second ago his phone was buzzing. It had to be Feng Xieling but the man who was feverishly kissing him didn't seem to care. Qie Ranzhe was tired of the interruptions and hoped the person would go away.     

"Ran-ge... wait.... wait, it's Lin Lin," said Wen Qinxi whenever he got a chance to say a word in between the kisses. Hearing this, Qie Ranzhe sighed deeply and placed his head on Feng Zi's shoulder feeling dejected.     

"Oh," said the general who wished he could just kidnap Feng Zi for one whole day and have him all to himself. Was that too much to ask?     

Qie Ranzhe moved away giving Feng Zi enough space to open the door. As expected, Feng Xieling was standing outside with a plush dragon toy in his hand looking pitiful. Wen Qinxi's heart softened immediately stretching out his hand to carry Feng Xieling in but someone stopped him. To be more exact, Qie Ranzhe interrupted their father and son reunion.     

"No..... if you let him in, it would be hard to kick him out later," said Qie Ranzhe putting up a stern front.     

Feng Xieling, "..."     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

"I want to sleepover. I haven't slept over in a long time," said Feng Xieling speaking up for himself like a brave soul.     

Qie Ranzhe grinned maliciously and said, "Who manipulated us in the cake shop and ate so much fudge? If I remember well, it must be you," said Qie Ranzhe pulling the soft-hearted Feng Zi to the side. All Feng Xieling needed to do was act cute and Feng Zi would give in but Qie Ranzhe had some unfinished business and wouldn't let this happen. He would blindfold Feng Zi if he could.     

"What? No..... no I did not," said Feng Xieling with a guilty chuckle recalling how energetic he was during the afternoon. He almost brought Airen to tears but he would never admit it.     

Qie Ranzhe crouched down before his son thinking, 'The apple definitely didn't fall far from the tree.' Every trick up Feng Xieling's sleeve, Qie Ranzhe knew about it. They were too similar putting Feng Xieling at a disadvantage.     

"You can lie to others but you can't lie to us. Or... you can continue denying and I will ban sleepovers for let's say... an eternity," said Qie Ranzhe with an imperative tone that had the two people gasping in horror.     

"You wouldn't dare," said Feng Xieling slackjawed in disbelief.     

"Monster....," said Wen Qinxi pulling Feng Xieling into his embrace. Who knows if he would ever have a chance to cuddle Lin Lin in the next world yet Qie Ranzhe dared to play that card.     

"Ohhhh..... but I am just getting started. No more bath time with dad, no more bedtime stories and yes, no more fudge," he said as black lines formed on both Feng Zi and Feng Xieling's face. Qie Ranzhe was too vicious.     

"Okay, no more. I will confess... I did it," said Feng Xieling with his head lowered looking so pitiable.     

Qie Ranzhe patted his head tooting his own horn thinking, 'I am an awesome parent.'     

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