Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Catfight!

Third World: Catfight!

0Jealousy can be either a sign of love, possessiveness or insecurity but wherever it stems from doesn't matter as long things don't get physical. But in this case, Wen Qinxi would rather it turned physical instead. That's because Nu Shen spat out venomous words that made dinner tasteless. At this moment, he would rather go out and buy some street food than have five-star food with a hundred per cent tension.     

His reason for thinking this way was justified. This is because ten minutes ago he was caught in between his boyfriend and delicious mouthwatering drunken prawns. Since he wanted to eat them, he went about it in a roundabout manner stating that he might not like them but Qie Ranzhe likes them. This was somewhat true, let's just say Qie Ranzhe was a fan of all things seafood as long as it wasn't spicy. Using this excuse he successfully grasped the plate full of drunken prawns without upsetting the man sitting right beside him.     

Wen Qinxi overestimated himself. As it turned out Qie Ranzhe easily deduced what this man was thinking and didn't hesitate to expose him then and there. The arm that was once on Feng Zi's shoulder slowly slid down to his waist. Qie Ranzhe leaned in closer with his other hand extending in front of Feng Zi to grab the bottle of soya sauce. Their faces were almost plastered together to such a point that Wen Qinxi could feel the heat from Qie Ranzhe's face creating an ambiguous air to it. Qie Ranzhe said, "I know," before pinching Wen Qinxi's waist. Being pinched in a sensitive spot, Wen Qinxi almost yelped out which would draw everyone's attention. Turns out he didn't even need to yelp as he had already earned himself a disdainful look from Zhao Huangzhi and a look of admiration from Nu Shen.     

"Wow, you and the general seem to get along so well. I hope I can get along with Zi-ge like that in the near future," said Nu Shen smiling so timidly. If they could be as harmonious as this in their marriage then she did prostate to the gods giving thanks.     

Wen Qinxi was too busy trying to convince Qie Ranzhe that these prawns were for him that he didn't hear what Nu Shen was sprouting. He carefully peeled the shells and placed them in Qie Ranzhe's bowl. For every three prawns he peeled, he ate two and gave one to Qie Ranzhe. This entire process was done sneakily that he didn't think Qie Ranzhe wouldn't notice but who was he kidding. Qie Ranzhe knew exactly what Wen Qinxi was doing, he just decided to delay the punishment till they were alone later.     

Things in the private room were harmonious up until this moment because after this Nu Shen decided to start a verbal war with Zhao Huangzhi who was staring at Feng Zi like she was going to skin him alive. This stare was mistaken by Nu Shen as a lover's spat type of look and saw she went on the offensive. "Women these days are so straight forward. How can they openly stare at someone that doesn't belong to them? Be careful of having your eyes gouged out if you keep staring," she said with her gaze focused on her plate.     

As they say, nothing good will come out of crazy meeting crazy. The atmosphere turned bitter as Zhao Huangzhi thought Nu Shen was defending Feng Zi's relationship with Qie Ranzhe so she retorted, "Not when that someone belongs to that woman first."     

As you can see, Nu Shen thought she was saying Feng Zi belonged to Zhao Huangzhi first so she practically exploded. "Hmph dream on, he never belonged to you in the first place. You better shut your mouth before I silence you," replied a flushed face Nu Shen. If she didn't strangle the life out of that woman today then she would surely cut her tongue out.     

"Little girl, know your place. Do you know who the fuck you are talking to? I am Zhao Huangzhi of the Zhao family. You better shut your trap if you treasure your life," replied Zhao Huangzhi using her family name to intimidate Nu Shen.     

But how could such a trick work on Nu Shen? Whether it was the f word or the little girl comment, one of them set off Nu Shen that she transformed with no warning and lunged at Zhao Huangzhi. Thus the beginning of a proper catfight. Wen Qinxi had finally got his wish and watched for a while with great interest. He surely hoped Nu Shen would beat some sense into Zhao Huangzhi. Neither of the two stepped in to stop the fight, it was Qie Guaiwu who tried to pry them apart. While she was trying to pull them apart, she was accidentally scratched by Zhao Huangzhi and in her anger, joined the fight. Even the guards who had rushed in when they heard the screams didn't dare intervene especially when Miss Nu was fighting. They can only intervene if she was at a disadvantage but from this angle, it didn't seem like she was losing.     

The soldiers would have stepped in but without Qie Ranzhe's order, they couldn't intervene. "Let them fight it out to their heart's content," he said when he saw Feng Zi stand up.     

Wen Qinxi hurriedly shook his head and silently mouthed, "phone," while pointing at Nu Shen's cellphone that had been deserted. Since Feng Yu dared rescue Nu Shen, they must have some kind of method of communication.     

Qie Ranzhe watched with interest as Feng Zi's pink lips moved silently. His memory went back to last night's escapades recalling the sweet taste of Feng Zi's lips. This was a mistake on Qie Ranzhe's part as he underestimated the hold Feng Zi had over him. Just staring at his lips caused his blood to boil in excitement turning him on. 'Crap,' he thought before taking a sip of tea that he had ignored this entire time. He couldn't understand why he felt so thirsty.     

Wen Qinxi didn't think much casually walking over before swiping the phone and placing it into his coat pocket. With the crime committed, Wen Qinxi gestured with his hand beckoning Qie Ranzhe to follow him.     

Enchanted to the point of following him around like a puppy, Qie Ranzhe followed behind Feng Zi obediently. To be honest, he didn't care about finding Feng Yu right now. All he was thinking about was kissing Feng Zi breathless. Not only kiss him but press him down. This involuntary thought process had Qie Ranzhe questioning himself. When did he suddenly turn into a pervert with his brain filled with images of himself pressing down Feng Zi?     

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