Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Terrible Dads

Third World: Terrible Dads

0Wen Qinxi was so thrilled having stolen for the first time. It wouldn't count as a robbery but Qie Ranzhe didn't want to mess up Feng Zi's mood. Besides, he needed him in a pleasant mood for later. Qie Ranzhe suddenly spotted a 24hr drug store along the street and said, "Wait for me here. I need to get something." Qie Ranzhe didn't even wait for Feng Zi to respond darting into the drug store.     

Wen Qinxi didn't spare him a glance fiddling with Nu Shen's phone. While walking he was hacking her phone which was a piece of cake for this nerd. As expected, Feng Yu had encrypted her phone but Wen Qinxi could easily break in and out without leaving a trace.     

Qie Ranzhe entered and exited the store but Feng Zi's gaze remained fixated on the phone. He sighed deeply wondering if that phone was more interesting than himself. "What's so interesting in there that you can't even notice me?" asked Qie Ranzhe feeling both neglected and jealous. Even though he knew Feng Zi was only looking for useful information, he still felt like offering him his phone instead. At least he would feel a little bit better. If he was going to be ignored because of a phone then at least let it be his phone, not someone else's. He felt the urge to grab that phone and smash it to the ground but he knew that would only anger Feng Zi. Like a whipped boyfriend, Qie Ranzhe guided Feng Zi's path like leading a patient who had just had eye surgery. All this, even though he was upset.     


While the two sweethearts were heading to the hotel to have a beautiful night, three women had fought till they ran out of energy. Bites, scratches and bruises concealed the once beautiful faces with Zhao Huangzhi suffering the worst of it. This fight was born out of a misunderstanding and the main subject of that misunderstanding was busy being fed by Qie Ranzhe because he hadn't eaten much during dinner due to a fight breaking out.     

Common sense finally made a reappearance in Zhao Huangzhi's brain after having her hair pulled out. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had been misunderstood so she asked, "Are you that interested in Qie Ranzhe?" before drawing in a breath of cold air hissing in pain.     

Nu Shen was towering above Zhao Huangzhi with her chest heaving deeply but once she heard that question her once dark expression turned to a puzzled one. "What?.... No, I am betrothed to Zi-ge. Why would l fight for that stiff man when I have a cute and considerate Zi-ge to spend the rest of my life with," replied Nu Shen her aggression melting away.     

Qie Guaiwu and Zhao Huangzhi exchanged glances and felt like they had been handed over a golden finger after years of suffering. Zhao Huangzhi stood up, her smile somewhat stiff and said, " you and Feng Zi are-,"     

Nu Shen seemed confused with their line of questioning and said, "Yeah, like l said we are going to get married."     

Qie Guaiwu couldn't help but chime in asking, "Does he know?"     

After much thought, Nu Shen finally shook her head indicating that he probably didn't know. Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Guaiwu stared at each other and in tacit understanding, they decided to enlighten this sister. Nu Shen was pulled to the side and led to sit down while the two women pretended to be her best friends fixing her hair. Like this, they manipulated this young miss who didn't see anything else in the world apart from Feng Zi to take back what belongs to her.     


"I got it...come see this, haha..... I got Feng Yu's number," said a thrilled Wen Qinxi calling to his lover who was packing away the takeaway boxes. Qie Ranzhe tossed the boxes in the bin before crawling into bed to sleep next to Feng Zi. Wen Qinxi enthusiastically showed off the number he believed belonged to Feng Yu but seeing that Qie Ranzhe didn't respond, he explained. "This number corresponds to around the time Feng Yu rescued Nu Shen from that pimp and the time we arrived here. Plus it seems like no other number can go through unless if it's Nu Shen's number."     

Qie Ranzhe understood what he was saying but couldn't help but empathise with Feng Zi. Something appeared wrong with both their fathers. President Qie didn't seem to care about him except when it comes to his reputation. Feng Yu did care but didn't care enough to call his son. He was familiar with the pain of being neglected and didn't want Feng Zi to experience such heart-wrenching pain.     

He wanted to embrace Feng Zi out of instinct but it seemed Feng Zi wasn't as bothered as he thought. The man in his arms casually dialled the number as though ordering pizza.     

Wen Qinxi put the phone on a loudspeaker and patiently waited for the call to connect commending this paranoid man. He caressed Qie Ranzhe's hand that was resting on his tummy while Qie Ranzhe perversely sniffed his scent. Three rings in, the call was connected and a croaky voice sounded. "Shen Shen, my daughter-in-law, how did the meeting go? Did you two get along."     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

Did Feng Yu have another son that he married off to Nu Shen? Wen Qinxi placed his index finger on Qie Ranzhe's lips gesturing for him to keep silent. The slight touch of Feng Zi's finger on his lip drove Qie Ranzhe insane but he could only wait till the call was over to take advantage of Feng Zi.     

"This is the first thing you say to me after all these years?... Is Nu Shen more important to you?" said Wen Qinxi his voice modulated giving off an aggrieved feeling. This was all an act. Because of Feng Yu's paranoid behaviour, he had to resort to such devious methods to smoke the queen bee out of its hive.     

As expected, Feng Yu was pained hearing his son say such words. If it weren't for the circumstances he would have taken his son along but each time he looked at him he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. "Ah-Zi, don't, don't say that... papa loves you and you are the most important person to me. Even more important than my own life.... don't be angry with papa, okay," said Feng Yu swallowing his grief.     

He had seriously wronged Feng Zi and felt like crying each time he thought of it. He had a lot of things to feel guilty about when it came to his son. He couldn't protect Feng Zi's mother the only woman who dared to love him neither could he protect his son from the tragedy the night he stole the crystal. Because of this, he chose to run away supporting his son's organization in the dark but it wasn't enough. Nothing was good enough to make up for all the pain he caused. However, how was he supposed to look at his son again?     

"If I am that important to you, why aren't you in my life," asked Wen Qinxi. This question was asked with such depth that even surprised Wen Qinxi. His real dad died when he was young and that question was buried deep within. Did his dad have to work there, would he have died if he didn't work there? This situation was suddenly turning personal and Wen Qinxi had to bite his tongue to get his act together.     

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