Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Licking Your Lover's Finger

Third World: Licking Your Lover's Finger

2Though Feng Zi was a spitting image of Feng Yu, years of being apart had ruined whatever relationship they had before. Feng Yu not only used his son but also abandoned him in the process in essence making Feng Zi an orphan. Wen Qinxi wasn't pleased at all, feeling sorry for this character. Since he felt this way how could he let this man go? He pressed on, using emotional blackmail to smoke the rabbit out of its hole.     

Hardening his heart he said, "You left me with no explanation yet claim that I am important to you? Do I look like an idiot?" Sure enough, Feng Yu panicked and stammered out an incoherent response trying to reason with him. Speaking of his son, his usual arrogant crazed demeanor seemed to crumble. He loved his son with all his heart but had no courage to face him after all that happened.     

"I have never asked you for anything so it is only natural that you grant my request," said Wen Qinxi while playing with Qie Ranzhe's fingers, "let's meet up." Feng Yu didn't respond for a very long time as though thinking it through. His first instinct was to refuse but after so many years of putting it off, it was time to face up and move on. It was just that he had to gather some courage which was no small matter.     

"I..... I will agree but you have to come alone," replied Feng Yu in a timorous voice.     

Staring at the man lying next to him, how could he agree? Even if he did agree Qie Ranzhe wouldn't let him go alone and would even follow behind regardless. Qie Ranzhe just smiled at Feng Zi and kissed his neck with an obvious implication. Wen Qinxi gulped with his body heating up at the touch of Qie Ranzhe's soft lips.     

Wen Qinxi glared at the man thinking, 'Such a tease,' while moving his head away from this frivolous man.     

Qie Ranzhe stopped his teasing and gestured to Feng Zi to continue his call. He immediately became a bit docile giving off an impression of an acquiescent person. "Not possible, I will bring along four more people with me. Send your favourite child the coordinates and I will meet you in two..... two days time," said Wen Qinxi pausing at the end of the sentence as the man lying next to him had begun to cause trouble once more. Qie Ranzhe took the inattentive Feng Zi's hand and at a snail's pace, swallowed Feng Zi's middle finger. How audacious he was, even licking Feng Zi's finger a couple of times.     

Wen Qinxi didn't even hear Feng Yu's response tossing the phone aside before pouncing on Qie Ranzhe. Qie Ranzhe licking his finger was a direct provocation with a tingling sensation spreading from the point of contact to the rest of his body. 'What is this? A 90's porn.... Eager for a fuck, I see,' thought Wen Qinxi lasciviously biting his lower lip driving the man below to the brick of insanity.     

The two roughhoused on the bed with Wen Qinxi sitting on top of Qie Ranzhe trying to pin the General's hands above his head. But because Qie Ranzhe had an advantage strength-wise he easily toppled Feng Zi over reversing their role. It was indeed a blush-inducing scene that could have any fujoshi screaming their lungs out.     

"Hello..... Ah-Zi!" called out Feng Yu through the phone that had been tossed aside. Qie Ranzhe found Feng Yu's voice annoying so he directly cut the call and got back to what he was doing before. Pinning down his misbehaving lover.     

"Baby," said Qie Ranzhe in the most natural way that even surprised him. The way that pet name naturally rolled off his tongue had him thinking he had called Feng Zi like this before. His heart almost leapt off his chest in satisfaction having said this word out loud.     

Wen Qinxi seemed to like conquering Qie Ranzhe as it gave him a great sense of satisfaction. He was his happiest when he finally had this CEO wrapped around his pinky finger.     

Wen Qinxi grinned like a clown at a kid's birthday party as blood rushed to his face while struggling to free his wrists from Qie Ranzhe's hold. Because he was wiggling too much he involuntarily rubbed against Qie Ranzhe's member through the fabric. Qie Ranzhe's eyes darkened as he said, "Don't move," in a husky voice that could enchant even mermaids.     

Wen Qinxi stopped moving and asked, "Or what?" Qie Ranzhe's lips quirked up into a wolfish smile as he leaned down to kiss those lips he had been longing for this entire night. He could almost see himself suck and nip on those beautiful lips but unfortunately, someone didn't want to see him happy.     

Just as their lips were about to touch, an abrupt knock dispersed the sensual atmosphere. Qie Ranzhe initially brushed it off and insisted on continuing. His member was already forming a tent in his pants so he persisted. But the person on the other side of the door wasn't giving up. In fact, their knock became even more aggressive attracting the attention of other guests.     

"Fuck!" cursed Wen Qinxi as he pushed Qie Ranzhe off his body. It was evident that the person at the door wouldn't give up unless that door was opened. He knew it wasn't Feng Xieling because the kid's knock was soft plus Airen would let him know in advance if Feng Xieling was coming over.     

Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but wonder who on earth he had offended. He just wanted to eat his sweetheart yet someone kept interrupting. He was sprawled on the bed rubbing his forehead trying to calm his beating heart.     

Wen Qinxi checked the peephole and saw it was Nu Shen. He immediately walked over to the bed and lifted the quilt to grab her phone while saying, "Its Nu Shen," before walking over to the door. At the name Nu Shen, Qie Ranzhe's once enthusiastic member instantly calmed down as he sat up straight.     

Wen Qinxi opened a small slit on the door with his hand extending to hand over the phone but Nu Shen wasn't only here for that. She pushed the door and threw herself on Feng Zi's body but just as their bodies were about to touch, Qie Ranzhe showed up from nowhere and moved Feng Zi out of the way. His speed was so fast that Wen Qinxi concluded that Qie Ranzhe wasn't a beast-man but rather a cyborg, half human half machine. But he couldn't carry on questioning Qie Ranzhe's physiology when he saw the woman embracing Qie Ranzhe.     

Just now, Qie Ranzhe was fast enough to stop Nu Shen from embracing him but not fast enough to get out of the way. Though he knew nothing would ever happen between Qie Ranzhe and Nu Shen he couldn't help but feel a bitter taste wailing up from the pit of his stomach creeping up to his throat.     

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