Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Drunken Night Memories Come To Light

Third World: Drunken Night Memories Come To Light

4"I just saw this setting but it shouldn't be like this. Maybe it is some kind of mystery," said the system really scratching its head over this issue. None of it seemed to make sense.      4

This was the least of Wen Qinxi's concerns, he had to get Qie Ranzhe out of the cold and find shelter for the night. They had to figure out a way to get out of this valley tomorrow otherwise they might end up losing their lead. Plus, he was anxious to get Feng Xieling back. He trusted in Airen's ability but feared Qie Guaiwu's determination.     

As soon as the wound healed, Qie Ranzhe transformed back to his human form with rays of blue light enveloping him till he returned to his usual self. Wen Qinxi managed to find an empty cave nearby and carried Qie Ranzhe over. His anxiety had dissipated seeing that the man's complexion was getting better and better.     

After lighting a fire, Wen Qinxi made a bed of leaves and lay down in Qie Ranzhe's arms. He stayed up half the night hoping Qie Ranzhe would wake up but it was to no avail. He ended up falling asleep cuddled up with the CEO with no care in the world. As long as this man was still living, nothing else mattered.     

While Wen Qinxi was standing guard, Qie Ranzhe was stuck in a strange dream that kept playing over and over again but this dream was in fragments barely making any sense. The figures in the dream were blurred at the beginning but as it replayed over and over again, it became even more clearer.     

Parts of the dream weren't new to him as these were past events but as the dream went on it showed things Qie Ranzhe had absolutely no memory of. This dream was of the day Feng Zi got him drunk and stole the codes from his father's home office. Everything after he got drunk were a blur but it seemed the memory of what happened was coming back to him in this dream.     

It seemed after he got drunk, Feng Zi carried him to the bed and helped him take off his shoes. Qie Ranzhe seemed to ask Feng Zi why he liked Zhao Huangzhi but Feng Zi didn't answer. It was true that Feng Zi liked Zhao Huangzhi first and Qie Ranzhe seemed to develop interest in her afterwards. But what was so special about her that these two friends became enemies ruining each other's lives.     

That night, in his drunken stupor Qie Ranzhe finally asked the question but when he didn't get a response, he did the most outrageous thing. He kissed Feng Zi but Feng Zi didn't take it well and slapped him. This is how their feud turned fatal but Qie Ranzhe never got his answer. What was so special about Zhao Huangzhi? Was she worth losing their friendship?     

This dream replayed like a broken record until Qie Ranzhe had an epiphany. It was never about Zhao Huangzhi, it had always been about Feng Zi. With that revelation the dreamscape cracked and Qie Ranzhe rose from his slumber with a clear mind.     

With a sheepish look, he woke up unable to recognize where he was. He recalled the events that took place yesterday and that his wing was injured. As the detailed memories of the previous night flooded his mind he began to panic. He was holding Feng Zi as he dropped from the sky but Feng Zi was no where in sight.     

His body shuddered in anxiety as he ran outside calling out Feng Zi's name. Imagining the worst, he called out to him while aimlessly running around like a headless chicken. Just as he decided to transform and search from above, Feng Zi suddenly showed up with two cleaned fish on a stick.     

Wen Qinxi stopped in his tracks when he saw Qie Ranzhe standing there with a panicked look. A smile crept up on his face before taking a step forward but Qie Ranzhe ran over to him and began to inspect him like a ragdoll checking for injuries. He didn't know what he would do if Feng Zi was missing even a single strand on his head.     

"Haha, I am fine. Stop worrying so much," said Wen Qinxi feeling helpless, "You should at least buy me a drink first before touching me everywhere. Are you trying to seduce me?"     

Qie Ranzhe felt like his face was on fire letting go of Feng Zi. He had indeed thoroughly inspected the goods with his hands all over him. He was about to take a step back when he saw a scar across Feng Zi's palm. The ever so calm General panicked once more massaging his palm with a sullen expression. His head lowered he couldn't help but blame himself for being careless.     

Wen Qinxi's gaze was locked on Qie Ranzhe with tender feelings surrounding them. He didn't like to see Qie Ranzhe blaming himself for this so he diverted his attention and asked, "How are you feeling?"     

Qie Ranzhe who was stuck in a trance a moment ago lifted his head and said, "I am fine did l heal this fast. Normally it would take me a month or so to recover....does this wound have anything to do with it?" It didn't make sense at all to the general. This wound wasn't from the fall so it had to have happened afterwards.     

Wen Qinxi didn't hide it from him explaining what exactly happened but none of it made sense to either of them. In all the years that they had known each other Feng Zi never showed any signs of having healing powers or maybe it was because neither of them paid attention. Wen Qinxi did notice he healed very fast when he got shot by Qie Ranzhe but he assumed it was some game setting and brushed it off. It turns out something was up.     

The two left the mystery for another day as they carried on with their camping experience roasting fish on a campfire before finding a way out of the valley.     

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