Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Qie Guaiwu vs Mama Bear Qinxi

Third World: Qie Guaiwu vs Mama Bear Qinxi

4Qie Guaiwu seemed to understand what Feng Zi was doing and since Feng Xieling couldn't hear them she said, "Qie Ranzhe, you went out to have a child out of wedlock and didn't even tell me. And why is he calling Feng Zi dad?" boiling with rage. This didn't make the least bit of sense to her. That kid was definately a descendant of the Qie family yet he was calling Feng Zi dad. Has this world gone mad?     1

"He's not my child," replied Qie Ranzhe but his aunt wouldn't believe a word of it. She slammed the table and said,     

"Such a disgrace. You don't even know how to own up to your responsibilities and let that criminal lay claim on our blood. What sort of potion did he feed you to make you that stupid?...Fine if you can't take responsibility then I as your aunt will," gesturing for a guard to take away Feng Xieling. Before the man could take a single step Qie Ranzhe stood up and protected Feng Zi with his hand on his holster.     

Pissed off, Wen Qinxi said, "I said this child isn't his now back off. If you so much as lay a hand on him I will kill you," before standing up to leave.     

He knew this woman was crazy but he didn't think she would be crazy enough to actually want to take Feng Xieling from him. Wen Qinxi strode out of the room stroking Feng Xieling's hair. The kid wasn't aware of what had just happened but could feel the tension. He obediently lay in Feng Zi's arms with a murderous glare aimed at the strange woman who made his dad angry.     

With all of Feng Zi's men gone, Qie Guaiwu threw her heel at Qie Ranzhe yelling, "Such a disrespectful child. Wait until your father hears about this!" with red rimmed eyes. She was angered to the point of seeing red and flung the second heel which also missed.     

Qie Ranzhe let her vent her anger in silence and only spoke when she had cooled down a few degrees. "General of the army, since this mission is still under my command I suggest you focus on things only pertaining to the mission. Let's refrain from having outside distractions," he said addressing her formally. This was the only way he could communicate with her and get his point across. As soon as he said this, he exited the room leaving behind a flustered older woman and Zhao Huangzhi who was soothing her.     

"General Qie, please don't blame him. Feng Zi must have done something to him to get that child which is why he is blinded like this. It would be best you take this child and detain Feng Zi. We can find another way to get hold of Feng Yu. You don't necessarily need Feng Zi to find his father. As for Qie Ranzhe, you could send him back to headquarters and President Qie will handle the rest," she explained but with each sentence she spoke Qie Guaiwu's expression darkened further.     

She stared at Zhao Huangzhi as though looking at an idiot. This plan was obviously stupid that even a newborn can see it. She began to seriously question Zhao Huangzhi's intelligence, was she stupid or she was doing this deliberately? Qie Guaiwu ignored her and issued an order, "Get me everything on that kid. Birth records, DNA even what he had for lunch, I want it all," before her assistant handed her heels over.     

Zhao Huangzhi didn't seem to understand Qie Guaiwu's thought process but didn't dare say anything else silently following behind her. Qie Guaiwu suddenly stopped and asked, "If that boy is his would you be willing to be his mother when you marry Qie Ranzhe?" without turning to look at her. Their union would most definitely be beneficial and since they already had a relationship it would be easy for her to get them hitched as long as she can get Feng Zi out of the picture. The only troublesome thing would be the woman who gave birth to Feng Xieling. She had to find her so there wouldn't be future problems.     

Zhao Huangzhi pretended to be timid agreeing, "Yes," while nodding her head. It seemed she made the right move involving the Qie family. It was only a matter of time before each piece fell into place.     

Satisfied, Qie Guaiwu walked out heading to her room to report to her brother and execute her plan.     


While being plotted against, Wen Qinxi had just put down a rattled Feng Xieling for a nap and just exited the room when he found Qie Ranzhe waiting for him outside wearing an apologetic expression. Wen Qinxi had Airen watch Feng Xieling and had multiple guards by his door before leaving with Qie Ranzhe.     

It seemed that Qie Ranzhe had something to say but couldn't say it in the hotel so they left for a coffee shop across the street. As soon as they entered Wen Qinxi ordered an americano for Qie Ranzhe and a cappuccino for himself before sitting in a private room.     

As soon as they sat down a dumbfounded Qie Ranzhe asked, "How did you know I like that?" He didn't remember ever telling Feng Zi his preferences. What he didn't know was that this man had been through two worlds with him and he was also his boss and classmate in the past. This meant Wen Qinxi knew him like the back of his hand.     

"I just know," replied Wen Qinxi as the waiter placed their order on the table. As soon as the waiter was gone he said, "What a mess."     

"I am so sorry about this....," said Qie Ranzhe his gaze fixed on Wen Qinxi who had his eyes lowered stirring his cup of coffee.     

"Mn," replied Wen Qinxi taking a sip.     

"How about you send Feng Xieling back with Airen? Your mansion is much safer than him moving around with us," suggested Qie Ranzhe. He knew Qie Guaiwu wouldn't have the balls to attack Feng Zi's mansion as it would incite the entire underworld.     

Wen Qinxi finally looked up at him and said, "I will think about it. Tomorrow will go find that girl that had Feng Yu expose himself for," before falling back to silence thinking through his next move.     

Qie Ranzhe wanted to ask why Feng Xieling had his surname before but restrained himself thinking there is no point asking because Feng Zi couldn't or wouldn't answer. It was best he did an extensive investigation and get a DNA test done on Feng Xieling. At least then he can decide his next move.     

Thinking of his experiment last night he said, "By the way I know you like me and you have permission to pursue me," with a serious expression. He didn't hate the idea of being liked by Feng Zi. The man was good looking and had a sick tattoo so he didn't see anything wrong thus he decided on this.     

Wen Qinxi almost choked on his coffee at his words, to be more exact he burnt his tongue in shock. 'What the fuck!'     

Qie Ranzhe's brows furrowed a bit seeing Feng Zi's reaction but he didn't back down saying, "You better do a good job at it and maybe I will consider it. So far your efforts haven't been impressive."     

Wen Qinxi couldn't believe his ears bursting out in nervous laughter. "Are you kidding me?"     

Qie Ranzhe wanted to ask him why he was laughing but his phone suddenly rang so he had to answer it. After dropping the call, he said, "I have urgent matters so I will see you at dinner. Don't disappoint me," before walking out leaving behind a flabbergasted Wen Qinxi.     

"What the fuck? When did he get this cocky?"     

"I told you soooooo," said the system that seemed to only dare show up when Qie Ranzhe was gone.     

"Coward," said Wen Qinxi rebuking the system.     

Jolie, "..."     

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