Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Daddy Is The Best

Third World: Daddy Is The Best

2The awkwardness from the unintentional kiss dissipated into dust with the sound of gunfire and grenades permeating the air. Just a moment ago everyone was busy being tossed around due to the emergency breaks that they didn't witness such a intimate scene. Wen Qinxi ran over in a panic checking on Feng Xieling who was being held tightly in Airen's arms. Feng Xieling obediently ran into Feng Zi's arms and began to cry.      4

Because of his serious facade one could easily forget that he was still a kid. In this moment, he was genuinely terrified. "Dad, I am scared," he confessed his little body trembling in fright with a tear stained face.     

Wen Qinxi was distressed at this sight coaxing the little boy coiled around him like a python.     

"'s okay. Don't be scared I will go deal with the bad guys, okay? Don't cry dad will take care of everything," said Wen Qinxi with his hand brushing Feng Xieling's short hair.     

Qie Ranzhe wanted to give him enough time to coax Feng Xieling who was covered in snot and tears but another explosion rung almost shaking the mobile home off it's centre of gravity. "Feng Zi we have to!" said Qie Ranzhe holding Feng Zi's elbow. The two locked gazes for a moment in tacit understanding before Wen Qinxi nodded to Airen who began to peel Feng Xieling off Feng Zi.     

With Feng Xieling screaming in the background calling out to him, Qie Guaiwu took it upon herself to stir up trouble. She blocked Feng Zi's path while yelling at Qie Ranzhe. "These men are most definitely working for him. How can you let him go outside when they are obviously here to rescue him?" she yelled, her expression looking extremely ugly with bloodshot eyes.     

She was already having a hard time accepting the shocking news that Feng Zi and her nephew actually gave birth to a kid. She hadn't had the chance to vent out her anger at Feng Zi and ask him what he did to her nephew. In fear of not ever having the chance to have an explanation, she resolutely blocked his path with her back leaning against the door.     

Qie Ranzhe was ready to push her out of the way as his aunt was not being objective disregarding her duties but the door was suddenly opened from the outside. A wide-eyed Qie Guaiwu lost her footing fumbling around for something to hold so she wouldn't fall. She grasped Feng Zi's clothing on his chest expecting him to pull her up.     

But who was she kidding, this was Feng Zi after all. A malicious grin crept up on Wen Qinxi's face intending to push her over. The mobile home could be described as a big wheeler elevated from the ground. Though the distance from the ground wasn't high enough to cause death or injuries but it was enough of a fall to embarrass Qie Guaiwu.     

Just as he was about to remove her hand from his clothes someone else beat him to it. With eyes as wide as light bulbs, Qie Guaiwu fell to the ground cursing. With a brow raised in confusion, he turned around looking behind only to see a sullen Qie Ranzhe scowling in displeasure. 'Oh shit!...pfft Ran-ge just pushed off his aunt...,' thought Wen Qinxi snickering within.     

Staring down at the lady sprawled on the ground covered in dust while spitting out dirt, Wen Qinxi nudged Qie Ranzhe and asked, "Did you do that?" with a smile.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything gently pushing Feng Zi forward and as he passed by his aunt he literally jumped over her without a care.     

Zhao Huangzhi, "..."     

Assistant, "...."     

Wen Qinxi wanted to enjoy this moment a little longer but the chaos outside ruined it. Atop a cliff a man standing at the back of a pick up truck noticed the red haired youth with a sleeve tattoo on his arm and raised his hand to halt the attacks.     

"Feng Zi!" he called out his voice bellowing across the valley. With the desert wind blowing in all directions, Wen Qinxi heard him but it was more like a mosquito was talking. He immediately looked in the direction from which the voice came from.     

While Machu had his men regroup and prepare for the incoming battle, Qie Ranzhe stood behind Feng Zi with his rifle aimed at the man who dared to call Feng Zi.     

"This is.....," said the man yelling out but Wen Qinxi couldn't hear the rest as the wind swept the man's voice away.     

Wen Qinxi furrowed his brows and asked, "What did you say?" before turning his ear to listen.     

"I said.....," but like before Wen Qinxi couldn't hear anything. Qie Ranzhe gave Feng Zi a side glance and said,     

"Are you screwing with him?"     

Wen Qinxi's lips twitched and said, "My husband knows me too well."     

Being addressed this way, Qie Ranzhe's heart skipped a beat, his palms sweating like he was in a steaming room. 'Isn't this a bit too fast?' he thought struggling to focus on his target. Finding it hard to regain his composure, he said, "Damnit, don't say stuff like that."     

He didn't know whether it was the hot sun or Feng Zi's words that had him flushed.     

Frustrated, the man atop the cliff jumped out of the pick up truck, took off his pendant and turned into a gorrilla. Wen Qinxi watched in amazement as the beastman skillfully got off the cliff surfing the sand heading towards them.     

"Awesoooooome," said Wen Qinxi finding this phenomenon fascinating but Qie Ranzhe was displeased. Who cares, it was just a gorilla? It was nothing compared to his majestic dragon appearance.     

"Nothing special," sneered Qie Ranzhe with his rifle still pointed at the man who had transformed back to his human form and was now a few feet closer.     

Wen Qinxi grinned and stared at Qie Ranzhe with an amorous gaze saying, "Yes, daddy is the best." With those words, Feng Zi vanished and reappeared in front of the man before slamming him on the ground while clutching his collar.     

The general was standing there seeming befuddled. He was about to lose his shit. Feng Zi was too aggressive and inconsiderate to this inexperienced man. If it weren't for the circumstances he would be freaking out.     

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