Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Another Terrible Parent

Third World: Another Terrible Parent

0As the say goes when good things happen something bad follows and that's exactly what happened to the two men as soon they returned to the hotel. The wicked witch from the west that was meant to be half way across the country was standing at the hotel entrance with her luggage being brought up.     3

When Qie Ranzhe saw her it was like he had been struck by lightning. He had already issued an order that she was to be escorted back to headquarters so why was she still here disobeying his command?     

Qie Ranzhe turned to look at the similarly distraught Feng Zi. He couldn't help but feel panicked a little. Wouldn't this make him seem like a liar? To prevent any misunderstanding he began to explain but before he could even get a word out, Feng Zi said, "I understand. Just go take care of what you need to take care of," before walking away.     

Qie Ranzhe felt an inexplicable sense of loss. He couldn't tell if Feng Zi was upset or not. Ever since he broke ties with Zhao Huangzhi he had felt like their old friendship was finally restored which made him feel a sense of calmness he hadn't felt in a long time. But like a vengeful ghost, Zhao Huangzhi returned to haunt him and take it all way. How could he let her ruin everything?     

Wen Qinxi wasn't upset at all. In fact, it was expected as he was well aware that Zhao Huangzhi wouldn't be easy to be rid off. In any case, if she touches his bottonline once more he would most definitely kill her this time. Unbothered by her presence, he casually passed her entering the hotel without acknowledging her.     

Zhao Huangzhi obviously didn't expect this neither did she provoke him. She had already decided to use other people to fight this battle for her so she didn't see the need to aggravate him. She simply scoffed when he passed by and lay her eyes on Qie Ranzhe. Though his face was as blank as a sheet of paper she could clearly see the anger and resentment in his eyes.     

This didn't deter her because she was confident in her backing. Qie Ranzhe didn't even bother questioning her and immediately ordered someone to put her luggage back into the vehicle. He had already said all he needed to say last night so he didn't feel the need to speak to her.     

Seeing him give her an ice cold shoulder, Zhao Huangzhi felt like her heart was being bitten by tiny ants causing an excruciating ache. She could accept him yelling at her or addressing her coldly but she couldn't accept being ignored. When she saw him order his subordinates to put her bags back in the car she finally stepped forward and said, "General Qie please don't be rash. I am not defying your command," while handing him a military order signed by his father, "President's orders. I am to stay by your side and complete the mission."     

Her expression was stern but Qie Ranzhe could clearly see the smile in her eyes. He didn't even bother take the piece of paper from her and walked away without saying a single word. He had his men clear out a conference room for him and immediately made a call to his father.     

President Qie didn't even give his son any face deliberately ignoring the call five times. He merely glimpsed at the caller ID before turning his attention to the documents on his desk. If it weren't for Qie Ranzhe's persistence, he would have pretended to be deaf and not even bother return his calls.     

As soon as the call connected, Qie Ranzhe muttered, "Father I-," but President Qie interrupted him saying,     

"You calling me father is this an official or personal call? If it is personal then I will hang up."     

Qie Ranzhe felt a tightness in his chest and replied, "Offical business sir. It's concerning the order you issued for commander Zhao. She isn't fit for duty and she will compromise the success of this mission," his voice hoarse.     

This father and son relationship was nothing to admire in the first place but it grew worse when the crystal went missing. President Qie grew colder towards his son further fracturing this already fragile relationship.     

"Are you questioning my decision?" said President Qie leaning backwards into his chair, his face dissatisfied.     

Qie Ranzhe was struck dumb and could only respond, "No sir." After personally experiencing Zhao Huangzhi's incompetency he had every reason to remove her from this mission. Even if they hadn't fallen out, he had multiple reasons to send her away but Zhao Huangzhi wasn't a simple woman.     

One call to her father and she could have an entire city lying in ruins for simply breaking her finger. Because President Qie and Mr Zhao had a great relationship it was a given that President Qie would go an extra mile for her. He didn't think Zhao Huangzhi would use such a method and choose to stay by his side even when they had nothing to do with each other anymore.     

"I have my reasons. Commander Zhao will continue with this mission. Seeing how important this mission is, I have also sent the General of the army, General Qie to come supervise since Feng Zi and Feng Yu are the world most wanted terrorists. Any objections General?" said President Qie but he didn't wait for Qie Ranzhe to respond saying, "Don't disappoint me," before cutting the line.     

Objections? Of course, Qie Ranzhe had major objections. This so-called General of the army, General Qie was his worst nightmare. Qie Guaiwu is Qie Ranzhe's aunt the cause of his horrible childhood memories. After his mother passed away she took up the motherly role which was a motherly role in name only. While other kids were playing in the playground, he was running military drills before the break of dawn and as soon as the sun set. On school holidays it was even worse because she took him along to her base treating a five year old as a new recruit.     

He eventually got the hang of it as it became part of his life but whenever he didn't come first at anything he would be punished. Now that same woman was coming to supervise him. Qie Ranzhe felt his body shudder involuntarily as he angrily flung his phone smashing it into the wall. Things were about to get even more complicated.     


While Qie Ranzhe was exploding in anger, Wen Qinxi was dealing with his child's first disciplinary hearing. Just as he walked into the hotel, he was called to the manager's office as Qie Xieling had apparently caused damage to property.     

At first he thought Qie Xieling had accidentally burnt something with his dragon flame. If that was the case then he would silently pay the damage as the kid was small and couldn't help it sometimes but he soon found out that this case was far from being an accident.     

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