Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Appropriate Use Of The Word Cute

Third World: Appropriate Use Of The Word Cute

1Qie Ranzhe watched the two seemingly close people walk away together and felt incredibly upset. How could Feng Zi ditch him just like that? As he sulkingly stared at them he heard Feng Zi calling out to him, "Are you coming or you are planning to grow roots in the middle of the street?"     

Those words somehow pacified him so much so that he followed after them and joined them at a corner table. The lady who had just been forced to sit opposite the two men couldn't help but whine. "You see how he treats me. Maybe the General can treat me bet-,"     

"Hey, hey," said Wen Qinxi knocking on the table his expression unreadable, "eyes over here. This has nothing to do with him."     

"Zi darling you have surely changed. I haven't seen you ever since you broke up with me for that bitch Zhao Huangzhi. How is it going by the way?.....Huh, judging from your reaction it seems like it aren't going well," she said slightly tilting her head exposing her fair neck with a bite scar most definitely left by Feng Zi, "how about one more night and I will tell you why I am here?"     

As she said this, she stretched out a hand to caress Feng Zi's arm but before she could even touch him, Qie Ranzhe placed his gun on the table glaring at her like a beast that just caught a weak animal invading its territory. In his mind, he couldn't tolerate such a vulgar woman but unbeknownst to himself, he was drinking some serious vinegar.     

"Geez, Feng Zi restrain your mad dog. I was just joking," she said putting her hand into her brassiere taking out an envelope. Actually, she wasn't joking before. Feng Zi could be considered the king of pleasure. He was really good at taking care of whomever was fortunate enough to be on his bed at that time. Though he easily lost interest as his heart belonged to Zhao Huangzhi, women still pulled at each other's hair just to have a turn.     

Ever since she got dumped, she heard Feng Zi hadn't successfully attained Zhao Huangzhi and that he was heart broken so she tried to wiggle herself back into his bed but who would have expected she would be met by such resistance. 'Wait,' she thought staring at the two men sitting so close to each other with Feng Zi's body leaning in as though drawn to the General and it finally dawned on her.     

"Ahahaha.....oh my. Hahahaha....I didn't see this coming," she said clapping her hands bursting out in laughter.     

Two men looked away from the envelope and stared at her, one confused and the other fully aware of what she was thinking.     

"Zi Zi darling you are not serious, it's even more impossible than getting Zhao Huangzhi. H-," she said but stopped talking when Feng Zi took the gun on the table and said,     

"Say one more word and I swear I will blow your brains out," in a menacing tone. She knew to quit while ahead so she kept her trap shut but Qie Ranzhe was even more curious. He wanted to know what she was talking about. Did it have something to do with the person Feng Zi likes? Curious, he planned on sending his subordinates to interrogate this woman later and find out what Feng Zi is hiding.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't aware of this current development as his attention was fully on the envelope with a familiar handwriting. This was definitely written by Feng Yu but why didn't the man call or something? What was Feng Yu hiding that he didn't even dare face Feng Zi?     

It still puzzled him why Feng Yu even stole that crystal in the first place when it was vital for the survival of the planet. The mad scientist didn't even ask for a ransom or anything with the crystal vanishing off the face of the earth.     

Scratching his head in confusion he read the shortest note he had ever read. It was a note made up of four words which were 'Don't look for me' fullstop.     

"What the fuck?" muttered Wen Qinxi before passing the note over to Qie Ranzhe and faced the lady who now had her lips zipped together. "Where is he?"     

"I don't know where he is now. He didn't say anything except that I should hand this to you. After that he simply vanished," she hurriedly explained lest she gets misunderstood.     

"Where did he hand this to you?" asked Qie Ranzhe ready to deploy his men over but Feng Zi dispelled that idea. Feng Yu was most certainly half way across the province by now.     

"Its pointless. He is already gone. Let's follow up on the lead Fui Gen gave me yesterday. We have a better chance finding him that way,".explained Wen Qinxi before standing up to leave.     

Qie Ranzhe gave the woman one more menacing stare and stood up to leave as well. Just when they reached the door, the woman suddenly called out to Feng Zi saying, "You have a chance."     

Wen Qinxi knew exactly what she was talking about but didn't linger around. Of course, he had a chance it was just a matter of time.     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't a busybody but he just couldn't help but ask Feng Zi, "What is she talking about?" while handing back the envelope to him.     

Wen Qinxi casually replied, "A chance to find my father," lying through his teeth. There was no way he was going to expose himself this early. Wouldn't that be equivalent to committing relationship suicide? Though he had spoken clearly, Qie Ranzhe wasn't one to give up easily so he asked, "How about what Lin Lin said today?"     

Wen Qinxi suddenly stopped in his tracks and asked, "Did you eat some of Lin Lin's fudge? Why are you too inquisitive today?" trying to get Qie Ranzhe to back off. Qie Xieling actually said that Qie Ranzhe was looking at Feng Zi as though looking at a piece of candy and that Feng Zi should be careful because candy was made to be eaten. His words were innocent using candy as an analogy but Feng Zi's brain flew in the opposite direction.     

Qie Ranzhe could sense Feng Zi's uneasiness and so decided to let it go and use other means to find out. So he put the cat ear headband on Feng Zi's hair and brazenly said, " Pretty."     

Wen Qinxi's cheeks turned pink making him look like cute manga with flushed cheeks and cat ears. "Piss off!" yelled Wen Qinxi before stomping away.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

" look even cuter when you are angry. Wait let me take a picture," yelled Qie Ranzhe running after Feng Zi like a boy running over to coax his girlfriend but instead of a cute girlfriend it was more like chasing after a fierce lover. This was even more apparent when the cute cat headband was suddenly thrown in Qie Ranzhe's face.     

Qie Ranzhe, "....."     

He was finding it extremely enjoyable teasing Feng Zi.     

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