Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Xieling's Allergy To Bubble Baths

Third World: Xieling's Allergy To Bubble Baths

0It is common sense that if you keep sweeping things under the rag at some point a lump will protrude from underneath exposing your secrets to everyone. Well, his statement was especially true for Zhao Huangzhi as her filthy lies and secrets were exposed. When she met Qie Ranzhe at the reception she wanted to throw a fit and yell at him and so she began to cause a raucous.      4

Qie Ranzhe naturally could see through her so he dragged her away to a room he had reserved and as soon as he closed the door, she began to spit fire with her poisonous tongue. "What do you think you are doing? He's a criminal not your friend. How will your father react when he finds out that you two are sharing a table like old buddies. Aren't you afraid you would get implicated too? People will think you purposefully helped Feng Zi steal the crystal," she said her face red with rage.     

Qie Ranzhe was silent the entire time seemingly unperturbed by the hysterical woman. He leisurely strolled over to the minibar and took out a small bottle of vodka. In unhurried steps, he sat on comfy chair before unscrewing the bottle cap while staring at her.     

Being stared at like this Zhao Huangzhi swallowed hard before carrying on with her voice a bit softer. "That boy is your kid, right?"     

Qie Ranzhe finally paused his actions and responded, "No, he's not mine," in a somber tone before drinking half of the small bottle.     

Zhao Huangzhi thought he would tell the truth but it turns out the man chose to deny it. Did he think she was stupid? "Why are you fuckin lying to me. He looks like you, he even transforms into a dragon and he's as stubborn as you. Hell, his mannerisms are even the same as yours yet you dare deny it. Do I look stupid to you?"     

Qie Ranzhe could understand why she did come to that conclusion but if he said that kid isn't his then he isn't. Frustrated, he massaged his forehead while saying, "I said he's not mine, now drop it."     

The word 'drop it' seemed to fan the flames for Zhao Huangzhi with her rage spiralling out of control as she began to yell tossing things in the room. "Such a fuckin liar...Qie Ranzhe don't you fuckin test my patients. Tell me which slut did you sleep with to get that kid!" yelled Zhao Huangzhi followed by loud smashing sounds when Qie Ranzhe didn't respond.     

Meanwhile, in a room a few doors over. Wen Qinxi had just gotten Qie Xieling to take a bath with great difficulty. He didn't recall Wen Danzhe fighting as much as Qie Xieling did just not to take a bath. At some point he asked Qie Xieling, "Are you freaking allergic to water or something?" but the response he got was rather shocking. The brat actually dared to stick out his tongue at him and run off.     

In the end, Wen Qinxi triumphed and successfully caught him placing him in the bubble bath. The feisty baby dragon was finally tamed quietly sitting in the bathtub after being tricked into taking a bath. The shameless adult had actually dared to use fudge as a means to get him in the tub.     

Wen Qinxi was so exhausted sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the bedside. Qie Xieling was now dressed in his cute dinosaur pajamas, his hair dry while holding the stuffed dragon plush toy. Seeing that Feng Zi wasn't moving, Qie Xieling got off the bed and sat opposite him curiously watching him.     

Wen Qinxi who was being stared at by the little monster asked, "What are you looking at?" while gently flicking Qie Xieling's forehead.     

"I hate bathing," replied Qie Xieling feeling somewhat guilty for giving Feng Zi a hard time.     

"Mn, I know but you better start liking it otherwise this episode will repeat itself everyday," said Wen Qinxi with a smile that seemed to be challenging Qie Xieling.     

"What? I have to do this everyday?" asked a perplexed Qie Xieling. For the little dumpling, this was simply torture.     

Wen Qinxi rubbed the kid's head and stood up to place some grapes in a plate when he heard loud noises as though something was being smashed to the ground. Qie Xieling jolted up and ran to Feng Zi, his face petrified. The kid was genuinely frightened as his stay with Grizzly had left a psychological shadow on him.     

"It's okay. Don't be scared," said Wen Qinxi in a gentle soothing voice reaching out for his phone, "Here watch this and I will go take a look." Qie Xieling was reluctant to let Feng Zi go but he was utterly helpless staring at the man with eyes that seemed to be begging him to stay.     

Wen Qinxi ignored the sorrowful expression and placed some earphones in Qie Xieling's ears and searched a kids show online for him to watch. He left Qie Xieling sitting in bed with a plate of the grapes and a stern expression like an adult as though watching something seriously. This scene was too cute, he almost wished he could take a picture but dropped the idea when he heard another loud crash.     

Pissed off, he rolled up his sleeves and walked down the corridor looking for the vile person who had the balls to cause trouble and scare Qie Xieling. He even found some guests also peeping out their doors staring at each other in puzzlement while some called the front desk.     

Wen Qinxi didn't bother with the inquisitive guests and finally stopped at room 898. He loudly knocked the door like a police officer with the noise in the room quieting down. The door was immediately opened with Zhao Huangzhi's angry face showing up right in front of him. The kind of deadly stare would have any sane person running away but Wen Qinxi wasn't fazed directly scolding her.     

"Do you want me to commit you into a psychiatric ward? Keep it down or I won't hold back cause you are a girl," said Wen Qinxi before turning to leave. Qie Ranzhe was still seated in the chair and when he saw Feng Zi he feelt apprehensive but as soon as the man turned to leave after scolding Zhao Huangzhi, he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling upset that Feng Zi hadn't acknowledged him.     

Just as Feng Zi turned to leave he saw Zhao Huangzhi raise her hand to strike him so Qie Ranzhe quickly got on his feet and grasped her wrist stopping her in time. "I will take care of this," said Qie Ranzhe to Feng Zi smiling thinly.     

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