Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Let's Split

Third World: Let's Split

0Wen Qinxi could tell Qie Ranzhe was in a horrible mood so he left immediately only to bump into Airen. Misunderstanding her reason for being outside, he said, "You can go back to bed. I have handled it," while patting her shoulder before going back to his room.      1

Actually, Airen didn't leave. She had a bone to chew with Qie Ranzhe so she silently waited for him to come out. After having found out from Feng Zi earlier on why Qie Ranzhe shot him, she was here to take revenge. She personally witnessed the meticulous care Feng Zi had towards Zhao Huangzhi only to turn around and be accused of assault. Airen was not only going to deal with Qie Ranzhe but also his mouthy girlfriend so she stood in wait. One of them was bound to come out soon.     

Qie Ranzhe was naturally unaware of the angry mama bear lying in wait outside his door. He had finally had enough of Zhao Huangzhi and wanted to end the unnecessary drama in his life that sprung up the first day he met her. He even began questioning himself why he was even interested in her in the first place.     

"Are you done?" asked Qie Ranzhe sitting back down.     

Zhao Huangzhi who had been expecting him to match up with her screaming voice was momentarily stunned. Qie Ranzhe's exact attitude right now was giving off an 'I don't give a fuck' vibe which made her panic a little. Had she taken things too far?     

"W-what do you mean?" she asked her speech incoherent.     

"It seems you said all you wanted to say then it's my turn to speak," he said his gaze cold and indifferent. Zhao Huangzhi only realised then that something bad was about to happen.     

In genuine panic she cried out, "Ran-ge wh-," but her voice grew silent when Qie Ranzhe placed his index finger on his lip gesturing for her to keep silent. His appearance was calm but terrifying at the same time forcing Zhao Huangzhi to shut her lips tight becoming as quiet as a mouse.     

"My next question will determine the direction in which we are headed. If you don't answer me truthfully then things between us will end badly so I did appreciate it if you are honest with me. Nod if you understand," said Qie Ranzhe with his legs crossed, his arms stretched over the armrests of the chair.     

He was both intimidating and sexy at the same time causing Zhao Huangzhi to momentarily lose herself admiring the man of her dreams. She immediately nodded in agreement and so Qie Ranzhe asked the question. "Did Feng Zi attempt to sexually assault you? Oh.....remember what I said earlier just in case you plan to lie to me,"he asked with his index finger gently rubbing against his lower lip.     

Zhao Huangzhi's body tensed up on tenterhooks as she felt her entire world collapse. She was stuck in a dilemma unable to decided what to do. If she told the truth Qie Ranzhe would never trust her again exposing her true nature but if she lied and he found out then the ending would be far worse. There was no other choice, she had to put up a pitiful expression and lie her way out of this. The likelihood of Qie Ranzhe finding out the truth was obviously slim so she forced out some tears and weakened her knees pretending to lose strength.     

She was expecting Qie Ranzhe to catch her but the man didn't even lift a finger and coldly watched her as she performed an act worthy of the Oscars. "Ran-ge, wuwuwuwuwu, why don't you believe me? That man did disgusting things to me. He wanted to do to me what those filthy pigs did to your mother. Ran-ge ho-," she said but Qie Ranzhe got so angry that he picked up a bedside lamp and threw it at the wall with a loud Bang!     

"Don't you fuckin mention my mother. You think I don't know what you are trying to do?" said Qie Ranzhe his visage still as calm as ever but internally he was fuming. This was the moment he finally saw things clearly just like when the grey dark clouds suddenly clear the skies showcasing the beautiful sun.     

"Let's split. I can't be in a relationship with you anymore," he said before rising to his feet, "You will be departing for Headquarters tomorrow morning and that's an order." Just like that Qie Ranzhe walked out of the room that looked like it had just gone through a 9.1 megaquake.     

Zhao Huangzhi wanted to beg and stop him from leaving but she found that she couldn't move. Her entire body was trembling rooted to the ground with tears streaming down her face.     

How could things have ended this way? It didn't make sense? "Feng Zi, yes. It's all Feng Zi's fault. He turned my Ran-ge against me. This was his plan.....his plan...Feng Zi's plan," she muttered to herself like a crazed maniac.     

"Aaaahhhh!" she screamed while pulling at her hair seeming deranged. After crying herself to death she finally regained her composure. How could she let that criminal have the upper hand?     

"I am Zhao Huangzhi damn it," she said washing her face in the bathroom, "I can't be toppled over by a mere peasant." After patting her face dry, she took her phone and sat on the bed before dialing a number. It was time to bring the big guns and bring down Feng Zi once and for all.     

In a few rings, a croaky voice was heard threw the phone asking, "Whoever you are you must be courting death calling me at this hour."     

"Fa-father-in-law, it''s me. I am calling this late because I have something to tell you," she said with a forced smile on her face.     

"Speak," said the old man on the other side of the call followed by shuffling sounds as though getting out of bed. He decided to ignore the father-in-law remark and let her carry on.     

"It's about Feng Zi....he is manipulating the General...     

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