Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Who Knows A Man Better Than His Wife?

Third World: Who Knows A Man Better Than His Wife?

4Qie Ranzhe on the other hand was curiously staring at that tattoo running up Feng Zi's entire arm. He had seen it when Feng Zi was being operated on after being shot but didn't pay much attention. Now he was curiously staring at it wondering why Feng Zi got it in the first place.      4

Wen Qinxi was just closing the bathroom door when he was startled to see two people staring at him like he owed them money. "What?" he asked tossing his bloodstained clothes in the bin.     

The two immediately averted their gaze with Zhao Huangzhi saying, "Get out," in a commanding tone while Qie Ranzhe took another sip of his soda.     

Wen Qinxi strolled over and leaned against the table right next to Qie Ranzhe with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a brittle smile plastered on his face. "I can leave but there is no guarantee that I won't escape," he said honestly.     

"General, I request you detain the prisoner," she said her tone suddenly turning formal. Qie Ranzhe heard her but he wasn't willing to let Feng Zi out of his sight. He was fully aware of what the man was capable of and he was fairly certain he was the only one who could tame Feng Zi.     

Wen Qinxi nudge Qie Ranzhe with a taunting smile saying, "General you heard the Commander. Why don't you detain me?"     

Qie Ranzhe's eyes turned cold as he placed the can on the table and resolutely said, "Not going to happen."     

Infuriated Zhao Huangzhi attempted to convince him but Wen Qinxi found this couple's squabble annoying so he curiously began to look around. Soon the arguement became background noise to him as he unconsciously picked up the ice cold can of soda and took a sip, followed by another. It was after three sips that he snapped out off it when Zhao Huangzhi yelled, "What the fuck!"     

Wen Qinxi swallowed the sweet cool liquid down his throat and asked, "You talking to me," pointing to himself with the hand that was holding the soda can.     

Zhao Huangzhi was completely engrossed in anger yelling, "You!" but she was so infuriated that no other words came out.     

Wen Qinxi didn't know why he was suddenly roped into this disagreement. Seeing his confusion, Qie Ranzhe decided to clarify things. "That's mine," he said pointing at the can.     

Wen Qinxi stared at the can that was almost empty and said, "Oh," before lifting his head to stare at Qie Ranzhe while taking the last sip, "well, its mine now" in a ambiguous tone. Qie Ranzhe felt his heart skip a beat with goosebumps forming all over his body being stared at like that.     

Wen Qinxi supressed a smile finding amusement in teasing Qie Ranzhe. He vowed from then on to torment a seemingly straight man.     

"I will just go outside and give the two of you some space," he said tossing the now empty can into the bin. As a nerd this is the only sporting activity he was good at as he normally tossed empty cans of energy drinks in the trash while pulling an all nighter programming.     

He was about to stand up when Qie Ranzhe said, "Who allowed you to leave?" his voice as cold as ice. Wen Qinxi actually settled back down obediently as it was now second nature to listen to Qie Ranzhe like a well behaved wife.     

"Get the fuck out!" yelled Zhao Huangzhi disregarding army ranks but Wen Qinxi didn't move an inch suddenly feeling a headache.     

Lightning sparks began to crisscross between Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Ranzhe. The two were stuck in a stalemate with mounting tension filling the room. Wen Qinxi couldn't bear it anymore so he decided to interject. "How about I....," he said casually rummaging through Qie Ranzhe's pocket causing the General's muscles to stiffen with a 'what the fuck' expression.     

"Ah dage....don't look at me like that. If looks could kill you would have murdered me already. I just need your phone," said Wen Qinxi successfully retrieving Qie Ranzhe's phone, "I will listen to music and you two can carrying on pecking at each other like chickens."     

In under ten minutes Wen Qinxi had scratched at Qie Ranzhe's bottonline twice breaking two of the General's ten rules. One, he had robed the General's food and second, he had touched the General's things which if Zhao Huangzhi had done she would get an icy cold shoulder for a period of no less than two weeks yet Feng Zi was left unscathed. Qie Ranzhe was obviously angry but he wasnt angry enough to do something about it.     

He silently watched Feng Zi put on earphones and sprawl onto the bed at the far end of the motorhome. At first he wanted to retrieve his phone but when he recalled how encrypted his device was he relaxed confident that Feng Zi wouldn't be able to open it. He was expecting the man to bring back his device but after waiting for a minute, Feng Zi didn't return.     

In fact, he was already scrolling down the playlist. Qie Ranzhe was dumbfounded but decided to let him use his phone hoping it would appease Zhao Huangzhi since Feng Zi was no longer eavesdropping.     

But boy was his wrong as Zhao Huangzhi was the least bit appeased. "How does he know your password?" she asked with a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't allowed to touch his things yet he was being lenient with Feng Zi. She suddenly felt like not speaking anymore.     

Qie Ranzhe shrug his shoulder and replied, "Don't know."     

He thought the guy might have hacked into his phone or something but completely dispelled that idea as Feng Zi wasn't smart enough for hacking. Actually, Wen Qinxi didn't hack his phone but he knew Qie Ranzhe too well and easily guessed his password. Who knows a man better than his wife?     

He even shamelessly put his fingerprint in the phone so it could recognize him later as he had a slight suspicion that after this Qie Ranzhe would change his security settings. Satisfied, he listened to music disregarding the two people arguing over him.     

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