Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Sleep With One Eye Open

Third World: Sleep With One Eye Open

0Wen Qinxi exited the dark room holding the dead capybara that was meant to be Banhen. He wanted to show the rest of the gang members that their leader was dead and give them a choice but he was shocked to find the rest of the gangsters were already stiff corpses scattered all over the compound.      4

He didn't even have time to make sense of everything when he noticed he was surrounded by armed soldiers pointing their weapons at him. In front of him was Qie Ranzhe's black suv with its owner leaning against the bumper of the car casually tossing a grenade as though playing with a stress ball. Zhao Huangzhi was right beside him sitting on the car bonnet legs crossed with her back leaning against the windscreen.     

This appearance made it seem as though they had been waiting for him for a long time. "Shit," swore Wen Qinxi with a twisting pain in his chest as he tossed Banhen's corpse on the ground before half raising his hands in surrender. A soldier soon strolled over and turned his body around to frisk him for weapons but who would have thought Wen Qinxi would attack the solider as soon as he lay hands on his body. He didn't appreciate being fondled by a stranger.     

The atmosphere immediately turned stiff with the other soilders unconsciously placing their fingers on the trigger but Qie Ranzhe stopped them before he personally grabbed Feng Zi's back collar and dragged him into a nearby building. Seeing this, Zhao Huangzhi immediately hopped off the bonnet and followed behind them. She wouldn't pass up an opportunity to make Feng Zi miserable so she swaggered over.     

In the room Feng Zi was easily subdued by Qie Ranzhe but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight. "Relax!" yelled Qie Ranzhe fully aware that his old friend was in his crazed state making it hard to reason with him. While Wen Qinxi was putting up a fight, Qie Ranzhe was frisking him for weapons which was a mindblowing experience.     

On the surface alone, Qie Ranzhe seized five handguns, three pistols and two daggers. The guy was indeed packing and the general knew this wasn't all of it. It's just that the rest were in places he couldn't touch. "Take out the rest of the stash and I will let you heat me to vent your anger," said Qie Ranzhe before releasing Feng Zi.     

In high school, he used to use the same method to have Feng Zi vent his anger. After the beating their friendship would resume and what they fought about already forgotten. This method might have worked in the past but their friendship was already nonexistent but it was worth a shot.     

He was impulsive when he shot Feng Zi but didn't expect the other to cry which brought him back to the day they first met. He rescued Feng Zi from a group of bullies which was the first and last time he had seen Feng Zi cry. Yet the man cried again when he shot him making the general feel guilty.     

Though ridden with guilt he couldn't tolerate the fact that Feng Zi actually tried to force himself on Zhao Huangzhi. This made the situation more complicated which is why he chose to use this method and temporarily wave the white flag because he needed Feng Zi to find Feng Yu.     

Wen Qinxi who had been bottling up his feelings all this time immediately agreed. He had wanted to express his dissatisfaction towards Qie Ranzhe but didn't have the opportunity but it seemed the universe heard his plea and gave him this golden opportunity.     

Wen Qinxi immediately began to take out the weapons he was hiding in his person placing them on the table one by one with his vicious gaze fixated on the General. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't realise when Zhao Huangzhi entered the room. To him she was just a part of the crappy furniture so he didn't even spare her a glance let alone acknowledge her.     

Qie Ranzhe noticed this but didn't say anything. In the past, Feng Zi would be already prostrating in front of Zhao Huangzhi or flirting with her. Qie Ranzhe brushed it off as Feng Zi being too angry to notice Zhao Huangzhi so didn't mention it.     

Two brass knuckles, three pocket knives and four flash grenades later, Wen Qinxi finally finished off loading. Qie Ranzhe nod his head in tacit understanding and slowly approached Feng Zi permitting him to go ahead. Wen Qinxi was angry but he was hesitant to beat Qie Ranzhe. If it weren't for the psycho setting and painful memories of being shot he most definitely would have held back.     

"You dared to shoot me right?" said Wen Qinxi clenching his fists with a fierce gaze that could scare the dead.     

"Go ahead," replied Qie Ranzhe seeming unfazed which further infuriated Wen Qinxi. He was expecting an apology for being shot of no reason but he still didnt know Zhao Huangzhi accused of him of assault.     

Pissed off, Wen Qinxi was unrestrained punching Qie Ranzhe in the gut a couple of times before kicking him on the shin. Zhao Huangzhi felt her heart hurt seeing her beloved general being assaulted by the bald chicken but she knew the rules clearly. This was between them and she couldn't interfere so she could only find something to preoccupy her time.     

Her attention was soon grasped by a phone lying amongst Feng Zi's pile of weapons. Curious, she swiped open the phone only to see a wallpaper with a boy around the age of six to seven sleeping in a car. At first, she brushed it off and began to search for Feng Yu's information assuming this was Feng Zi's main phone but she soon stopped when she realised something was off about this kid.     

She raised her head and looked at Qie Ranzhe then at the kid. 'No it can't be. It must be a trick,' she thought and turned her aggression towards Feng Zi. "Hey," she said tossing the phone at Feng Zi's head, "who the fuck is this?" with the sound of the phone crashing in the ground.     

Wen Qinxi stopped his actions and stared blankly at the device with a cracked screen on the ground. Qie Ranzhe also followed Feng Zi's line of sight and judging from the mad man's expression he could tell this was important to him and Zhao Huangzhi had broken it. This exact moment was best described as the calm before the storm so Qie Ranzhe picked up the phone for him.     

Feng Zi didn't even acknowledge the general instead grabbed a knife from the weapon pile and lunged forward intending to slash Zhao Huangzhi's throat. Wen Qinxi's temper plus the psycho setting were a recipe for disaster creating the perfect nuclear weapon that even the system began to panic but even the mighty Jolie couldn't turn off this setting.     

Qie Ranzhe could tell the seriousness of this situation and so held back Feng Zi with the instigator pretending to act all innocent like a white lotus. It seemed as though Feng Zi was the big bad wolf bullying a helpless girl. If Qie Ranzhe had walked into this situation he would have easily believed Zhao Huangzhi was a victim, too bad this time he was there from the beginning.     

"Bitch you are fuckin courting death!" yelled the angry Wen Qinxi pointing the knife at Zhao Huangzhi. He really wanted to slash her throat but he was suddenly flung over Qie Ranzhe's shoulders and carried out of the building. But even then he kept struggling while pointing the knife at her. "Put me down, this has nothing to do with you," said Wen Qinxi before addressing Zhao Huangzhi again, "you better watch your back.....You better sleep with one open."     

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